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Catch Up

It's been a while since I put pen to diary so here is a quick appraisal of my shenanigans to date.

Absolutely raging here in deepest dark space. I spent an hour writing up the last 4 weeks and for whatever reason in the process of publishing it has gone and deleted itself.


This exploration gig certainly has it's ups and downs. You'd think it repetitious but everyday there's usually something...

Currently I'm lingering around the region before our next RV which is Phua Fraae AA-A h0. It's in order to let Cmdr Silver Taffer kind of, catch up. Although we aren't travelling together we're watching each other's hairy silver back as we try to take in this expedion to the nominated systems around some cardinal points and places of interest.

Taffer, who has always been bringing up the rear, has had to indulge his jumponium stock to get to Sphiesi HX-L d7-0. Worse still, he has really plumbed it's depth to get himself back out from that desolate western point of the Milky Way. Between that and using the neutron highway to get closer is taking its toll on his ship I fear. He'll be able to sort that out when he hits one of the DSSA Carriers though. Re-stocking his jumponium materials is another matter.

No shortcuts, he'll have to hit some planet surfaces to replenish. I have noted any systems I've come across that have bio's or geo's with the good stuff and I'll pass these onto him as he gets near their vicinity. Our next major RV is Star One, the closest system in our galaxy to the Andromeda System. I understand a full complement of Jumponium is almost a necessity. At least 40 in and out if you have a pre-determined course. Much more if flying by the seat of... I imagine.

So whilst I'm lingering, I scan and map all that surrounds me. I'm finding a relative abundance of water worlds and an occasional earth like world. Some geo sites but much rarer bio sites on the plot I'm on.

Think the Taffmeister is only 2500 Ly's behind me now. Truck on Taff...


So there I am, still over 2000 light years from my RV with TP and no SRV. Remember I'm out in the Void. I'm burning through jumponium like no business.

There were big discussions between me and TP and the squadron Apes about what can be done. Very little in fact. TP was already at the RV carrier and informed me it had no shipyard so this didn't look good for me. I went on to the Discord Fleet Carrier Club's page for SOS and asked my question. Almost instantly I was receiving good feedback. It seems if a carrier has repair and restock I would be fine. So with fingers crossed I put suicide out of my mind and plodded on.

It was late in the evening 2 days later when I reached the DSSA carrier at Xothae MA-A d2. I was in luck and managed to get all my repairs done and I also have a shiny new Scarab tucked in down below. I even bought a set of polished alloys for the wee beastie. That is a happy ending to a moment of lapsed concentration resolved.

Onwatds and upwards they say. I am about to set out on the next leg of our journey towards Star One. Going to make this a bit of a dog leg in order to save on jumponium while keeping an eye out for those materials on the way. So here goes, fair winds I hope.


Well here we go..unbelievable stupidity from you guessed it, me!

I heard the call from the galley, 'Lunch is served'.

I was roaming the surface of one of 2 bodies I'd found right next to each other that had Geo sites containing exactly what I needed to increase my jumponium materials namely Cadmium and Polonium. All was well with the world. Well with my little bit of the world anyway. I had gathered sufficient from the first body and recalled my ship and it had only just landed but about 2 KM away. I got the second call to come and get this before it gets cold. So I thought this'll take but a few minutes. I'll just park here and be back in a tick.

Whilst munching away we had a visitor this led on to conversations that distracted me. Finally taking advantage of the situation I had to take leave of my premises. Out of sight, out of mind.

When I returned some hours later I jumped straight into the chair and launched my SHIP heading to the other planet for the Polonium. It was only when I landed and popped down to the hold to find I had no Scarab!

I must have run out of fuel and it self destructed while I was out and I re-spawned back into my pilot seat. Utterly gutted. You can imagine.

One step beyond

Well not really. It's one step before.

My next jump will take me to Sphiesi HX-L d7-0. The furthest most westerly system we can reach currently. I am in the footsteps of the great explorers. In the shadow of TP of course but well out of sight. I am stumbling along here on my own.

I must admit it has been wearing on me plotting this route. The final 2000Ly's have been time consuming. I blame inexperience and a lack of confidence. Instead of knuckling down and doing it without worry, I feel having support close by is frustrating me. That it should be easier than I am finding it.

