Didi Vatermann

Location: Leesti / Vatermann LLC
Specialisations: Shield boosters, Shield generators

Unlock requirements: Provide 50 units of Lavian Brandy

Shield Booster - Thermal Resistant (Grade 1)

With this blueprint, kinetic and explosive resistance are lost in preference for enhanced thermal resistance.

Kinetic Resistance
Thermic Resistance
Explosive Resistance
Micro resource Hinta
Blast Block

Advanced field resonation patterns increase resistance to explosive damage, at the cost of overall shield strength.

Optimal strength (-1%), Explosive resistance (+2%)
Inconsistent Shield Soak Analysis (x5)
Heat Resistant Ceramics (x3)
Heat Dispersion Plate (x3)
Selenium (x2)
Double Braced

Additional, hardened supports and bracing further improve module survivability.

Integrity (+15%)
Distorted Shield Cycle Recordings (x5)
Galvanising Alloys (x3)
Shield Emitters (x3)
Flow Control

Advanced software and internal sensors regulate energy flow more efficiently, reducing module power draw.

Power Draw (-10%)
Inconsistent Shield Soak Analysis (x5)
Security Firmware Patch (x3)
Focus Crystals (x3)
Niobium (x3)
Force Block

Enlarged projection nodes increase resistance to kinetic damage, at the cost of overall shield strength.

Optimal Strength (-1%), Kinetic Resistance (+2%)
Unidentified Scan Archives (x5)
Shielding Sensors (x3)
Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis (x2)
Super Capacitors

Additional, advanced capacitors increases overall shield strength at the cost of damage resistance.

Optimal Strength (+5%), Kinetic Resistance (-2%), Thermal Resistance (-2%), Explosive Resistance (-2%)
Untypical Shield Scans (x3)
Compact Composites (x5)
Cadmium (x2)
Thermo Block

Improved feedback protection and reinforced projection nodes increase resistance to thermal damage, at the cost of overall shield strength.

Optimal Strength (-1%), Thermal Resistance (+2%)
Anomalous Bulk Scan Data (x5)
Conductive Ceramics (x3)
Heat Vanes (x3)