Advanced search > Stations

Found 6 272 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Roberts Ring
Haste / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 109,01 ly
765,70 ls      
Onizuka Prospect
Taoshas / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Extraction 109,05 ly
1 260,67 ls      
Anderson Hub
Kokobii / Outpost
Empire Patronage High Tech 109,13 ly
2 785,81 ls      
LHS 2687 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,13 ly
0,00 ls      
LHS 2687 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,13 ly
0,00 ls      
Narita Gateway
LHS 2687 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Agriculture 109,13 ly
235,19 ls      
Watson Enterprise
Aditjargl / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Extraction 109,16 ly
1 799,53 ls      
Weil Station
Kunuvii / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 109,17 ly
122,94 ls      
Wallis Mine
Slavisc / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 109,28 ly
21,46 ls      
Anaruwa / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,28 ly
548,87 ls      
Valigursky Station
Halbangaay / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 109,28 ly
2 752,03 ls      
Hooke Gateway
LHS 6187 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 109,31 ly
1 317,59 ls      
Johnson Vision
BD+12 5016 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Confederacy Industrial 109,33 ly
562,33 ls      
Pellegrino Depot
Hnossit / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 109,34 ly
36,39 ls      
McMonagle Dock
Paiyungh / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 109,36 ly
10 849,34 ls      
Lee City
LP 214-1 / Outpost
Empire Corporate Industrial 109,40 ly
56,31 ls      
Geston Gateway
LP 214-1 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 109,40 ly
30,50 ls      
Marshall Dock
Riedquat / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 109,46 ly
368,58 ls      
GCRV 1568 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,48 ly
1 465,88 ls      
Cernan Dock
GCRV 1568 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 109,48 ly
1 475,26 ls      
GCRV 1568 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,48 ly
0,00 ls      
GCRV 1568 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,48 ly
1 504,35 ls      
GCRV 1568 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,48 ly
1 464,09 ls      
Cornsar / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,49 ly
0,00 ls      
Chadwick Port
Cornsar / Ocellus Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 109,49 ly
64,54 ls      
Ali Orbital
HR 5960 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 109,52 ly
2 891,31 ls      
Chamitoff Hub
LTT 13380 / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Industrial 109,60 ly
186 093,14 ls      
Deb Mines
HR 6669 / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 109,61 ly
745,56 ls      
Kazantsev's Progress
Firen / Planetary Outpost
Empire Feudal Extraction 109,66 ly
1 656,31 ls      
Kronecker Dock
Firen / Orbis Starport
Empire Feudal Agriculture 109,66 ly
657,13 ls      
Meuron Station
Li Szu / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 109,69 ly
4 661,69 ls      
Zibal / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,75 ly
0,00 ls      
Hire Port
Zibal / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 109,75 ly
658,35 ls      
Zibal / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 109,75 ly
0,00 ls      
Goldstein Port
Lembava / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate High Tech 109,75 ly
280,47 ls      
Morrison Dock
Lembava / Outpost
Federation Corporate High Tech 109,75 ly
393,08 ls      
Land Orbital
Jambavan / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 109,78 ly
1 776,56 ls      
Maury Vision
BD+20 1018 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 109,83 ly
1 557,70 ls      
Kaleri Dock
Beledos / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 109,84 ly
1 420,18 ls      
Slonczewski Station
Serktomes / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Refinery 109,85 ly
26,96 ls      
Naddoddur Terminal
Yembo / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 109,87 ly
1 008,61 ls      
Bryant Hub
LP 442-37 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Industrial 109,96 ly
712,86 ls      
Coleman Hub
GCRV 3791 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 110,01 ly
2 182,22 ls      
Morgan Port
Lese / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 110,02 ly
725,48 ls      
Samokutyayev Enterprise
Lese / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 110,02 ly
30,72 ls      
Hoften Enterprise
Zoqui Xuang / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 110,05 ly
19,15 ls      
Nicollet Settlement
Qahatini / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Refinery 110,13 ly
23,53 ls      
Petaja Enterprise
Kons / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Extraction 110,13 ly
2 041,93 ls      
Makarov Station
Kons / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 110,13 ly
1 347,76 ls      
Paez Freeport
Xuan Wena / Outpost
Alliance Communism Refinery 110,14 ly
897,98 ls      
Scortia Terminal
