Perfil de RKMNgaming > Diario

Nombre de Comandante:
Nave actual:
Bastion II [RK-X11]
(Alliance Challenger)
Miembro desde:
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Descubrimiento(s) de sistemas:
Expedition Over

Friday, 3rd of May 3305

CMDR's Log,

I've returned from a 2 week expedition of exploring the galaxy. I at first had plans to just make the 22k Light year journey out to Colonia and to then make my way back. My route followed along the "Colonia Connection Highway" starting at "Eagles Landing" in the Eagle Nebula and Ending in "Vihara Gate" in the Kashyapa system ,around 19k light years from Sol, before I made my final stretch to Jaques Station in Colonia. I decided to head out towards the Galactic Core while I contemplated making a second journey to Sagittarius A*. Around a quarter of the way into Odin's Hold I decided against it and to just head home while stopping at a System a friend had told be about along the way back, known as "The Three Kings". I travelled through the Norma Arm and into the Norma Expanse stopping off at The Three Kings before continuing back towards the bubble.

Around 10k Light Years from Sol, give or take, I decided to head back to Colonia to gain access to "Etienne Dorn" an Engineer in "Los" who could further my Life Support Engineering to Grade 5 Lightweight. After I had returned to Colonia and completed my work for Dorn, I pinned the Lightweight Grade 5 Blueprint for further use when I was back within the Bubble.

While at Colonia I had several Discussions with two associates of mine, One CMDR Baize and Andartu on the subject of Raxxla and the Mystery around it. The whole topic made me interested in Visiting a Mega Ship said to be connected with the whole thing, "The Zurara" way out in the Formadine Rift. So thats where I headed next, through the Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm, followed by the journey through both Temple and the Elysian Shore. It was lucky that I managed to discover an Earth Like Planet just as I entered the Shore, made sure to Bookmark the System. After around 2 days of Jumping and scanning through the FSS I made it to SYREADIAE JX-F CO where the Zurara was said to be located.

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I found the ship exactly where it was said to be and managed to take home some Logs which explained what happened to it, as well as Recover some Additional Logs left by someone who had visited the Ship previously. What she had to say was cryptic and unsettling but interesting nonetheless.

After the Zurara, I had still had a few Points of Interest that I planned to visit before making my way back into Inhabited Space. The Bubble Nebula was first, an interesting Nebula shaped as you would expect like a bubble, coloured an uncommon shade of blue.

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From the Bubble Nebula I travelled to the famed Heart and Soul Nebula, I planned to visit the two Nebula to pay respects to a CMDR I knew, whos ship malfunctioned and initiated a reboot and repair while he was travelling to a planetary base. He crashed onto the surface of the planet and was instantly killed by the impact. I made a pit stop at "Base Camp", a Station built into an Asteroid in Soul Sector EL-Y d7. From there I could not only rest and do some repairs to my Ships modules but also get a stunning view of the Soul Nebula while also being able to see its neighbour the Heart Nebula through an opening in the red.

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The final waypoint before home was the Crab Pulsar which was around 7k Light years out from my position. This close to home the journey to the Crab Nebula felt longer than I had thought but I made it there nonetheless with a few more undiscovered systems for the Universal Cartographics. Although I forgot to take a picture of the Crab Nebula itself I did manage to grab a picture of a High Metal Content world within the system as I was about to Jump out.

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With my visit to the Crab Nebula over, all that was left was to head back to the Bubble which was only 7k Light Years away. So I began the final stage of my journey, seemed such a small distance compared to what I had travelled. I added over 50k light years to my name and managed to make about 1 Billion Credits in rewards. Now I'm back here doing some engineering, I obtained Exploration Elite from the discoveries I had from my expedition, now all thats left is combat so I might just go Scout Popping and finally earn Triple Elite.

CMDR RK Signing off.

Material Gathering

Sunday 5th of May 3305

CMDR's Log,

The engineering is coming along nicely or at least was. Now I'm having to gather up all the materials needed to complete the builds. Right now I've only got the Shield Boosters and Weapons to engineer on the Mamba and then I'm going to move onto the Phantom. I managed to engineer the Frame Shift Drive on Vide (My Phantom) before I left. So far the experience has been more than acceptable, managing to go 1500 light years in only 30 or so jumps. I was told by some other CMDRs of some systems of which there were planets with Biological Crystal sites that when harvested gave out some of the most rare minerals. It was true, I managed to fill up on some of the more rarer elements, such as Antimony, Tellurium, Yttrium and a couple others. Now I'm at Dav's Hope, an abandoned Settlement in the system HYADES SECTOR DR-V C2-23, Collecting up all the manufactured materials I can get, everything from Chemical Manipulators to Polymer Capacitors. I hope to be able to start finishing up the engineering within the week. There is also the matter of building out a ship for Scout Popping however I haven't decided how to proceed on that front. I expect that I'll be here for at least another hour, most likely more, but its work thats gotta be done if I'm gonna be able to finish both the Mamba and Phantom.

CMDR RK, Signing off.