CMDR Feiercrack profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Alpina B8 [X-6T4v]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
1 001
Systems visited:
9 559
Systems discovered first:
1 795

25 Patch achieved?

lets have a look ;-)

..still updating...

today i have to re-upload all my journals up to EDSM...

that will take almost 2 hrs

maybe i can fly finally after that



there are quite some new youtube videos from Down to Earth Astronomy and some other Fellows to been watched for now...

still updating my rig..


..back in

Now that summer turns into autumn and cold winter over here in germany, its the best time to come back to ED :-D

Wow, alot of things changed since my last journey.

Tons of upgrades, patches, bugfixes, new ships etc i´ve found today.

also that my A.S.T.R.A. wont speak to me anymore.

all of my 3rd party Apps have to be updated also, not to forget the new awesome aussiedroid 3.2.0. warthog script for my HOTAS :-) TrackIR and HTC Vive were also working best!

Alot to do for now, before we can explore again ;-)

...And i am in the middle of nowhere...

over and out


Radio Sidewinder

For all "lonely" Commanders out there, listen to Radio Sidewinder, you wont miss any Galnet News anymore, and you can enjoy some Easy Listening Music :-)

grinding... -.-

i barely need some rare materials...

the grind for them is frustrating as hell...

but its for an good thing. i wont talk about that, until i´ve reached that first ;-)

...back at Jaques Station

made it safe back to Jaques Station today finally after finishing the Beagle Point Expedition via Sagittarius A*.

The Conda was whisteling on her last hole, hehe...the FSD was totally fucked up, but we made it :-)

o7 and good luck to all other Commanders out there ^^

Sagittarius A*

No other Commanders around here...

Amazing Viewpoint! Ana needs to get her Frameshift Drive repaired..

Hopefully we can made it back to Colonia ;-) of january 2018 visited as #3040

Black Hole

my first undiscovered black hole :D Eok Gree IM-W f1-208


Today i´ve found my first undiscovered Earth Like World -- Bleethue HS-I d10-64 3 :D