CMDR Wrongway Mulligan profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
battle ox [WM-001]
(Federal Corvette)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
27 820
Systems discovered first:
14 267
DECE destination unlocked! Westpoint Ormand

Not sure what the attraction is here. Seems to be a system consisting of stars.

DECE destination unlocked! Spongou Nebula

Spongou FA-A E2 is home to a black hole. Odd to see one so far from the galactic center. But there you go, it's as plain as the nose on your face - or so your instruments tell you. I miss the little spinning sphere icon where an accretion disc spirals towards the center as was displayed in earlier versions of Elite. It represented something active and voracious. Although probably more realistic, the current 'hazy' sphere strikes me as somewhat anti-climatic and sedentary. Surprisingly you have to move to within 5 light seconds or so to get a 'reading' on the mass and get an identification of it. Anyway, way point noted and now onto the next one.

DECE destination unlocked! PZ Cassiopeiae

The L, Y, T stars continued along the route to about halfway between way points, sometimes dictating course changes to refuelable locations. I noticed that after the Oasis the course has taken a hard left away from the center of the galaxy. I don't mind as long as scoopable stars are plentiful. As for HIP 117078, aside from it being a Red Supergiant with a 2000 light second scooping boundary there is nothing really remarkable about the system. Visually, the galactic dust lanes that were visible earlier have now vanished, blending in to the bright gash of the Milky Way.

DECE destination unlocked! Syroifoe Oasis

About 10-11,000 light years from the last way point, Syroifoe CL-Y G1 needs no Jumponium to reach. However, coming here presents its own set of problems. The last 2,000 light years or so brings you into a sea of L,Y and T stars so you have to be careful to pick your path to refuel regularly. For me it's a case of Jump, Jump, Refuel. This sometimes means going to the stellar map and choosing a third destination point rather than accept what the route gives you. Interesting observation: some of the dark dust lanes in the galaxy have become visible again.

DECE destination unlocked! Point Decision

Aicods KD-K d8-3 was an easy one with no Jumponium required. Now one thing about Jumponium -- it's interesting on how the game doles the materials out to you. A 100% metal planet with a 1.1% Polonium yield may still come across with very little for the time involved looking for it. On the other hand a high metal planet (or even a moon) with a .6% yield may dole out more than you can carry in a short amount of time. I'd sure like to see the Elite Discovery Scanner talks that have been recently popping up on YouTube discuss how Material RNG works.

DECE destination unlocked! Notus - Southern Meridian

Like most way points so far in this expedition, Jumponium is required to reach the star. Hypuae Euq ZK-P d5-0 is particularly isolated and required a lot of heavy jumping to get there. I threw caution to the wind and used high-octane 100ly jumps and didn't bother with the 25% or 50% gains. So I've been there and have now returned to the stellar expressway on the way to the next way point. Will need to acquire Jumponium materials on the way. As it is I don't have enough Yttrium or Polonium to sprinkle on a Wrongway Pizza. Side note: Environmental Control is working again and I can put the snow parka away.

Amundsen's Star achieved!

Arrived late last night. Most of these destination stars require some Applied Jumponium to reach - usually about 4 high jumps in and 4 high jumps back out. At one time these stars were probably the furthest out a standard exploration ship could possibly reach. With Anacondas now capable of 65 light year jumps (Travelin' Man, my Asp, gets about 50 light years to a jump) and jumponium I can't imagine that these record holder destinations haven't been exceeded. Still, the expedition is not without it's risks. Slamming between two close binaries on a system entry or landing too hard on a planet can do serious damage to your ship. There's also the fact that there are no 'do overs' - you lose your ship and you're back to the last station you parked at - with the loss of any data you might have gathered since then. That, to me, is what gives 'Elite:Dangerous' it's name.

DISTANT Distant Angosk achieved!

Apparently Distant Angosk isn't as far out as you can get. The next leg of the trip is another Angosk system even further 'south' on the Galaxy Map. Although only about 350 light years away from the previous leg it required jumponium to reach it. Right now I'm working on the way points for the next leg of the trip - a 180 degree turn back the way I came to Amundsen's Star.

Distant Angosk achieved!

Finally here and... there's no one here to greet me. Ahh, well. I'll celebrate in my own little way before scanning all the planets in the system and then moving on. With all the snow that's accumulated in the pilot's cabin since the environmental controls went haywire I've been able to produce my own snow cones. A little cherry syrup and I'm set. But where to get the syrup? Never an Overwaitea Supermarket when you need one.

I can see Distant Angosk from here!

50 jumps and I'll have made the next leg of the journey. More troubling is the environmental controls in the ship's cabin behaving in a wonky manner. Never saw it snow inside the Asp before. Think I'd better put on a hot cup of coffee and look into it.