CMDR Feiercrack profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Alpina B8 [X-6T4v]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
1 001
Systems visited:
9 559
Systems discovered first:
1 795
Beagle Point Expedition

today i went back to beagle point, for the BP Exped.

my 2nd time here :-) today, 9 month later, and in january 2018 enter image description here

Beagle Point Expedition 3304

safely landed again at Landing site : Darwin's Legacy 48.56° / -35.57° enter image description here Conda runs on 90% hull and 90% power plant / engine, rest @100% thanks god for the AFMU auto mother fu*** unit :-P :-D

now its time to head back to civilisation and upgrade my conda with the new gear i already bought at FD. Like new spoilers, weapon and engine colors and some internals to put on the dasboard :-P

i will follow the exped´s route back, with some little "escarpades" ;-)

ZY´s Memorial close to Beagle Point

saw 2 other ships there, one beluga line i think, the other escaped really fast? :-D

enter image description hereenter image description here there any life out there?

found Myeia Thaa ZE-R d4-0 (Podar) , formerly Stage 3, camp 20 of the Sagittarius-Carina Mission as the #325

Camp 20 : Podar

Galaxy map search reference : MYEIA THAA ZE-R D4-0 Distance from previous camp : 1244 LY Distance from Earth : 64729 LY Total route distance so far : 104080 LY

This system, discovered by CMDR Stulli, contains a ringed Earth-like World with 3 moons. In addition to being a beauty in itself, this might actually be the only known ELW with 3 moons. The first moon of the ELW contains a mountain ridge with a splendid view of the ringed planet.

Landing site : Sierra Stulli Orbital body : B 11 a Surface coordinates : 73.85 / -57.82 (i´ve found nothing, and cant find the splendid view the under those coords) Surface Gravity : 0.08g

Sagittarius-Carina Mission

now i go again to Beagle Point, only 26 Jumps ;-)

enter image description here

take off..

after having a nice time at Oevasy SG-Y d0 (Semotus Beacon) last moon Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 9 f, collecting some materials,

i took off, back to the SB entry, MYEIA THAA QI-B D13-0. From there i want to visit another POI called P.O.D.A.R. (Myeia Thaa ZE-R d4-0) which is very close to me (23 jumps), on my way again to Beagle Point. Podar on EDSM

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Distant Worlds II 3304 signed in today :-)
arrived at Semotus Beacon (Oevasy SG-Y d0) #335

finally made it to the most farest northern point and farest point from sol as the #335 ship ever at 0:26:00 UTC ingame time (2:26 my Local)

The 2nd jump is from MYEIA THAA QI-B D13-1 to MYEIA THAA UO-Z D13-0 (50.31Ly) 3rd jump is exactly 56.14Ly. On the 4th i needed an Basic FSD injection (66.32Ly) 5th jump is exactly 53.69Ly 6th jump i needed the 2nd FSD injection but this time a Standard (82.68Ly)

tonite i spend my time close to a neat campfire with marshmallows and singapore slings at the Outermost Moon of Secondary Star : Salomé's Reach / Distant Moon (Oevasy SG-Y D0 B 9 F) - the moon is over 134,000 Light Seconds further out into the intergalactic void than the primary star is

enter image description here

Semotus Beacon @ EDSM


not in deep space, but in deep shit i got stucked at Chua Eop DA-Q d5-0.

with the competence help of CMDR Knuxton McKaz from DTEA i´ve made it out there. A few jumps back (27) and then back to Semotus Beacon.

i was over y= -1000Ly below the galactic plane. And from there it is very hard to find any jump-points!

Better stay close to the plane +- 370Ly!

On my way back to get closer to the vertical center of the galactic plane at Graea Gree GZ-D d13-14, i´ve found an nice system, discovered first 1. by me :-D

its Chua Eop PO-E c1, i just discovered all the stars, moons and planets by myself, 1. of all other Pilots ;-)

enter image description here

9k to go

enter image description here

triple 2

just transmitted 222 distances for the trilateration ;-)

back on track to Oevasy SG-Y d0 (Semotus Beacon)

still on my way to the most distant system from Sol. Only 20k LY away :-P Maybe tonite i´ll reach it! Last time i was flying here, in January, i went out to beagle point. but i had forget the FSD Injectors to reach the semotus beacon, so i head back to colonia, and get my ship prepared. on the way back, i stopped at Sagittarius A* enter image description here