CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
46 105
Systems discovered first:
21 399
27 157 189 051 Cr
Journey from the Colonia Mini Bubble to the Bubble

At the end of 3305 I went on a re-fuel mission: a CMDR was stuck on his journey from the bubble towards the centre.

Due to the rescue I was speeding within short over 2 hours from Colonia towards the target system ton conduct the rescue. We could save the lost pilot refuelling his Krait Phantom.

The lost commander B. Sinclair was set in a system named Floawns RO-Z e3840, a system located some 11kly north of the bubble.

This system contains a BH, a Methane Dwarf as well as a Brown Dwarf; the client had to stop close to one of the non-scoopable stars and couldn't refuel his ship.

Re-fuelling a commander in desperate need - We have fuel, you don't

ETA at the rescue system was 19:00 (game time) and I arrived 5 minutes past the given ETA. There was a second Fuel Rat for this rescue, CMDR PryyPryy, who traveled from the bubble to the given destination and arrived half an hour after me. Then we had to wait for the commander to log back into the game and some time passed waiting and discussing the procedure.

After the job was done PryyPryy and I visited the Black Hole for some sightseeing and investigation; I guess PryyPryy told me it were his first visit to such a singularity.

A single shot is not able to demonstrate the real impression of a BH located inside the E:D Milky Way but here is one anyways

When we departed the date had changed to the 29th of DEC 3305 and I decided to return to the bubble before the new year.

Thus, I flew my Beluga to Omega Mining, the mining outpost, which is placed as an Asteroid Base inside the ring of a gas giant close to the Omega Nebula. I had to do some maintenance and repair my ship, Ahab's Desire - I ran out of ammo for the AFMU during the last leg and sure had to repair some modules.

Beluga docked at Omega Mining Corp (29th DEC 3305)

Do Space Games Dream About Hybrid Ships?

Staying in Colonia, I was given the opportunity to thoroughly test a fully engineered, new type of vessel, the Orcat9, originating from a co-operation of Lakon and Saud Kruger. This cooperation results in a symbiosis of luxury and usability so far unknown in the Elite Milky Way.

Rear side and Thruster layout of the Orcat9

The streamlined front and bottom parts deriving from the Orca allow a much better glide while piloting the vessel through planetary atmospheres. Watch at the attachment of the small front wings, which do control the air flow when moving in atmospheric environments.

Top front view of the Orcat9

Nevertheless, these wings direct plasma during fuel scooping allowing for very quick refills decreasing the overall travel times through space.

Detailed view of the nose aerodynamics

Additionally all crew members and guests will be able to enjoy the stunning views and sites of the Elite Galaxy from the beautifully shaped nose of the hybrid ship while enjoying their cocktails and small talks. As well, the large cargo space allows for supplies of all sorts during long range missions.

The side of the hybrid

The new construction and design offers luxury and practical use to all CMDRs willing to try the new ship with enhanced thrusters. It will be discussed if the agility of this prototype will be able to cope with the needs of the pilots facing the Black.

THX To All Organizers And Participants of DW2 - O7

Distant World Expedition (2) comes to an end and I made a short video:



This Video is a Thank You for all the people being involved in the planning, organization and realization of the Distant World Expedition 3305, aka as DW2. As well it is meant for all the the participants and Commanders taking part in one of the biggest community and player driven gaming events so far.

Distant World Expedition 3305 was a community event taking place in the virtual E:D Milky Way and involved nearly 14k players over the first half of 2019 (3305). Its aims were to explore the vast virtual analogy of our real galaxy until the northern edge of the E:D-galaxy around a location known as Beagle Point as well as the erection of a space station and a Megaship close to the center of this game galaxy, close to the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A, as part of this community event.

The video features and shows the route taken by CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha during the event as well as a selection of e few screenshots and video snippets of this epic journey.

Enjoy – O7 Commanders.

Once More: Visiting an Anchor Point

Returning to Populated Space

29th APR 3305 – approximately 14:30hrs

Finally I am able to return to inhabited space reaching Explorer’s Anchorage on 29th April 3305. This outermost station of human mankind feels like home after my long journey through the northern hemisphere of the Milky Way, which took me from the central bulge of the Galaxy across its northern spiral arms, over the Styx, through the Scutum Centaurus and into the vastness of the Abyssal Plain with Beagle Point and Salomé’s Moon at the very edge of the Elite-Galaxy.

I am glad to be able to use this station, to be able to drop exploring data worth more than 300 Million, I am glad to be able to do the needed ship maintenance, to be able to talk to fellow humans and to gather some news of the Elite Galaxy.

