CMDR loydman_24 profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Phyxios [LYD-88]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
2 121
Systems discovered first:
Still a Massive Black Hole

I know, I know I'm getting into a habit of not updating my log...but good news...I made it to Sag A*. News flash, it is still a massive black hole! It feels very satisfying, but kinda weird to be back at the galactic core. It's one of those sense of accomplishments because 20K lys is nothing to shake a hand at..but I also can't help but reflect back on the ultimate outcome of my last trek here..and this time getting to Sag A is only the start. From here I'm gonna do some more looking around the immediate area to see if I can find some more earth like worlds..maybe even some ammonia based worlds. Eventually I will head to Colonia to resupply...and then its on to Beagle Point and what I have deemed Worlds End. There's a lot of space in between me and the end of this trip, and I look forward to completing my rite of passage in getting to and from Beagle Point. I haven't seen anyone in a while, so i'm starting to get a bit lonely..but I suppose that is the song and dance, as well as the life, of the every day explorer.

I still can't help but think about everyone back home..I see feeds of pilots dealing with the Thargoids on a daily basis..and all though I really do think I made a smart choice for myself in getting out when I did; a part of me does look forward to getting back with a little bit more funds and being able to get into the fight with humanity. I even hear that the Alliance might be kicking out some new ships...along with the rumored Type 10 defender. I even heard rumors that the beloved Krait of old times might be making a comeback. Well either way, my thoughts are with those that are on the front lines.

Well enough babbling, its time to start figuring out my next move. Once again this is Commander Loydman signing off.

Still Alive..Still Chugging

It's been a couple days since I last updated my log..but I am indeed still alive and chugging along. I just made it the Great Annihilator, which for those who don't know, is a DOUBLE black hole system. Let me tell ya, its a pretty sight to see. From here I have to make a decision, go on to the Sag A, or make a detour and go to Colonia and restock on supplies and do some maintenance first, then re-track to Sag A. It's not like I'm hurting, I still have some of AFMUs, and my hull integrity is still sitting at a healthy 90%. But, not real sure what i'm going to do yet. I have been trying to keep up with current events back around Sol, and I know that the Thargoids have been terrorizing humanity, but I also heard that some brave few were finally able to deal some real blows to the space bugs. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are still fighting, and especially then ones that have been lost. Well I am fast approaching the 2nd black hole so I'll end things here for now. God speed everyone..this is Cmdr Loydman signing off..

Final Push

So I've spent the last two nights at Tranquility's Stop. Got here late the night before last and to my surprise there was a black hole sitting off in the distance..makes for a pretty good postcard. Now its on to the Great Annihilator and from there i'll make the final push to Sag A and the galactic core. Hope to be there if not by the end of day, by end of tomorrow. Well, time for me to stop being lazy and get to it! This is Cmdr Loydman signing off.

A Most Welcomed Feeling

It's official. After over 2 years I am officially inside the core. Ok, so its the outskirts; and I've still got a long way to go before I get to the center of the core, but I'm inside the core! I think I'm making good time too...16k lys in approximately 12 hours...not too bad. I have made a bit of a detour because I decided to go by Tranquility the frequently talked about nightclub inside the core and then also The Great Annihilator before I head to Sag A. Have an outside chance of getting to Tranquility tonight, if not then definitely by tomorrow night. I've ran across multiple water worlds, and a handful of earth like planets. I was even able to nab the honor of first discovered on a couple of both! Overall have been pretty happy with the way the trip has gone so far. Will update more later..but for now...

This is Cmdr Loydman signing off.

Out of the Bubble

Well I'm happy to report that I indeed made it safely out of the bubble and am on my way to the galactic core. It was a relatively quiet and smooth 2000 lys down the neutron star highway to wear I currently am. I hoped to cover more ground than I did, but because of the timing of my start and some early routing issues slowing me down I was unable to. Relatively minor, not even what I would call a set back. However I hope to cover a little bit more ground as I prepare to make my next stretch as my goal is to reach the core by weeks end. Not a whole lot to report as it has been a mostly uneventful 2000 lys. One interesting sight I did run across on one of my last jumps of the night was a system with a very active neutron that had its orbit right next to a red giant. Not the most groundbreaking thing, but still a pretty cool sight to see. But, for now I sign off

Cmdr Loydman

Final Preparations

Now making final preparations for my trip, will be leaving within the hour. After all the talk of Thargoid attacks I have decided to sacrifice a bit of jump range and put a shield back on my DBX. I'm hoping it turns out to be precautionary and I can successfully get the hell out of dodge without running into an unfriendly encounter with the space bugs. Knew they weren't going to be friendly, but definitely think I've made a good choice when deciding to make a run for it. Hopefully when I do decide to come back there will still be a home to return to...

My next entry will hopefully be an update about my safe exit from the bubble and progress towards my first destination; Sagittarius A here I come!!

Cmdr Loydman

Gearing Up for Long Trek into the Black

Well I'm about 24 hours away from embarking on my first true endeavor into the black in over 2 and a half years. The last did not end so well...made it to the core, then met an unceremonious end at the hands of a red giant on my way back. To say that there is not any jitters running through my body as I prepare to make that trek back to the core and then beyond to other side of the galaxy would be a gross lie. However, there is also a great deal of anticipation as to what exactly I will find. But, ready or not, come this time tomorrow me and my trusty Diamondback Explorer will be making our way out of the bubble, away from humanity, and into the unknown.

to boldly go...

Cmdr Loydman

Imperial Rank Grind

So about a week ago I decided that it would a "great" idea to work on my imperial rank. I've always wanted to fly the clipper and I've heard the cutter is an absolute thing of beauty to fly around in. I was about a quarter of the way through the "knight" rank, needing to get 2 ranks for the clipper and 6 for the cutter. How bad could it be right? Well, I can officially state....the grind is real. Successfully have the rank for the clipper and am currently 2 and a half-ish ranks from the cutter. One can only hope I still have the mental capacity to actually fly the thing once I get there as I fear my brain might very well turn to mush first. Here's to a hopeful speedy 2 and half-ish ranks!

Cmdr Loydman