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Ross 128

Strangely, it's an Alliance protectorate, right in the heart of Federation space. This system is known as prison colony (not as secure nowadays as it was once) and requires (or required?) a Federal rank of Ensign to enter. There isn't much to see: Grant's Claim (High metal content world), Galton Hangar (civilian outpost) and Warren Prison Mine (Coriolis Station). The outpost is orbiting star itself, not a common thing. There's a visitor beacon with details to Maurice Grant's death. Sad story of greed and gold rush driven colonization and Federal takeover. Herald article is freelance report about Alliance takeover of system.

Lacaille 9352

This star system could be galaxy's backyard due to low population and lack of POI, but it supports high technology economy, so it has its attraction. There are two rocky landable planets, one ringed (and quite large — 15,6 EM) icy world, two class 3 gas giants and two class 1 gas giants. There's a Coriolis station near second planets and an outpost around one of gas giants. None of the planets or satellites seem to feature any interesting terrain. One herald message in system's Galnet probably refers to community goal, completed long ago. Interestingly enough, system is featured in The Shadeward Saga by Drew Wagar, one of Elite's official novel authors. It seems to be unrelated to Elite, however.

WISE 1506+7027

For a T dwarf, this star is not bad at all. It has a bunch of ringed gas giants (all class 1, of course, but with different colors — one blue, others beige), lots of moons and a ringed ice planet. Space settlements are also plentiful — there is a large space port, two outposts and supermax-security penal colony on one of the moons (every prison is supermax when there's nowhere to run). Found nothing special in system.

Epsilon Eridani

Epsilon Eridani is a popular tourist destination near Sol. The planet of New California has been terraformed quite early in universe's history, and made to be a giant theme park. Story of WorldCraft corporation and their theme parks is told through a series of tourist beacons in the system. Beside the New California, there are two rather boring rocky planets, three orbital ports and some surface settlements. Fourth planet is a nameless gas giant with a very turbulent atmosphere. No Herald entries, no POI other than tourist beacons. Sublime order of Van Maanen's Star is present in system, so there's opportunity to get permit.

Ross 248

This system is icy desert. There are plenty of planets across the two stars in system (fifteen, in fact, not counting moons), but all of them are icy worlds without population and settlements. Only 3 moons are landable. I scanned all planets and dropped into some signal sources, but other than some poor guy in escape pod, found nothing worth mentioning.


At last, a place where people want to live — 13,3 billion of them, in fact. Duamta is F-class white star, providing plenty of energy for a thriving civilization. There are four major starports — one around each of first four planets, and an outpost around sixth. It is somewhat strange that fifth planet, despite being terraformable, has no spaceport around it. Two outer planets are icy worlds with rings. Landable moons in system have five settlements with docking facilities. Fourth planet has been terraformed. There is a strange white spot on it. No herald messages in Galnet, no beacons, no installations. Boring system, but with good facilities, RES and some fine views.

Ross 154, Yin Sector CL-Y d127

Another day, another star system. Ross 154 is rather unremarkable M-class dwarf star. Very close to the parent star orbits Aster — first class II gas giant on our outwards journey. It has a terraformed moon called Merlin. FFE veterans should remember it well. A Coriolis starport orbits near gas giant.

In system Galnet there is a Herald message about the death of some Jacob Scarlett, last seen in Ross 446. He was officer of some police force, aiming to combat smuggling. His ship was discovered floating on the fringes of Ross 446 system. Will investigate later. Next is a rocky world appropriately called Dust Ball, and five icy planets, four of them landable. Only the last has two settlements with docking facilities. Last planet is non-landable.

After an obligatory tour of outer planets and some donations to get allied with a couple new factions, I left the system for Yin Sector CL-Y d127 — double star system without planets. Empty, just as expected.


Ah, the Sirius system. Permit locked, but I got permit long ago. Visited it perhaps too many times with modular terminals in cargo hold for Marco Qwent — this guy is major asshole.

Thankfully, there isn't much to see here. Single class III gas giant (first of its kind) called Waypoint, a space station orbiting it, a white dwarf (another first of its kind), a metal rich dwarf planet with a surface settlement and an outpost around it. And an engineer base (fuck you, Marco). There are plenty tourist beacons in system. Also some Galnet Herald messages, but all are freelance reports.

Lalande 21185 & UV Ceti

Lalande 21185 is a triple star system without planets and space settlements. I checked all 3 components for POI and found nothing.

UV Ceti is a double system without planets and settlements. Nothing here either.

Wolf 359

Finally, a 'real' star! But only two rocky planets, each with a starport and a surface base. No wonder there's only 130 thousand people living here. Nothing to see here, maybe except for high security large settlement on first planet, but don't expect a warm welcome.