Advanced search > Stations

Found 9 042 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Artin Hub
HIP 27185 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 203,48 ly
3 076,35 ls      
Aller Station
HIP 117627 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 203,50 ly
2 111,63 ls      
Dalmas Reach
Pars / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 203,61 ly
186 604,27 ls      
Fairey Dock
Cocovicente / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 203,61 ly
1 411,04 ls      
Jones Silo
HIP 110397 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 204,10 ly
6 619,70 ls      
Hamuy Port
HIP 110397 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Terraforming 204,10 ly
370,28 ls      
Tilman Installation
HIP 110397 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 204,10 ly
6 376,01 ls      
Waldrop Arena
Pindilla / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 204,10 ly
1 209,22 ls      
Derleth Colony
HIP 11192 / Planetary Port
Empire Patronage Colony 204,14 ly
221,30 ls      
Esposito Enterprise
Bana / Ocellus Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 204,15 ly
2 165,76 ls      
Hussenot Ring
Panganau / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 204,16 ly
1 369,10 ls      
Petaja Silo
HIP 116125 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 204,26 ly
1 519,39 ls      
Tanaka Hub
Brigus / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 204,27 ly
1 229,29 ls      
Rondon Orbital
Vajrapem / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 204,46 ly
1 048,38 ls      
Dhawan Enterprise
Thadakha / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 204,48 ly
9 234,76 ls      
Margulies Penitentiary
HIP 16115 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 204,61 ly
2 209,85 ls      
Kotelnikov Orbital
Windjeri / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 204,76 ly
580,65 ls      
Hoyle's Claim
Vukuracians / Planetary Port
Independent Cooperative Colony 204,86 ly
15,89 ls      
Schoening Hub
Yu Shun / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 204,91 ly
213 894,52 ls      
Tomita Ring
HIP 115328 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 205,01 ly
79,33 ls      
Arago Prospect
HIP 118062 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Colony 205,14 ly
82 496,21 ls      
Sabine's Folly
HIP 12425 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 205,15 ly
304 786,02 ls      
Skolem Horizons
Yaque / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 205,16 ly
1 151,44 ls      
Lundwall Stop
Yaque / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 205,16 ly
1 151,06 ls      
d'Arrest Horizons
Dounthiassi / Planetary Port
Empire Feudal Colony 205,17 ly
62,66 ls      
Noon Bastion
Dounthiassi / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 205,17 ly
196,94 ls      
Bharadwaj Keep
Aditjari / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Colony 205,20 ly
248,35 ls      
Biermann Terminal
HIP 115181 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 205,26 ly
95,44 ls      
Paczynski Station
Lwena / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship High Tech 205,30 ly
361,38 ls      
Pacheco Mines
HIP 99902 / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 205,38 ly
33 978,81 ls      
Gwynn Point
Cabrala / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Military 205,46 ly
690,57 ls      
Boucher Dock
Ahaykenkan / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 205,51 ly
2 320,73 ls      
Vonnegut's Folly
Cauan Tzu / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 205,63 ly
4 066,53 ls      
Valigursky Bastion
Shosini / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 205,80 ly
2 282,71 ls      
Morris Barracks
Caucuma / Planetary Outpost
Independent Feudal Military 205,83 ly
785,34 ls      
Dunyach Point
Ngobe / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Military 205,88 ly
14 444,28 ls      
Pacheco Hub
HIP 108256 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Extraction 205,91 ly
588,01 ls      
Borrelly Hub
Purungurawn / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 205,96 ly
152 820,55 ls      
van der Riet Woolley's Claim
Bjorti / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 206,18 ly
1 106,92 ls      
Trimble Hub
HIP 12954 / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 206,19 ly
1 575,97 ls      
Neff's Claim
Lambda-1 Tucanae / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 206,42 ly
256,49 ls      
Malvern Orbital
Lambda-1 Tucanae / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 206,42 ly
3 400,39 ls      
Mohun Forum
Lambda-1 Tucanae / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 206,42 ly
256,52 ls      
Harrison Arena
HIP 102865 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Colony 206,56 ly
457,51 ls      
Marques Prospect
HIP 12860 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 206,57 ly
1 269,72 ls      
Naburimannu Market
HIP 11661 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 206,59 ly
1 006,64 ls      
Payne's Folly
HIP 11661 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Colony 206,59 ly
1 006,33 ls      
Mil City
Mapod / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture 206,62 ly
102,93 ls      
Panshin Silo
Mapod / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Military 206,62 ly
5 168,94 ls      
Lavochkin Terminal