Vaiurisc / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 110,14 ly
77,82 ls      
Forbes Prospect
Nanamatha / Planetary Outpost
Independent Feudal Colony 110,19 ly
411,55 ls      
Emshwiller City
Ngaiawang / Outpost
Empire Corporate High Tech 110,19 ly
1 508,30 ls      
Somayaji Terminal
CD-54 9671 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate High Tech 110,23 ly
652,85 ls      
Bernard Gateway
Idinda / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 110,26 ly
99,84 ls      
O'Connor Gateway
Idinda / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 110,26 ly
9 837,88 ls      
Savitskaya Vision
Nervi / Coriolis Starport
Independent Confederacy High Tech 110,27 ly
2 254,90 ls      
Phillips Ring
BD-04 2421 / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 110,29 ly
1 038,85 ls      
Musabayev Hub
Mirongkomi / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 110,29 ly
3 627,67 ls      
Thanatos / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 110,30 ly
0,00 ls      
Clark Terminal
LTT 4042 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 110,35 ly
579,78 ls      
von Helmont Enterprise
Kulungan / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 110,36 ly
568,81 ls      
Bursch Enterprise
Kulungan / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 110,36 ly
351,19 ls      
Napier Station
Kulungan / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 110,36 ly
466,54 ls      
Babas / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 110,36 ly
0,00 ls      
Carson Survey
Labed / Outpost
Independent Feudal Extraction 110,36 ly
113,89 ls      
McCaffrey Horizons
FAUST 3566 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Patronage Colony 110,40 ly
385,47 ls      
Poncelet Dock
Dhodia / Outpost
Independent Corporate Terraforming 110,44 ly
545,50 ls      
Loncke Base
Dhodia / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Colony 110,44 ly
2 477,97 ls      
Albategnius Terminal
Sherbo / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 110,50 ly
93,95 ls      
Bruck Port
Sherbo / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 110,50 ly
96,63 ls      
Haldeman Orbital
BD+39 876 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Refinery 110,51 ly
3 328,14 ls      
Pennington Terminal
Tsim Binavi / Outpost
Independent Feudal Extraction 110,53 ly
4 324,69 ls      
Clarke Port
LTT 1739 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Industrial 110,54 ly
1 564,73 ls      
Friend Hub
BD+46 2014 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture 110,55 ly
282,54 ls      
von Helmont Depot
Irulachan / Outpost
Independent Feudal Extraction 110,55 ly
6,51 ls      
Lagrange Hub
BD+21 55 / Outpost
Independent Communism Industrial 110,56 ly
104 763,68 ls      
Keyes Terminal
BD+21 55 / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 110,56 ly
104 765,80 ls      
Bennett Gateway
53 Virginis / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 110,57 ly
63 373,28 ls      
Veron Port
Gaunab / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 110,69 ly
10,92 ls      
Drexler Station
Muruidon / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Agriculture 110,72 ly
42 172,84 ls      
Crippen Orbital
Muruidon / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 110,72 ly
43 198,70 ls      
Cogswell Dock
Estae / Ocellus Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 110,75 ly
1 578,39 ls      
Fearn Orbital
UGP 120 / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 110,75 ly
1 443,96 ls      
Gutierrez Station
BD+30 4803 / Outpost
Independent Confederacy Extraction 110,75 ly
357,04 ls      
Back Enterprise
CD-34 9020 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 110,95 ly
1 499,62 ls      
Euclid Hub
CD-28 18361 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 110,97 ly
87,35 ls      
Leesti / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 111,03 ly
31,58 ls      
Chariot of Rhea
Leesti / Mega ship
Independent Corporate High Tech 111,03 ly
3 128,66 ls      
Garn Vision
Zapakhere / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Industrial 111,04 ly
133,04 ls      
Aksyonov Terminal
Villeachi / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 111,10 ly
11 349,91 ls      
Dyr Terminal
Maiden / Outpost
Empire Corporate Extraction 111,20 ly
53,15 ls      
MacVicar Camp
Humania / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Colony 111,22 ly
121 195,13 ls      
Norton Enterprise
Gulngaba / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Extraction 111,24 ly
55 768,47 ls      
Hermaszewski Ring
Ugraswar / Ocellus Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 111,29 ly
50,86 ls      
Carr Station
Ugraswar / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 111,29 ly
61,05 ls      
Roberts Terminal
Ugraswar / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 111,29 ly
877,03 ls      
Bulychev Ring
Kui Xiani / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 111,32 ly
54,42 ls      
Gabriel's Sanctuary 23408
Nat9481 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Extraction 111,40 ly
432,21 ls      
Shinn Port
No Chianga / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture 111,45 ly
478 955,41 ls