Advanced search > Stations

Found 14 058 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Schmidt Station
Tsanla / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 206,68 ly
49,76 ls      
Maskelyne Vision
HR 8444 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 206,72 ly
1 510,14 ls      
Goldberg Dock
HIP 114585 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 206,83 ly
53,99 ls      
Argelander Port
HIP 114585 / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 206,83 ly
76,88 ls      
Lopez-Garcia Vision
HIP 114585 / Outpost
Empire Corporate Extraction 206,83 ly
98,94 ls      
Babcock Orbital
HIP 7142 / Orbis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Terraforming 206,84 ly
560,74 ls      
Bethke Landing
HIP 28678 / Planetary Port
Federation Corporate Refinery 207,10 ly
209,30 ls      
Bombelli Colony
HIP 11847 / Outpost
Independent Patronage Extraction 207,12 ly
2 757,70 ls      
Patry Orbital
Ix Chowagit / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 207,47 ly
474,17 ls      
Adams Gateway
HR 8809 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 207,48 ly
245,13 ls      
Meech City
Ofayeka / Ocellus Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 207,54 ly
191 028,91 ls      
Sheremetevsky Prospect
Lieldi / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 207,64 ly
140,42 ls      
Turner Dock
Makau / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 207,85 ly
730,35 ls      
Merchiston Base
Mawannona / Planetary Port
Empire Dictatorship Colony 207,88 ly
394,18 ls      
van de Hulst Enterprise
Kundjiban / Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 207,97 ly
3 166,29 ls      
Velho Platform
HIP 86063 / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 208,01 ly
98,11 ls      
Benyovszky Dock
HIP 86063 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 208,01 ly
67,77 ls      
Chasles Landing
HIP 86063 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Extraction 208,01 ly
50,74 ls      
Wolszczan Dock
HIP 14611 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 208,02 ly
248,80 ls      
Weyn Dock
64 Arietis / Ocellus Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 208,05 ly
1 106,34 ls      
Sarmiento de Gamboa Port
Pand / Outpost
Independent Feudal Extraction 208,10 ly
1 935,75 ls      
Binney Horizons
HIP 105408 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Feudal High Tech 208,14 ly
3 115,33 ls      
Witt Observatory
HIP 19408 / Planetary Port
Independent Feudal Colony 208,15 ly
293,01 ls      
Thomson City
Aegida / Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 208,32 ly
1 972,14 ls      
Unktety / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 208,35 ly
0,00 ls      
Shea Vision
Apikuna / Ocellus Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 208,45 ly
545,85 ls      
Schaumasse Port
Tamarilo / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 208,51 ly
170,94 ls      
Goldreich Vision
Tamarilo / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 208,51 ly
36,87 ls      
Struve Vision
HIP 115929 / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,56 ly
1 205,67 ls      
Kirby City
HIP 115929 / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,56 ly
149,92 ls      
Wnuk-Lipinski Settlement
HIP 115929 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Industrial 208,56 ly
149,84 ls      
Hickman Terminal
HIP 115929 / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,56 ly
376,23 ls      
Bahcall Hub
HIP 115929 / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,56 ly
80,45 ls      
Henderson Station
Wanjul / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 208,58 ly
68,20 ls      
Schoenherr Terminal
Vaiunia / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 208,58 ly
323,62 ls      
Dalgarno Station
Kamchadals / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage High Tech 208,58 ly
22,00 ls      
Valz City
Koyans / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 208,63 ly
37,97 ls      
Schaumasse Vision
Koyans / Outpost
Empire Corporate Industrial 208,63 ly
1 284,63 ls      
Kuchner Dock
Koyans / Orbis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 208,63 ly
69,01 ls      
Joseph Delambre Terminal
Chono / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 208,92 ly
24,01 ls      
Siddha Ring
Chono / Ocellus Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 208,92 ly
9,23 ls      
Harding Orbital
Wongorora / Outpost
Empire Anarchy Industrial 209,08 ly
21 766,99 ls      
Gresh Dock
HIP 76954 / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 209,21 ly
229,91 ls      
Reed Laboratory
HIP 113607 / Planetary Port
Empire Patronage Colony 209,21 ly
1 640,18 ls      
Beaumont Beacon
Col 285 Sector XP-O d6-98 / Planetary Port
Independent Dictatorship Refinery 209,25 ly
294,43 ls      
Bond Horizons
Polabians / Outpost
Empire Corporate Extraction 209,43 ly
69 466,58 ls      
The Indra
HIP 27986 / Mega ship
Independent Patronage High Tech 209,49 ly
4 368,91 ls      
Wirtanen Orbital
Mbegua / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 209,62 ly
1 896,30 ls      
Cummings Vision
Mbegua / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 209,62 ly
678,95 ls      
Grigorovich Horizons
Khep No Zi / Planetary Outpost
Independent Democracy Colony 209,77 ly
23 686,52 ls      
Ritchey Landing
