CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
46 105
Systems discovered first:
21 401
27 157 189 051 Cr
Arrival of Shadow Head in Karbon: Ratting FC Tasks

The Shadow Head arrived in Karbon, the very same system where it started out towards Centralis, which is located in the Colonies (six weeks earlier).

Short after the arrival inside the bubble, the carrier became a tool to rescue a commander: Since Aldarion is a PC commander, he was involved in the rescue of a PS commander this evening, when there temporarily was no PS rat available. Aldarion was about to meet Commander Rodnerg eventually. Rodnerg was re-fuelled when Aldarion went back into the Core Systems (bubble) during the end of November and the first week of December 3307; we remember: the Shadow Head was parked on FC way point ten on her journey from Karbon to Centralis while Aldarion supported the rats during the Epicalypse as well as joining Drew’s Astro Tour at Segull and Monkey Head Nebulae too. Rodnerg is the one, who boldly started out towards Colonia using his first Cobra, one and the same Commander meeting Aldarion in the colonies a few weeks later using a well prepared Exploration vessel then, an ASP-X. As far as remembered, Aldarion had some Low Temperature Diamonds for Rodnerg.

Meeting Point: Aldarion met Commander Rodnerg at Vihara Gate on returning from an exploration loop south of the Colonies: Meeting CMDR Rodnerg in front of Vihara Gate

Commander Rodnerg’s newly bought, once shiny ASP-X shows some corroded paint job: CMDRs Rodnerg and A32A meeting at Vihara Gate

Today, while hanging around in the Shadow Head’s Officer’s Mess contemplating about the Sassia Bianchi case, Aldarion recognized a PS case on the Fuel Rat Dispatch Board being pinned up since a while. It seemed no PS-rats were available at the given time and Aldarion organized via the FR-Dispatcher a jump into the system, where this commander was awaiting the refuel service for an unusual long period of time. Accordingly the appropriate jump order for the needed carrier jump was issued and the stranded commander was supposed to dock at the Shadow Head to refuel his vessel running on fumes. It has to be mentioned: a few minutes later a PS-rat called for this rescue too and a rat race of a different kind started; the Shadow Head was ahead and arrived a little bit earlier in position than the fellow rat using the PS.

Shadow Head at rescue target system (COL 359 Sector SD-Q c6-15 about to jump towards PELLANG) on 25th JAN 3307: Some pilots docked at the carrier during the operation: Shadow Head - COL 359 Sector SD-Q c6-15

As well, Commander Ravenov asked, if the carrier could be used to taxi two more PC commanders to the Robigo system, which quickly was agreed too. I guess one or even both of the additional PC commanders had been refuelled by the famous Ravenov before; is it necessary to mention Ravenov is the rodent leading the Fuel Rat’s leader board with several thousands of successful rescues? However, CMDR Ravenov was circling the Shadow Head recording the carrier jump towards Robigo: many thanks for the nice video sequence, commander o7.

Finally two out of the three PC commanders, who were low on cash, filled their cargo bays with LTDs, The FC market manager was asked to place related selling orders at the lowest price possible (5% of the galactic average). The PS-Commander docked and refuelled on the Shadow Head too and thus was saved from suffocation. Then the carrier was used as a taxi-service carrying the guests towards Robigo. Since in Robigo there were no free parking orbits left for the Shadow Head, one of the neighbouring systems in reach of small low-range vessels was chosen as next destination.

Returning the Shadow Head to the Core Systems

Moving the Shadow Head from the Colonies towards the Bubble

On 23rd January 3307 the fleet carrier Shadow Head moved from Rodentia towards the Bubble reaching the Core Systems earlier next day.

The route path mostly followed the reversed waypoints given by the flight-plan used in December 3306. However, the waypoints for the last third of the journey were differently set.

Exploring Neighbouring Systems

Due to the lowered mass of the carrier the average and total fuel consumption compared to the fuel use on the way to the Colonies went down by an amount of roughly 10% during this journey.

With the exception of the last 10 or 11 carrier jumps the Cutter Adelheid-Adele undocked exploring two to four of the systems around the recent waypoints. Twice a return to the carrier before pre flight lockdown failed and Shadow Head waited inside the target system, while the cutter was catching up and exploring.

