Galactic Mapping > Routes > Sol - Colonia - Sagittarius A* - Sol

My pilgrimage to the galactic core, I'll be using as many stations on the way to Colonia as possible.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Sol 0 / 0 / 0
#2 Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 (Hillary Depot) -54.5 / 149.53125 / 2099.21875 2 105,24 Ly
#3 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) -469.1875 / -84.84375 / 4456.125 2 404,56 Ly
#4 Lagoon Sector FW-W d1-122 (Attenborough's Watch) -467.75 / -93.1875 / 4485.625 30,69 Ly
#5 Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 (Observation Post Epsilon) -612.40625 / -31.5 / 5182.875 714,76 Ly
#6 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) -1444.3125 / -85.8125 / 5319.9375 844,87 Ly
#7 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (Eagle's Landing) -2054.09375 / 85.71875 / 6710.875 1 528,39 Ly
#8 Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders)) -5131.71875 / -275.625 / 10365.21875 4 791,30 Ly
#9 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 467,88 Ly
#10 Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 (Gagarin Gate / Vostok-1 Nebula) -4990.84375 / -935.71875 / 13387.15625 3 018,83 Ly
#11 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 3 396,89 Ly
#12 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 4 786,59 Ly
#13 Kyloarph DV-Y e4134 (Céimnithe Nebula) -6938.125 / -730.34375 / 20886.1875 2 813,36 Ly
#14 Kyloaln GR-W e1-5394 (Simmic Kyloaln Nebula) -6422.15625 / -1067.375 / 21016.53125 629,92 Ly
#15 Screakou EW-N e6-5997 (La vie en Rose) -5743.78125 / 234.25 / 21914.25 1 720,56 Ly
#16 Dumbaa XJ-R e4-5596 (Blue Lilies Nebula) -4252.625 / 196.09375 / 22780.84375 1 725,11 Ly
#17 Phroi Flyuae MN-S e4-4719 (Copycat Nebula) -2902.53125 / -84.9375 / 24197.96875 1 977,37 Ly
#18 Myriesly EC-B c27-381 (Amethyst Cloud Depot) -528.0625 / 38.875 / 25726.5625 2 826,66 Ly
#19 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 582,89 Ly
#20 Nyuena JS-B d342 (Altum Sagittarii) 29.09375 / 1976.53125 / 25859.5 1 997,85 Ly
#21 Zunuae HL-Y e6903 (Zunuae Nebula) -437.34375 / 199.53125 / 23539.96875 2 958,97 Ly
#22 Athaip DW-N e6-3063 (Athaip Wisteria Nebula) 511.84375 / -1020.875 / 23171.3125 1 589,42 Ly
#23 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 1 006,13 Ly
#24 Hypoe Flyi HW-W e1-7966 (Galionas) -857.65625 / -912.875 / 22318.1875 1 639,79 Ly
#25 Dryaa Pruae BG-X d1-1087 (Fleur-de-Lis Nebula) -2516.53125 / -966.15625 / 20884.71875 2 193,07 Ly
#26 Whamboi KT-F d12-2262 (Red Prophecy) -1644.5 / 1169.3125 / 19212.0625 2 849,29 Ly
#27 Dryau Aowsy MR-W d1-6259 (Keelblack Rings) 432.71875 / 79.375 / 18295.84375 2 518,38 Ly
#28 Froarks GM-D d12-355 (Gleeson's Gem) -533.59375 / 209.6875 / 15375.09375 3 079,21 Ly
#29 Chroabs TI-S d4-58 (Goliath) -423.78125 / 1769.1875 / 14719.34375 1 695,32 Ly
#30 Gria Hypue UG-S d5-779 (Aquitania) 6.03125 / -59.15625 / 13558.53125 2 207,95 Ly
#31 Bleae Aewsy IY-N b9-1 -290.09375 / 572.28125 / 11936.03125 1 766,04 Ly
#32 Skaudou TO-I d9-17 (Arethusa) -733.9375 / -1171.75 / 10030.125 2 621,28 Ly
#33 Lysoorb FW-N e6-15 (The Rings of Atreus) 777.4375 / 245.0625 / 7886.46875 2 981,09 Ly
#34 Syralia JT-V b7-0 (Gibb's Bridge) 1276.1875 / 1016.84375 / 5509.09375 2 548,79 Ly
#35 Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1 (Bleia Dryiae Glowing Green Giant) -836.40625 / -112.5625 / 4826.15625 2 490,99 Ly
#36 Herschel 36 (Lagoon Nebula) -468 / -92.1875 / 4474.625 509,62 Ly
#37 Thor's Eye -439.84375 / -86.625 / 4205.15625 270,99 Ly
#38 Droju IG-M a103-0 -264.78125 / -33.28125 / 3876.46875 376,20 Ly
#39 HD 175876 (Heaven's Lathe) -644.1875 / -472 / 2299.3125 1 680,43 Ly
#40 46 Upsilon Sagittarii -653.1875 / -442 / 1598.3125 701,70 Ly
#41 Antares 71.5 / 138.40625 / 531.375 1 414,35 Ly
#42 Sol 0 / 0 / 0 553,74 Ly