As well, I feel proud to have had my part in the construction and further development of this anchor point at the center of the galaxy.

Now, it is time, to make new plans: I guess I will leaving for Colonia one more time.

Rest Point on a Long Journey

A Long Journey Back – From The Edge towards the Center

27th APR 3305 03:18 Touch down at system BYAA AOD AL-P C5-6 B 5 C

The journey back from the outer spiral arms towards the center regions might become a long one. Traveling along the outer spiral arms through low density star fields might feel like a run through a black river; like diving during night with only a few, smeared dots of light in an undefined distance.

My way back followed a route through the western regions of Archeron following the outer spiral arm; further on through the eastern regions of the Formorian Frontier, crossing the Velis from North to South entering the Arcadian Stream and heading for the central regions.

After approximately two dozens of kilo-light years I landed the Beluga on the surface of Byya Aod al-p c5-6 c 5 c, an icy world as well. The night sky above the landing point showed a spiral arms edge on with its faint glow of light in front of the deep black intergalactic sea.

Far Out and Outer Regions of the Northern Hemisphere

Brown Dwarf Highway

24th APR 3305

Without regard to the probable hazardous results to an inexperienced or badly equipped pilot following a long sequence of Brown Dwarfs en route, I always loved the violet light emitted by Brown Dwarfs. This illumination creates a beautiful cockpit environment; to me it feels relaxing.

Exiting from Beagle Point, I went towards the outer spiral arm heading East. I followed the bow of the Scutum Centaurus Arm when entering from an area between the Abyssal Plain and the Galactic Aphelion.

I followed this easternmost course towards and beyond the border between The Abyss and Archeron further on for more than 10kly.

Entry of Archeron region took place on 24th Apr 3305 (23:11hrs).

On my route towards this invisible sector outline, I crossed plenty of T- and Y-Star-Systems over a distance of approximately 3kly. When altering the course towards the South, this kind of route with plenty of Brown Dwarfs was continued until the southern edge of the Styx gap. Of course, route plotting involved all star classes as way points.

Since my tank volume of 128t is huge enough, I shouldn’t have to face major problems resulting from too less fuel stars en route. Nevertheless I frequently had to check my course on the GalMap to be sure to have a scoop-able Fuel Star on route and in reach. On one occasion, I had to change the plotted route manually to reach a Fuel Star two jumps out of the plotted course due to the reason the plotted course would have had a dead end leaving me stranded without fuel in a system without any refuel possibility. Crossing this region with less of 64t of tank volume might be impossible first and even more so, if the jump range of the used ship would be too small: All I can state is, that 49ly of jump range, a 128t tank capability (one additional 64t tank installed) and route-awareness enable the crossing of this region; I guess, one of these points missing or not matched would render the crossing at least unfeasible.

When I followed the first part of the described route reaching CHEIA DRYOAE NK-O 826-0 the run felt like a ‘Brown Dwarf Highway’ due to the fact, most stars I passed were Brown Dwarfs. Thankfully not all of the systems I saw contained a Brown Dwarf only. From this system I altered the main direction of my course towards the South heading back towards the Eastern parts of Formorian Frontier, heading for the center of the galaxy. This chosen direction would lead me further on through The Velis and the Arcadian Stream, crossing the Styx towards the central regions of the Milky Way.

As mentioned above, this route characteristics remained unchanged until I reached the southern edge of the Styx Gap thousands of light years further on towards the South and West – due to a LRR I went back several thousand light years towards the west on 25th April 3305.

One more remark about these regions should be made: Neutron Stars seem rare in this region, which at least adds to the number of jumps needed to pass through.

Salomé's Moon – On The Edge

Salomé's Moon – On The Edge

OEVASY SG-Y D0 (Arrival at this system: 23th April 3305; 03:30hrs)

Journey To The Edge of the Galaxy as well as the Capabilities of my Beluga Liner

The most distant object from Sol and the bubble inside the Elite Galaxy is Salomé’s Moon, which is also given the name Salomé's Reach. The official generic catalog entry for this body is Oevasy SG-Y d0 B 9 F. The moon had a distance of 135.585,33 ls on my arrival.

This Moon, named after Salomé also known as the Imperial Senator Kahina T. Loren, indeed is the most distant object from the bubble if the constellation of moons around the Gas Giant is the right one, which it was, when I arrived at the planetary system.

The position of Salomé’s Reach in its planetary system during arrival: this image proofs Salomè’s Moon was located in most different position during my arrival; the screenshot was taken on arrival, the ship heading from the main star towards the ringed Gas Giant and its six moons.