Return Path of Shadow Head

Visiting Pedersen's Legacy During FC Preparations

I returned the Shadow Head from Rodentia to the Core Systems during the last week end. The cargo of the carrier also contains some goods I will import into the bubble for various reasons.

The fleet carrier crew was informed about the journey and needed 2 days to prepare and check the Shadow Head. I used these two days to gather the goods I wished to export as well as to move the ships I intended to take with me. As well I visited two of the four engineers to allow for a few alterations and improvements on the ASPX Star Chaser, which then was renamed to Clarity of Dream. So far the intended build is not optimized but workable.

To improve the Clarity of Dream I had to visit the material trader residing in Pedersen’s Legacy to gather a few parts needed by the engineers. Pedersen’s Legacy is a base placed inside a crater located close to the northern rim of a much older, huge impact crater close to the northern turning circle of Mobia A 1 A.

The impact energy of this crater must have been enormous since the crust of the planet shows some cracks from and towards the similar sized but probably older crater in the West.

Mobia A 1 A seen from orbit

Why is it probable this western crater is older?

There are various reasons: The most important ones to date the western crater being older than Pedersen’s main crater are the follows:

  • The amount of erosion of the western crater is significantly higher; the caldera and its rim is not as sharp as with the younger crater. Both, the slopes towards the center of the western crater and the outside are less steep than it can be seen with the Pedersen’s main crater.

  • The western crater is less deep than the Pedersen’s main crater. Given a similar size of both craters it has to be stated that the relation of ground level to diameter of the western crater is significantly smaller. This gives a clue: the eroded materials filled the crater to a higher degree than the Pedersen’s main crater due to the longer time periods of its existence and duration of processes. As well it is true that the central peak of the western crater is less prominent than it could be expected for a younger peak: erosion flattened this peak.

  • Pedersen’s main crater is not showing a central peak at all, which might seem contradictive. But one possible explanation could solve this problem: The impact energy at the center of the western crater must have been higher than for Pedersen’s main, which might be related to a steeper impact angle, while the event leading to Pedersen’s main crater at its center was lower due to a shallow impact angle. Even though the total energy released during the Pedersen’s event probably was higher than the energy level reached during the creation of the western crater. Given its slightly bigger diameter and the fact Pedersen’s main event cracked the planet’s crust it seems to have been less focused than with the western crater.

  • Given the above said it also becomes understandable, that the western crater once must have been much deeper than seen today.

Why it is plausible the cracks derive from Pedersen’s main crater?

The crack inside the crust starts at the south western rim of Pedersen’s main caldera and translates towards and through the western crater. The crack passing the central peak traverses through the western crater, then following further on towards the West. This is possible only, if the western crater already was in existence during the formation of the crack.

Given the fact that the western crater already was a weakened location in the crust of Mobia 1 A 1 it seems very likely the crack formed as seen from orbit traversing the western crack.

Pedersens’s main crater later was subject to numerous smaller impact events, which either can be seen from orbit and from a viewing point one and a half km above its ground.

Pedersen's Legacy hidden in a crater, Mobia A 1 A

From a viewpoint on the planet’s surface Pedersen’s Legacy itself is covered and hidden and on approaching it can be identified only from the crater rims of the surrounding craters, which creates a sort of a wow-moment.

Pedersen's Legacy, Mobia A 1 A

The Core of Fun - Rodentia 11 (Ring System)

Since I was interested in the distribution of mineral cores I went into one of the rings of Rodentia 11 trying to find out how core mining works inside a (single) hotspot. The Clipper ‘Penelope’ soon was equipped and supplied with limpets. Reaching the location I placed detonator probes into a number of asteroids. I took me two cracked rocks to get into a good practice again.

Rodentia 11 – Core Mining Test enter image description here

Contacting Sassia for the first time

What is the Pilot’s Federation? There are multitudes of answers and even more pilots to give them. One thing is for certain: the pilots being members of the Pilot’s Federation are independent pilots; hence they are titled Commanders.

