Advanced search > Stations

Found 7 658 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Lambert Vision
Kureserians / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 268,25 ly
17,28 ls      
Baily Enterprise
Selkit / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 268,71 ly
17,58 ls      
Riess Port
Selkit / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 268,71 ly
51,69 ls      
Herreshoff Depot
Wardh / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Refinery 270,18 ly
297 070,85 ls      
Brorsen Port
Iconti Shi / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 272,03 ly
460,58 ls      
Banno Depot
Nantoac / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 272,81 ly
289,35 ls      
Asami Port
HIP 20869 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 274,32 ly
864,19 ls      
Peters Station
HIP 117831 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Prison colony Extraction 274,77 ly
1 073,86 ls      
Celsius Installation
Eshu / Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 275,61 ly
2 596,48 ls      
Shajn Terminal
Eshu / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 275,61 ly
1 743,39 ls      
Almagro Settlement
Zaparo / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 275,84 ly
31 691,93 ls      
Arnold Survey
Khary / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 275,90 ly
34,83 ls      
Chios Plant
Yawalapiti / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Refinery 276,30 ly
8 539,92 ls      
Sweet Orbital
HIP 114333 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Extraction 277,13 ly
2 116,69 ls      
Bolkow Orbital
HIP 114333 / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 277,13 ly
4 226,76 ls      
Merritt Hub
Padh / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 277,31 ly
231,46 ls      
Sopwith Dock
HIP 16038 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 278,30 ly
847,88 ls      
Helffrich's Pride
Giras / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Extraction 278,35 ly
1 130,68 ls      
Chretien Oudemans Station
HIP 1536 / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 281,17 ly
16 418,34 ls      
Anderson Hub
HIP 1536 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 281,17 ly
1 648,12 ls      
Davis Landing
Wallites / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 283,08 ly
66,03 ls      
Laka / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 283,62 ly
1 100,32 ls      
Molyneux Dock
HIP 11575 / Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Extraction 284,61 ly
12 594,91 ls      
Dalmas Plant
HIP 1781 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 291,48 ly
144 000,09 ls      
Riemann's Folly
HIP 1781 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 291,48 ly
145,75 ls      
Gaughan Station
HIP 11469 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 293,05 ly
182,84 ls      
Chretien Oudemans Landing
Kokondji / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 297,24 ly
483,04 ls      
Cerulli Enterprise
Kokondji / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 297,24 ly
483,13 ls      
Narlikar Vision
HIP 117114 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Refinery 301,74 ly
101,47 ls      
Bolkow Hub
HIP 8711 / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 303,68 ly
2 001,61 ls      
Orcus Crag
Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 / Planetary Port
Empire Patronage Industrial 346,57 ly
33,86 ls      
The Oracle
Delphi / Orbis Starport
Independent Patronage High Tech 357,20 ly
3 093,41 ls      
Donar's Oak
Delphi / Ocellus Starport
Independent Patronage High Tech 357,20 ly
1 241,00 ls      
Hudson Observatory
HIP 17694 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Patronage High Tech 378,41 ly
1 314,77 ls      
Pratchett's Disc
HIP 74290 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Terraforming 379,25 ly
1 453,12 ls      
Kipling Orbital
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-11 / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 379,77 ly
321,75 ls      
Alcazar's Hope
Merope / Planetary Port
Independent Patronage Industrial 380,17 ly
3 003,39 ls      
Moni's Hub
Maia / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 383,31 ly
1 142,22 ls      
Attenborough Terminal
Almagest / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture 386,24 ly
899,36 ls      
Agricola's Ascent
Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 / Orbis Starport
Independent Patronage Military 387,81 ly
790,00 ls      
Seeker's Rest
Wregoe XQ-L c21-29 / Outpost
Independent Corporate High Tech 407,60 ly
1 516,91 ls      
Crimson Exchange
HIP 10792 / Orbis Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 498,74 ly
2 030,75 ls      
The Gnosis
Synuefe PR-L b40-1 / Mega ship
Independent Cooperative High Tech 504,49 ly
84,83 ls      
Viridian Orbital
Mel 22 Sector GM-V c2-8 / Orbis Starport
Alliance Dictatorship High Tech 545,33 ly
249,35 ls      
New Beaumont Dock
Synuefai LX-R d5-28 / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Agriculture 661,92 ly
1 060,19 ls      
Perseus Hold
Synuefai LX-R d5-28 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Agriculture 661,92 ly
233,02 ls      
Cinder Dock
Shenve / Planetary Outpost
Independent Workshop (Engineer) High Tech 876,94 ly
172,15 ls      
Bray Landing
Yuanjia / Planetary Port
Alliance Corporate High Tech 885,68 ly
253,32 ls      
Dervish Platform
Ogmar / Outpost
Independent Confederacy High Tech 21 996,30 ly
1 731,02 ls      
Exodus Reach
Ratraii / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 21 997,12 ly
871,88 ls      
Colonia Dream
Ratraii / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 21 997,12 ly
25,98 ls      
Oswald Park
Kojeara / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 21 998,42 ly
297,13 ls      
The Brig
Luchtaine / Planetary Port
Independent Workshop (Engineer) Colony 22 013,55 ly
1 467,03 ls      
Aragon Silo
Carcosa / Outpost
Independent Anarchy High Tech 22 017,71 ly
1 972,04 ls      
Amber Dock
Carcosa / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Service 22 017,71 ly
361,00 ls      
Robardin Rock
Carcosa / Asteroid base
Independent Anarchy Military 22 017,71 ly
7,69 ls      
Great Annihilator / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 23 000,00 ly
0,00 ls      
Athaip YR-H d11-6161 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 23 017,30 ly
699,57 ls