After my next jump which will be the final destination of this trip I'll have to make my way out of the void. Again I am in no mood to start plotting blind. Taking routes that will push me up blind alleys and further frustrating me. I could of course re-trace my incoming plot until I get back to normal jump range systems but.... yes what would be the point of that?

I think the whole problem I'm having is that I'm not in the correct frame of mind for this expedition currently. Is it the actual exped that is pushing me to feel like this though? Comments below and don't forget to click Like & subscribe....

Space madness, too much YouTube as well. Last jump, here goes....

Update 1

Same day and well on my way. Forgot to mention the start and finish co-ordinates.

I set off from the USS Erikson, a Fleet Carrier parked out permanently at HYPOE BLOAE KZ_Z C16-6. This was our rendezvous point for the end of the second leg. My ship needed a fair bit of TLC in the shipyard. I also cashed in just over 200M of carto. I don't feel bad about giving up 25% to these guys who put themselves out to leave a carrier for us travellers. Well done and thank you.

The final target for this jaunt is SPHIESI HX_L D7-0 This will work out to be just over 11,000 Ly for me because it will be a zigzag path since you can't plot a direct route. This being because the ships star map won't compute trips where a jump is beyond your ships capability.

The Diamondback Explorer, 'Formidine Drifter' is a well rounded exploration vessel which will land on small pads. With a 63 Ly jump range and the right modules internally it is ideal and hopefully give the advantage in landing on a body where the terrain is poor. Previously my big exploration trips have been in my well appointed Exploraconda, 'The Sir John Kirk'.

Generally so far I have been hitting systems that are occupied with between 10- 30 bodies so I've had work to do. Including a few to map and get my name on. Talking of which, I cracked the 2500 barrier for new systems discovered. A great milestone for me.

Part 3 The final jump

Although this is part 3, there is no Part 1 nor 2. The Presence and I kicked off this idea to hit the furthermost west point available in our Milky Way.

There was of course a leg 1 & 2 it's just that I didn't document it as it was straight forward target and jump. As it turned out we found a few interesting things. Now however it might get a bit tricky as we'll need to start using Jumponium. The stars are starting to thin out a bit.

Finally, although we are doing this kind of together, we aren't travelling together or winged up for that matter. Since the start I don't think we've shared the same screen. No pics to prove it!

So that's it. A brief praicie of the journey and about to do the first jump on the last leg. Let's go........

Altered Carbon

Humanity has spread to the stars We set out like ancient seafarers to explore the limitless ocean of space.

But no matter how far we venture into the unknown. The worst monsters are those we bring with us

...and on.

Just a quickie. I plod on in the name of absolutely nothing. If I don't keep going then it all comes to an end. I need to get back to my home in Colinia. I know, FDev spelled it wrong.

My dog leg strategy is working well. I am constantly jumping into new and unexplored systems. I mean, this is what it's all about. Hoping to land somewhere and find the elusive alien site nestled somewhere out here in the black. Considering where the Generation ships have been found there's no chance of finding a remnant of our natural 'Ancients', as far out as this. How good would it be to come across an escaped relative of the Guardian culture though? Or even some derivative of their nemesis, the AI that they created? You couldn't imagine what level they may have morphed into.

In my spare time, bed time reading, I try and catch up with ED lore. I admit currently I know literally nothing but every morsel is like a feast. I'm back on the booze so I raise a glass to those intrepid adventuring detective explorers who strive to solve the puzzles scattered around the black.

So because of these thoughts I contemplate future destinations. With Hawkins, Formadine and Raxxla floating in my small head. Exciting times ahead but first I need to get home and cash in. How much for a fleet carrier did you say???

More progress

Seems I am on the path of greatness. Another system first discovered by Sam Ishum. I only know he was the first to visit this system. The details are sketchy at best. I know not when or how long ago that intrepid explorer passed through here but I feel it was long enough that he didn't have the tools to scan all of the bodies here.

I have made 1.3M mapping just one body. I'll give him a bum if we ever meet. They say it isn't good to meet your heroes. I don't know. We'll see come Lavecon in July. Make sure you are well bathed fellow Apes. Yes, that means you two heroes, Taffer and Presence.

Pah! I'm rambling. The direction I'm travelling has the sun in my eyes. Sure I'm missing a ton of stuff. Is it reflections or do I have cataracts?