Independent also means, every member of this society is free to pave their own ways through the ED Galaxy; membership doesn’t mean to sign for a specific Super Power, local power or faction; it doesn’t mean not to do so either.

Each and every commander is totally free to follow their own agenda. It has to be stated: The many different characters there are among the independent commanders, the relative number of them remains relatively small compared to the vast number of pilots not to be independent and even more so compared to the human population throughout the ED Milky Way.

I don’t know if the Pilot’s Federation is an exclusive society; but I know everyone is able to become a member of said federation. Maybe it needs a certain type of person following this goal as it is often said.

But one thing is granted: all members within the Pilot’s Federation do know of each other or know another pilot knowing another commander. Normally a commander only need to ask one other commander to learn about a third one. And one more thing is granted: Commanders frequently talk to each other and share their experiences and knowledge no matter which cause they may follow.

If a person becomes a commander, being a noob commander, so to speak, there may be not that much chatter right from the beginning but each commander is listed with the Pilot’s Federation right from the start and information can be gathered.

How did I learn about CMDR Sassia Bianchi, one may ask. The answer is fairly simple: studying the announcements and information provided by the official channels of the Pilot’s Federation and accessing the informal channels too, which frequently proof effective (getting an info normally involves asking one other commander or ask directly). Of course informal channels can’t be communicated openly, which you may understand. The first time I learned of the existence of commander Bianchi was during a visit to Giles Station – the one in Deriso (neither the one in HIP 28678 or LTT 10462) – two weeks ago. There I keep ten of my ships and sometimes I leave the one or the other to some fellow commanders working for HOTCOL. Giles Station is an agricultural Orbis Starport and the green-yellow light filling this place was reflected by the glass positioned on the table in front of me. On the opposite side of this glass I was joined by a fellow commander and we were talking about ‘Colonia Jesus’ and the local markets to identify possible opportunities, challenges and profits. This is the common chatter when two commanders meet each other at the end of a working day and nothing special at all; it is a ritual.

Sometimes this ritual is all there is and one departs, sometimes this ritual leads to a deeper talk about the news and happenings in the ED Milky Way, the rumours or what we, as the commanders being out in the blackness every day, experienced following our paths through the stars.

I, for my part, was out for several exploration tours and discovered so far unknown territories before supporting TFRM in Rodentia. The fellow commander just arrived from Shinrarta Dezhra, where she was training a multitude of new commanders during the end of 3306, who all were about to start out into space. She told me about Commander Bianchi too. She remembered Bianchi very well due to her partially sad and somewhat short story: Grown up in Federation space Bianchi lost her family during an attack on the passenger vessel they were using; Bianchi seems to be the sole survivor of the small family now trying to add pages to her personal story making her way as an independent pilot and member of the Pilot’s Federation. But there was more to that story, which made it interesting: Her father, who died during the raid, kept a special position inside the ED spiderweb of powers and both of us, while sipping our single malts, knew at least a few parts of Bianchi’s father due to our time in Caleta and Tlapana.

A week later (yesterday) I got in contact with CMDR Sassia Bianchi, not telling her who I were or whatever; as an independent commander I just made her an offer and really do hope the now newbie commander will have the chance to get their profits out of my proposal. As ever before, time will tell.

Offer for Sassia Bianchi

Wolf-Rayet Star DRYEIA PROU AA-A h36

Further Exploration South of Colonia and the Discovery of a Wolf-Rayet Star

Krait Phantom La Place

During the last two days Aldarion pushed the frontier of his latest exploration project through the southern regions of the colonies right to and into the northern edge of the Orion-Cygnus-Arm. So far, the southern loops were mainly following a path under the galactic plain including numerous Neutron Stars and extending the Neutron Highway into these parts of space.

Exploring, late DEC 3306

Now, with the chosen routes of the last two days, Aldarion focused his interests on the star fields leveling with the galactic plain and above. As a result a lower ratio of neutron systems was detected but a few Black Holes could be confirmed; as well one Wolf-Rayet Star was discovered.

