Galactic Mapping > Routes > There and Back Again, A Hound's Homage

I am currently sitting aboard the DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour' getting some repairs after my first visit to Beagle Point as I write this.

Our beagle, Jack, loved to "play spaceship" and was with me for my first trip to Sagittarius A a couple years ago. We lost him to cancer this past June. After realizing that Beagle Point had been named in memory of another commander's beagle (also named Jack), my wife and I agreed that I had to go. I built out a new exploration ship and planned the trip to arrive on his birthday (December 29th).

I decided to follow the Distant Worlds 2 waypoints again for this trip, with a slight detour to Colonia using the Colonia Connection Highway (Blue Star Line). When the in-game route plotter couldn't handle the final leg of the trip, I decided to follow Karaya's Smuggler's Path across the Abyss.

Waypoint System DW2 CCH (BSL) SP
1 Pallaeni 1
* Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 2 Y
2 Rohini Y (1)
3 Gandharvi Y (2)
* Boewnst KS-S c20-959 5 Y
4 Kashyapa Y (3)
5 Colonia
6 Stuemeae KM-W c1-342 7
7 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 7
8 Sagittarius A* 7
9 Swoals IL-Y e0 8
10 Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 9
11 Bleethuae NI-B d674 10
12 Smootoae QY-S d3-202 11
* Cho Thua SB-W c15-1 375
13 Chua Dryiae QG-X b21-0 248
14 Puwee AL-P c5-0 116
* Ceeckia PO-Q a18-0 1
15 Beagle Point 12
* = Additional systems on or near my route added for completeness

I'll continue to update my route as I select waypoints to visit Oevasy SG-Y d0 (the furthest reachable system from Sol), and for my return trip.

Update (January 5, 3308): I've decided to follow the original Distant Worlds waypoints back from Beagle Point to Sagittarius A.

Update (February 4, 3308): I've arrived back at Explorer's Anchorage, and am now officially an Elite Explorer. After a short rest, I'll be heading back to Sol using the Distant Worlds II waypoints.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Pallaeni 112.6875 / 47.125 / 128.4375
#2 Rohini (Eudaemon Anchorage) -3374.8125 / -47.8125 / 6912.25 7 628,35 Ly
#3 Gandharvi (Caravanserai) -6703.5 / -157.84375 / 14108.03125 7 929,16 Ly
#4 Kashyapa (Kashyapa - Vihara Gate) -8392.03125 / -701.03125 / 17555.125 3 876,68 Ly
#5 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 2 532,96 Ly
#6 Stuemeae KM-W c1-342 (Armstrong Landing) 26.34375 / -20.5625 / 25899.25 11 367,79 Ly
#7 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 2,51 Ly
#8 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 3,66 Ly
#9 Swoals IL-Y e0 (Goliath’s Rest) 2302.84375 / 2852.1875 / 32393.5625 7 457,14 Ly
#10 Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 (DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call / Cerulean Tranquility) -681.09375 / -950.5625 / 34219.34375 5 167,04 Ly
#11 Bleethuae NI-B d674 (Morphenniel Nebula) 17.3125 / -669.46875 / 37357.53125 3 227,23 Ly
#12 Smootoae QY-S d3-202 (Luna's Shadow) -0.53125 / 1.75 / 51798.25 14 456,32 Ly
#13 Chua Dryiae QG-X b21-0 -382 / -55.71875 / 60845.25 9 055,22 Ly
#14 Puwee AL-P c5-0 (The Smuggler Depots) -1260.125 / -21.53125 / 61899.84375 1 372,75 Ly
#15 Myeia Thaa RI-B d13-1 -1575.3125 / -16.5625 / 65348.75 3 463,28 Ly
#16 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75 484,92 Ly
#17 Oevasy NA-A d0 -1577.75 / -23.375 / 65544.8125 552,52 Ly
#18 Oevasy RG-Y d0 -1550.34375 / -13.6875 / 65622.21875 82,68 Ly
#19 Oevasy SG-Y d0 (Semotus Beacon & Salomé's Reach) -1502.15625 / -2.625 / 65630.15625 50,07 Ly
#20 Oevasy RG-Y d0 -1550.34375 / -13.6875 / 65622.21875 50,07 Ly
#21 Oevasy NA-A d0 -1577.75 / -23.375 / 65544.8125 82,68 Ly
#22 Myeia Thaa RI-B d13-1 -1575.3125 / -16.5625 / 65348.75 196,20 Ly
#23 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75 484,92 Ly
#24 Cheae Eurl AA-A e0 (The Sublustris Beacon) 7632.3125 / 3.625 / 60397.75 10 010,53 Ly
#25 Qautheia BA-A e0 (The Roncevaux Crossing) 7847.34375 / 3.125 / 55262.40625 5 139,84 Ly
#26 Oupailks BB-M c8-5 (Oupailks Furnace) 6776.71875 / 376.78125 / 46679.59375 8 657,40 Ly
#27 Rendezvous Point 6026.09375 / -5.0625 / 42547.59375 4 216,95 Ly
#28 Greeroi MD-Q d6-5 (Greeroi Depot) 4578.6875 / 1052.34375 / 37904.5 4 977,09 Ly
#29 Pheia Briae DK-A e303 1097.6875 / 449.40625 / 36082.8125 3 974,85 Ly
#30 Eok Gree TO-Q e5-3167 (Green Crystal Stellar Remnant) -1502.9375 / -329.46875 / 30671.1875 6 054,39 Ly
#31 Eorld Byoe YA-W e2-4084 (Rose Nebula) -1259.84375 / -177.4375 / 30270.28125 492,88 Ly
#32 Dryao Chrea VU-P e5-7481 (Dryao Chrea Stellar Remnant) -1105.125 / 407.71875 / 29433.84375 1 032,46 Ly
#33 Phipoea DD-F c26-1311 -482.40625 / 513.09375 / 28225.0625 1 363,83 Ly
#34 Nyuena JS-B d342 (Altum Sagittarii) 29.09375 / 1976.53125 / 25859.5 2 828,28 Ly
#35 Stuemeae KM-W c1-342 (Armstrong Landing) 26.34375 / -20.5625 / 25899.25 1 997,49 Ly
#36 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 2,51 Ly
#37 Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 (DSSA Buurian Anchorage / The Dryau Awesomes) -1523.75 / 1340.6875 / 20976.59375 5 338,33 Ly
#38 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 6 663,27 Ly
#39 Clooku EW-Y c3-197 -5476.1875 / -61.84375 / 11929.84375 4 589,61 Ly
#40 Pru Aescs NC-M d7-192 -3183.53125 / 73.59375 / 8595.65625 4 048,63 Ly
#41 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) -1444.3125 / -85.8125 / 5319.9375 3 712,23 Ly
#42 Sol 0 / 0 / 0 5 513,18 Ly