Khep No Zi / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 209,77 ly
621,75 ls      
Priest Survey
HIP 19147 / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 209,77 ly
1 439,84 ls      
Hartog Prospect
HIP 79884 / Outpost
Independent Theocracy Extraction 209,87 ly
2 484,23 ls      
Miletus Plant
HIP 45183 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Anarchy Refinery 209,87 ly
456 322,66 ls      
Konscak Colony
49 Arietis / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 209,91 ly
3 287,92 ls      
Gaiman Dock
49 Arietis / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 209,91 ly
459,27 ls      
Dirichlet Camp
49 Arietis / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Colony 209,91 ly
461,63 ls      
Lopez Port
Mati Chuqui / Outpost
Independent Communism Industrial 209,96 ly
301 438,18 ls      
Scotti Port
Mati / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Extraction 210,01 ly
1 183,42 ls      
Bickel Dock
Mati / Ocellus Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 210,01 ly
11,67 ls      
Seitter Hub
HIP 103208 / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 210,03 ly
369,86 ls      
Gabrielli Terminal
HIP 103208 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Feudal Colony 210,03 ly
2 441,73 ls      
Palitzsch Terminal
Khowei / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 210,08 ly
6 681,85 ls      
Lilienthal Survey
HIP 117187 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 210,16 ly
5 561,78 ls      
Lunney Stop
Achan / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Extraction 210,19 ly
1 906,40 ls      
Tyson City
Ch'unga / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 210,22 ly
346,50 ls      
Plucker Plant
San Wu Gu / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 210,32 ly
235,29 ls      
Miklouho-Maclay Lab
San Wu Gu / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 210,32 ly
343 057,32 ls      
Cannon Orbital
San Wu Gu / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Extraction 210,32 ly
103,72 ls      
Lippisch Terminal
Kaan / Ocellus Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 210,40 ly
1 271,72 ls      
Hammel Port
Kaan / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 210,40 ly
1 815,60 ls      
Schumacher Port
HIP 83751 / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Extraction 210,43 ly
4 801,94 ls      
Hulse Port
Chaiman / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 210,43 ly
8 077,61 ls      
Shoemaker Station
Jiang / Ocellus Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 210,44 ly
2 245,03 ls      
Donati Ring
Jiang / Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 210,44 ly
2 952,40 ls      
Mayer Enterprise
Vaipuna / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 210,49 ly
83 540,90 ls      
Sitter Port
Ndjala / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 210,57 ly
1 346,95 ls      
Arp's Folly
Bikeggirina / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Refinery 210,57 ly
304,04 ls      
Condit Terminal
Bikeggirina / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 210,57 ly
202,77 ls      
Charlier City
HIP 20610 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 210,69 ly
4 866,51 ls      
Hipparchus Settlement
Sugrivoruai / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 210,85 ly
214,89 ls      
Alden Ring
Taexali / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 211,24 ly
315,85 ls      
Cheranovsky City
Partii / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 211,24 ly
757,12 ls      
Bartoe Beacon
Baijundh / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Extraction 211,28 ly
322,42 ls      
Kondo Dock
Vogul / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 211,39 ly
5,39 ls      
Zhukovsky Terminal
Vogul / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Terraforming 211,39 ly
28,31 ls      
Seares Observatory
HIP 3292 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 211,39 ly
567,59 ls      
Langley Hub
HIP 3292 / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 211,39 ly
4 247,00 ls      
Lupoff Vision
Ngadjuk / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Refinery 211,42 ly
119,36 ls      
Becvar Enterprise
Ngadjuk / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Extraction 211,42 ly
69,33 ls      
Kanai Terminal
Kaupolo / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Extraction 211,46 ly
32,84 ls      
Oberth City
Kaupolo / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 211,46 ly
770,05 ls      
Garden Enterprise
HIP 78136 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 211,49 ly
4 395,01 ls      
Hoshi Holdings
Windji / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Refinery 211,52 ly
280,86 ls      
Carpenter Dock
Miansis / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 211,52 ly
909,34 ls      
Clute Base
Miansis / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Colony 211,52 ly
2 296,86 ls      
Halley Orbital
Nauolung / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 211,67 ly
1 159,69 ls      
Malvern Enterprise
HIP 5178 / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Industrial 211,67 ly
1 177,55 ls      
Young Terminal
HIP 5178 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 211,67 ly
361,92 ls      
Struve Beacon
Potai / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Extraction 211,81 ly
1 704,31 ls