Exploration 30th December 3306

Wolf-Rayets do not belong to the main sequence stars. Wolf-Rayet stars are the remnants of super massive main sequence stars of above 8 solar masses, many often of over above 20 solar masses, which – at the end of their main sequence existence - lack of Hydrogen to support further nuclear fusion. During the change of the fusion processes heavier elements provide the material for the reaction inside the core. This also leads to fluctuations of the stellar equilibrium: while the Hydrogen-Helium fusion comes to its end, gravitation temporarily overwhelms the nuclear counter forces. As a result the stellar nucleus contracts and becomes more compressed,while its density and temperature increase until eventually Helium or consequently the next heavier protons – such as Nitrogen, in later states Oxygen and Carbon - can be created.

This process of re-ignition destabilizes the outer layers of the star and parts of the outer layers then become partially ejected: the strong radiation originating from the nucleus pushing into the outer layers leads to a more or less erratic repulsion of matter away from the Wolf-Rayet Star: one could say the outer layers become blown away by a strong solar wind and are accelerated to speeds of up to 4000 km/s.

Wolf-Rayet Stars can reach surface temperatures of between 30,000 and 120,000 Kelvin.

The ionized Carbon particles emitted by a Wolf-Rayet star with the solar wind at a later state condense to clouds of dust when moving away because the ultra violet level decreases with an increase of distance.

Considering the above said, a Wolf-Rayet as a remnant of a former super massive main sequence star can be defined as the core of that main sequence star.

According to the fusion states there are three types of Wolf-Rayet Stars:

WN-Types with emission lines of Helium and ionized Nitrogen (early state);

WC-Type displaying mainly emission lines of Oxygen and Carbon with additional absorption by the forming dust clouds (later state);

WO-Type showing dominating emission lines of Oxygen (rare, very late state).

The discovered Wolf-Rayet Star DRYEIA PROU AA-A h36 is a WO-Type Wolf-Rayet, so Aldarion discovered a very rare kind of the rarest star type inside the ED Milky Way.

Wolf-Rayet Star

At the end of their relatively short life Wolf-Rayet stars tranform to either Neutron Stars or Black Holes; since the newly discovered specimen still has nearly 105 solar masses, it may become a Black Hole in the future.

Exploration late December 3306

Short Sightseeing Tour: Colonia and the Colonies

Over Christmas 3306 Aldarion finished all kinds of missions for TFRM in and around Rodentia. Then, when returning from the southern exploration loop on the 26th December 3306, Commander Rodnerg was invited to a Multi Crew (MC) session. Rodnerg, on his way towards the Colonies in his brand new and shiny ASP Explorer with decent jump range was not bothered by possible spoilers and the two commanders undertook a sightseeing tour through parts of Colonia using the Cutter Adelheid-Adele.

The following image shows the Python Stanislaw Lem leaving Whirling Station in Ogmar with some trade goods for the Sirius dependency; as TFRM several factions got under pressure during the last weeks and a helping hand is always welcome.

Whirling Station - Ogmar system

Rodentia, Deriso, Tolgraf’s Junkyard, Whirling Station at Ogmar, The Brig and the capital system Colonia with Jaque’s and Dove Enigma - including a visit to one of the Lagrange Clouds - were covered; some details and explanations to dependencies of several factions could be given too.

Jaque’s Station, the oldest outpost of human man kind in the colonies, is growing. Not long ago Brewer Corporation took a hold in the system placing one of the enormous Fleet Carrier Shipyards in vicinity of Jaque’s Station. This installation is truly impressive and we inspected the facility. The following screenshot shows Jaques Station and Brewer’s shipyard:

The screenshot shows Jaques Station and Brewer’s shipyard

One Fleet Carrier inside the dock was close to be delivered and we were able to dock at one of its landing pads; the Chief Project Engineer of Brewer was eager to test the functionality of the large landing pads and invited us to dock at the L-pads of the newly constructed fleet carrier. We agreed and Brewer invited us to the ship christening later this week.

Brewer Shipyard at Colonia - testing L-Pads

The Lagrange Cloud we visited was glowing in golden yellow tones and was a beautiful, perfect spot of the sightseeing tour.

