Perfil de unlogical > Diario

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(Krait Phantom)
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Descubrimiento(s) de sistemas:
200.533.324 Cr
Back to the Bubble #5

I flew the Distance to Rohini. Then i flew the final Distance to the Bubble. The Part to the Bubble were as bit more than 7k Lightyears.

I had two are three emergency stops. Tiredness is not the best state at the helm.

Back to the Bubble #4

Today i made ca 110 Jumps. Thats ca 2k to 3k Lightyears.

So I'm circa halfway to Rohini. Also there are still 120 Jumps left.

Back to the Bubble #3

Today I started from Polo Harbour and travelled 2.193,90 Lightyears.

To the next stop in Rohini there are still 230 Jumps left. So the journey continues.

Bakc to the Bubble #2

Today i flew ca 7,500 Lightyears to Polo Harbour.

I had some accidents on my way there. Two high Gravity Planet Encountersm, that caught me a bit off guard. Also I made the Genius move, to try to repair my FSD Drive while in Supercruise. Didn't went so well...

But a reached Polo Harbour in one piece, and there i repaired everything. The next step will be travelling to Rohini, with 295 Jumps. Also i optimized the Route, and visited less Colonia Connectiuon Stations.

Back to the Bubble #1

Startet from Explorer's Anchorage and flew 3,800.27 ly in direction of Polo Harbour.

There i will rejoin the Colonia Connection and travel back to the Bubble. See this Route for Reference (

Explorer's Anchorage #3 Reaching a Destination.

Starting from Waypoint #7 i flew 5.646,38 to Stuemeae FG-Y d7561.

So i reached Explorer's Anchorage without a special Incident.

After reaching Explorer's Anchorage i visited Sagittarius A*, looks really fascinating.

Now its about finding the next Destination.

Explorer's Anchorage #2 Going On

So today I started from Waypoint #4 and made all the Way to Wypoint #7.

So i flew 2.861,03 ly from Waypoint #4 to Waypoint #7. That are 5.723,68 ly in total and 5.646,38 ly to go. That means the half of the way is done.

No special events. Scanned some Systems and did one Surface Scan.

Explorer's Anchorage #1

So i decided to visit the Explorer's Anchorage Station. Given that i am at Colonia at that point, that are 11.370,06 ly.

The planned Route is: The Waypoints are actually generated from the EDSM-Route-Planner.

Today I did the first 2.862,65 ly to Waypoint #4. No special events. Crossed into the "Odin's Helm" Region.

Colonia #9 Finale

Started from Polo Harbour in the Boewnst KS-S c20-959 System.

Flew ca 2500 Lightyears to Vihara Gate in the Kashyapa System. Then made a short visit at Martyr's Rest.

Then I flew the final 2500 Lightyears to Colonia. This makes ca 5000 Lightyears today.

After arriving in Colonia i first visited Jaques Station. Then made some Data Delivery Missions and returned to Jaques Station.

I think I will stay in the Colonia Region for some time making Missions now. The next major trip will be then either Explorers Anchorage or back to the Bubble.

Colonia #8 Failed Curiosity and Short Visit

Startet from Gagarin Gate in the Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 Sytem. Then travelled ca 2000 Lightyears to Caravanserai in the Gandharvi System.

Looked at a Megaship in the System and got killed. Pretty hard to defend your self whith an Explorer-Build. After respawning at Caravanserai flew ca 2500 Lightyears to Polo Harbour in the Boewnst KS-S c20-959 System.

While flying to Caravanserai i made a quick regional change to the Norma Arm Region. But my route took me back to the Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm Region quite fast.

So i flew ca 4500 Lightyears today. Only 4786 Lightyears to go.

The next system to visit will be Kashyapa. That will be the final stop before Colonia.