Perfil de sheepygrins > Diario

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Nave actual:
(Diamondback Explorer)
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Descubrimiento(s) de sistemas:
459.106.009 Cr
The first neutron

Discovered my first neutron star today, shortly after flying through the gravitational lens of a black hole nearby. Landed on the first planet in the system and wow the views... the number of nebulae in the sky, the band of the galactic core (far better than what you get in the bubble) and the luna-like surface... it is an incredible combination.

Now it's on towards the galactic core. May visit Sagittarius A* on my way in, but likely I'll do that on my way back. As my plan is to go past the core and further out, then return to Colonia to cache my data and see what the new bubble of humanity has to offer.

Hopefully in this trip I'll finally find my first Wolf-Rayet and black hole systems.