Lagrange Cloud in Colonia system

Diva Mines offers a beautiful view of the planet it is orbiting: a red-brown surface crowned with two large polar caps presenting some topographical detail of the surface, if a commander has the time to take a look.

Diva Mines, an outpost in the Colonies

Another nice view is given by the ringed earth-like planet located in Rodentia; recently, Shadow Head is orbiting this planet between the ring and the planet and all activities on the flight deck provide a soft blue sight of the scenery.

Ringed ELW in Rodentia

Colonia Hub is most famous for its humbling views of the blue ringed gas giant, which is visible from the surface of the moon with the planetary star port itself. I am reminded of Uranus or Neptune when observing the rise of the planet over the rim of the crater the port is located at. Best time to enjoy such sight is short before dawn – the truly blue hour.

Colonia Hub - Colonia

There are plenty of beautiful sites inside the Colonies; if visiting the Colonies I propose too to visit some of the outposts located close to or even inside numerous planetary rings: especially the last löocations offer stunning views and opportunity for a good photo session.

Exploring Space: Multiple Southern Loops

The last days I participated in the stabilization of the economy and security of TFRM in Rodentia and Shurly’s Nest. As a part of this, originating from Aldarion’s curiosity and general spirit of an explorer, several southern loops from and back to Rodentia were undertaken.

During the days around Christmas 3306 (21st to 27th December) the routes shown in the following image were covered using an ASPX and a Krait Phantom - the travel map was created using Travel History Video Creator, which can be found on .

Exploration Routes Christmas time 3306

The southernmost system was reached on 12-27-3306 after climbing up from under the galactic plain to a coordinate lying above the pain (the peak of the route as shown in the edge views of the galaxy map above); the nebula situated there is shown by the following photo. In this photo the galactic plain is shown too: the elevation above the galactic plain is moderate.

Nebula south of Rodentia

As expected, inside the nebula there is a higher ratio of bright (white) F-class stars, which partially are visible from outside.

During the last exploration loop several interesting planetary bodies could be mapped using the Detailed Surface Scanner DSS; the next image shows an example of launched probes towards Brambai AW-C D173 a 1.

 Brambai AW-C D173 a 1

As well the last loops demonstrate the existence of water worlds and a few ammonia worlds, which sometimes can be found in one system. As en example there is the system Leamae RD-K d8-43.

Leamae RD-K d8-43

System Eorgh Prou FG-Y E450 1 C presents some impact craters to the explorer; Aldarion visited one of these descending towards the planetary surface enjoying the haze filling the visited crater; here is an impression of what the place looked like.

System Eorgh Prou FG-Y E450 1 C presents the explorer with impact craters

It is planned to continue the exploration of regions surrounding Colonia in the future and to add more entries to the data bases of Interstellar Cartography.

Visiting Evelyn’s Light

While I was not able to join the Astro Tour visiting Evelyn’s Light, I went to this system twice later in December 3306: On the 21st and 25th December I visited Evelyn’s Light, a system dominated by a neutron star. Inside this system there is a memorial: a beacon similar to a listening post transmitting a text.

This text is a poem written by Evelyn Faye Roy, who accompanied her father exploring the ED Milky Way but sadly passed away earlier this year. If you want to know about the poem just scan the beacon and read the transmission. As well, Commander Drew Wagar wrote a story for the young commander, which is to be found here: .

When visiting the system for the first time, I landed next to a geological site on a planetary surface of one of the planetary bodies inside this system, which was presenting some beautiful vistas.

Planetary surface site inside system Evelyn's Light

Defending Surly’s Nest

Shurly’s Nest is a planetary star base inside the Rodentia system belonging to TFRM. Recently I was told there is a SRV racing course registered with the Buckyball Club.

During the third week of December 3306 the faction got under pressure and was pushed to defend its influence, power and interests by the means of a defensive war. The Fuel Rats only wished to keep their base in Rodentia and never interfered with any other faction negatively. For this reason several commanders fought to defend the Fuel Rats colony, commanders bound to TFRM as well as independent and numerous otherwise bound commanders.

Rodentia was saved for the Fuel Rats: the image below displays Aldarion enjoying the sun rise over Shurly’s Nest.

Sun Rise over Shurly's Nest