Mariga / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Extraction 206,62 ly
71,80 ls      
Huss Dock
Tsanla / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 206,68 ly
30,05 ls      
de Balboa Exchange
Tsanla / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 206,68 ly
30,05 ls      
Littrow Dock
Tsanla / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 206,68 ly
41,15 ls      
Maskelyne Vision
HR 8444 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 206,72 ly
1 509,52 ls      
Goldberg Dock
HIP 114585 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 206,83 ly
53,99 ls      
Argelander Port
HIP 114585 / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 206,83 ly
76,88 ls      
Truly Dock
HIP 7142 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Agriculture 206,84 ly
300,68 ls      
Crumey's Claim
Ngadji / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 206,99 ly
188 310,57 ls      
Nourse Relay
Bandumar / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 207,26 ly
4 448,50 ls      
Challis Station
Ix Chowagit / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture 207,47 ly
834,00 ls      
Wilhelm Klinkerfues Port
Ix Chowagit / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 207,47 ly
19 319,83 ls      
Anthony Camp
Karakmo / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 207,57 ly
3 454,42 ls      
Turner Dock
Makau / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 207,85 ly
730,35 ls      
Killough Vision
HIP 86063 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 208,01 ly
50,77 ls      
Sitter Silo
HIP 20509 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 208,02 ly
773,87 ls      
Dedekind Horizons
Kwelenii / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 208,03 ly
34,61 ls      
Banks Settlement
Kwelenii / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Colony 208,03 ly
24,12 ls      
Whitcomb Market
Kwelenii / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Agriculture 208,03 ly
159,45 ls      
Weyn Dock
64 Arietis / Ocellus Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 208,05 ly
1 108,74 ls      
Sleator Penal colony
Chebaei / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 208,05 ly
3 218,01 ls      
Williams Installation
HIP 91434 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 208,13 ly
2 396,40 ls      
Binney Horizons
HIP 105408 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal High Tech 208,14 ly
3 115,25 ls      
Dall Dock
HIP 85064 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Extraction 208,14 ly
2 300,98 ls      
Witt Observatory
HIP 19408 / Planetary Port
Independent Feudal Colony 208,15 ly
293,01 ls      
Payne-Scott City
Aegida / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 208,32 ly
1 538,75 ls      
Hill Horizons
HIP 115929 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 208,56 ly
80,40 ls      
Collins Vista
HIP 115929 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 208,56 ly
80,40 ls      
Anderson Port
Wanjul / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,58 ly
334,22 ls      
Dalgarno Station
Kamchadals / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage High Tech 208,58 ly
22,00 ls      
Bachman Arsenal
Koyans / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 208,63 ly
1 697,26 ls      
MacCready Vision
Koyans / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,63 ly
362,03 ls      
Volterra Depot
Velnambe / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 208,82 ly
1 699,64 ls      
Izumikawa Prison
Tumuzgo / Planetary Port
Empire Corporate Colony 208,88 ly
14,97 ls      
Powell Barracks
HIP 113607 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Military 209,21 ly
2 052,81 ls      
Fuchs Depot
HIP 74286 / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Extraction 209,48 ly
505,84 ls      
Kurland Vista
HIP 27986 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 209,49 ly
1 385,81 ls      
The Indra
HIP 27986 / Mega ship
Independent Patronage High Tech 209,49 ly
4 368,91 ls      
Jones Terminal
Tacahuti / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 209,57 ly
36,41 ls      
Ahmed Terminal
Mbegua / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 209,62 ly
678,92 ls      
Wilhelm Horizons
Qetesh / Planetary Outpost
Empire Feudal Colony 209,89 ly
259,34 ls      
Gaiman Dock
49 Arietis / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 209,91 ly
459,27 ls      
Konscak Colony
49 Arietis / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 209,91 ly
3 287,92 ls      
Bradley Point
Jupanisage / Planetary Port
Empire Patronage Military 209,93 ly
297,86 ls      
Arnold's Pride
Mati / Planetary Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Colony 210,01 ly
11,68 ls      
Louis de Lacaille Orbital
HIP 103208 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 210,03 ly
400,44 ls      
Seitter Hub
HIP 103208 / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 210,03 ly
369,86 ls      
Trumpler Hub
HIP 1582 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 210,04 ly
22 240,34 ls      
Howe Port
Khowei / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 210,08 ly
4 739,06 ls      
Alexandria Hub
HIP 117187 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Extraction 210,16 ly
5 540,85 ls      
Ashbrook Hub
HIP 117187 / Orbis Starport
Empire Patronage Agriculture 210,16 ly
5 688,45 ls