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WISE 0855-0714

Continuing my journey outwards from Sol, I encounter this faint star. It's an Y dwarf, with surface temperature of 368 K (95° C) — this star shouldn't even glow in the dark. Planets here are nothing more than a dark chunks of ice. Some 30 thousand poor souls sustain their living here.

There are two gas giants with rings in system, so at least there are RES sites for mining. Last planet is a ringed ice world — it's ringed terrestrial planet closest to Sol.

There's a Salvageable Wreckage near the moon of first planet. Interestingly, it's affected by gravity and falls very visibly towards the moon (this may imply that it's very recent, but alas, it's not). Another field is near the first gas giant.

Near the first moon of a fifth planet (gas giant) there is an agricultural installation. Views here can be quite spectacular. It is unknown what crops they grow there, given dim light conditions.

There's a single space outpost orbiting a second gas giant — quite a big distance away from it, you can barely see the planet from there. No way I'll be staying here for long.

Luhman 16

Luhman 16 is the third-nearest star system to the Sun. It's a double of two L dwarfs. In 33rd century its system is sparsely populated with only 170 thousands residents living in two orbital outposts, one surface settlement with landing pad and several other surface settlements (visitors not welcome). Most planets here are landable, but there are some atmospheric bodies and a large icy body (11 Earth masses, 15475 km radius) orbiting both stars at a distance. Fifth and sixth planets are twin planets — closest to the Sol. Otherwise they are unremarkable and unlandable icy bodies. Only feature of interest is Salvageable Wreackage field near second planet. System is awash in eerie dim red light of dwarf stars. Overall mood is dark. Definitely not a vacation resort.

Barnard's Star

Barnard's Star is the fourth-nearest known individual star to the Sun (after the three components of the Alpha Centauri system) and the closest star in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. It is the fastest star in terms of proper-motion. Otherwise, it's a rather unremarkable red dwarf. In 33rd century its system is sparsely populated with only about 1,2 million residents.

First planet is a hot HMC with outpost around it — just about 6 light seconds from the star, making it a nice place to land.d Second is remarkable as a Water World closest to the sun. But it's very hot and unhospitable, no settlements around it. Third planed is called Cooke and is a landable rocky body with two major settlements and an Orbis station around it. Fourth planet, Birmingham World, is also a landable rocky body with one major and one minor settlement and a Coriolis station in orbit. No other space colonies in system, but some outer planet moons have small settlements. Fifth and sixth planet are ringed Jovian gas giants with 6 and 2 moons respectively.

There's a herald message on system Galnet about missing pilot Isla Elmasri found in crashed Sidewinder on Alpha Centauri's 2042 L1 on lat 69.2 lon -127.25. It's indeed there (information will be added to entry on that system).

It's rather unremarkable system, but it's close to Sol and has space stations near the star, so it's a nice place to do some missions in Core worlds. No beacons or special features found.

Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri is the closest star to the Sol — cradle of mankind. In the 33rd century it is mostly famous because of 'Hutton run' — two hour journey to Hutton Orbital, an outpost near Proxima Centauri. Many newbie commanders go there to get free Anacondas — only to find that outpost has no shipyard. Hey, at least they get the rare mug and complete a rite of passage.

System itself has 3 stars: Alpha Centauri A (G class) and B (K class), and the dreaded Proxima Centauri.

There are some interesting and mysterious places in system. There's a listening post around Alpha Centauri B: Listening post in Alpha Centauri Looks like I'll have to go to George Pantazis system for next link.

Planets in this system are near a Lagrange point around first two stars. First planet is called 2045 PC2. It's landable, but without settlements. 2045 PC2 There's also a civilian installation near the this planet: Civilian installation in Alpha Centauri There's a nav beacon, some traffic and two scannable satellites around. Nothing interesting though.

Third planet is rather unremarkable blue gas giant called 2071 AC3: 2071 AC3

Largest planetary body in system is Lagrange, a big Jovian gas giant. Lagrange There's a wreckage field nearby (mostly imperial ships, it seems): Wreckage in Alpha Centauri Also there's an outpost called Al-Din prospect: Al-Din prospect Very limited services there. Lagrange has a landable moon (2042 L1): 2042 L1 There's a small settlement (Michelson Vision) with some skimmers and no landing pad. Michelson Vision At 69.22, -127.26 there's a crashed Sidewinder with two canisters: wine and coltan. Apparently, pilot had been rescued recently (see Barnard's star log). Crashed Sidewinder Guess it's a case of drunk flying. There's a data core (encrypted) and data point, both give nothing.

Finally, close to Proxima Centauri orbits a single non-landable planet called Eden (though surface conditions are more like Hell). Eden There's another wreckage field here, mostly the same as the first one: Wreckage field near Eden

Hutton orbital is a primary starport here, and apart from Centauri Mega Gin and some mugs to drink it from, and a tourist beacon, there's nothing interesting there. For the mug! Hutton orbital Recommendation: only visit it once. Maybe twice. Listen to the radio on the way.