Perfil de FunkyPixie > Diario

Nombre de Comandante:
Nave actual:
Shippy Ship Ship MK2 [FU-30A]
Miembro desde:
Distancias subidas:
Sistemas visitados:
Descubrimiento(s) de sistemas:
22.161.374.484 Cr
Sucessful HR 6164 landing

HR 6164 Landing

Woo I managed to land on a high gravity planet and survive


See title

Arrival back at Ishum's Reach

Awesome I finally arrrived back at Ishum's Reach. Now where next? enter image description here

I found the Zurara.

While looking up infomation about the formidine rift, I found out about the mystery of the Zurara, A megaship that ended up with all its crew dead. thats pretty sad. anyways, i found out the location and traveled there, it took around 2 days in my annaconda but i got there and it looks very stunning. enter image description here

Kepler's Reach is very nice (and big)

No seriously.... this part of the milky way requires a lot of FSD injections to traverse this sector

I escaped the Xibalba Sector

Finally I have escaped from the fsd injection ridden hellhole that is the xibalba sector and I’m finally back in keplers crest


I really like this view

Yesterday I managed to land my SRV onto my annaconda Cool

this is gonna suck

I just realized that this expediton may be longer then i expected.... oh well

Arrived at 3 Geminorum

Ok, So I have arrived at 3 Geminorum it took multiple FSD injections and a lot of time but I got there, and it looks really nice down here.

Arrival at Goliath’s Rest

The Milky way lovely from up here!

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