This moon is the outermost moon and sixth object of the ninth planet of this system, an icy body fully covered under a shell of ice, rock hard and white in color on its surface. This ice cover shows a great number of cracks, which vary from golden yellow to a bright brown color: a remarkable and rare, maybe unique sight. The ice also forms a topology of mountains, hills and valleys where not cut by cracks.

Planning my route to Salomé's Reach involved the synthesis of numerous FSD injections. According to my calculation I would have needed three to four Grade 1, one Grade 2 and one Grade 3 FSD injections for one way (there), which then results in double the amount of injections when intending to return on the same route (6 to 8 G1; 2 G2 and 2 G3 injections).

One general problem navigating my Beluga, Ahab’s Desire, through the low density star-fields of the Abyss (region) and along the edge of the Milky Way is given in the mass of the vessel. Since my recent jump range (including the fuel and repair limpet controllers) varies from 49.7 to 53.9 ly according to the fill level of my two 64t tanks. To reach a jump range of slightly above 50ly I would have to carry less than 50% of the total capacity, which is less than 64 tonnes. Carrying more fuel would mean carrying more mass resulting in lower jump range and a higher possibility of being unable to find a route along the edge of the Milky Way.

This navigational problem becomes even harder due to some impact of the game mechanic: I had to use FSD injections even when the recent jump range was above the distance towards the target system whenever the difference was less than approximately 1 to 1.5 ly. Luckily I kept sufficient materials in stock to be able to do so.

My journey from Beagle Point towards the first system of the final leg of the route to Salomé’s Reach went effortless and without any problem: 14 jumps from Beagle to Myeia Thaa RI-B d13-1. I kept the fuel level nice and low under the upper margin of 60 tonnes.

The Black: A view through the cockpit pane easily can look like the following image – Emptiness, Blackness, Nowhere To Go

On my way back I, when returning to Myeia Thaa RI-B d13-1, I took slightly more fuel during scooping than intended; it was a long way, plenty of hours navigating through the Blackness of the Abyss and now I scooped too much, filling too much mass into my tanks: plotting a route back towards Beagle Point failed. I was carrying too much mass, at least for one of the jumps en route.

My solution was as follows: I plotted a route roughly towards half distance: 16 jumps in a wildly indirect course. During these jumps I burned as much Hydrogen Fuel as possible without scooping.

The fuel management through the Abyss sometimes is counter-intuitive due to the mentioned reasons; it is a real challenge to move a Beluga thus far out and along the edge.

It worked, after the 16 jumps I was able to plot a route towards Beagle Point, where I safely landed the Beluga at 04:41 (Galaxy Time).

My touch down on the surface of Salomé’s Moon succeeded at 03:30 hrs, 23rd April 3305; the following links do show a few screenshots of this most distant object and its surface:

Details of the last leg of the route (all dates are the 23rd APR 3305):

  • System Name-------------------Dist. Next Jump / FSD Inject / 1. Arrival / 2. Arrival

  • Myeia Thaa RI-B d13 1---------50.17 / G1 / 02:19 / 04:06

  • Myeia Thaa QI-B d13 0---------37 / none / 02:22 / 04:02

  • Myeia Thaa QI-B d13-----------50.31 / G1 / 02:24 / 04:00

  • Myeia Thaa UO-Z d13 0--------56.14 / G1 / 02:30 / 03:58

  • Ceeckaea QK-C d14 0----------66.33 / G2 / 02:35 / 03:56

  • Oevasy MA-A d0----------------53.69 / G1 / 02:46 / 03:44

  • Oevasy NA-A d0----------------82.68 / G3 / 02:50 / 03:50

  • Oevasy RG-Y d0-----------------50.07 / G1 / 02:53 / 03:47

  • Oevasy SG-Y d0-----------------50.07 / G1 / 03:00
The Abyss

Passing the Border between Formorian Frontier and Abyss Regions

Using the Beluga Liner Ahab‘s Desire, I was able to enter the Abyss on 22nd April 3305 at 21:14. The star field density thins out and the pilot on the dangerous mission to traverse the Abyssal Plain is challenged.

Thomanski Point - 22nd APR 3305

Formorian Frontier – Tourist Beacon 0708 – Thomanski Point

22nd April, 3305

Relatively lose to the border of the Formorian Frontier Region to the Abyss the Thomanski Point Memorial can be found orbiting an earth like world at the system Slaiyooe OX-L D70.

Reaching here, I got a really refreshing site after traveling through the dark Formorian Frontier, the Styx Gap and thousands of light years through mostly very empty space.

I arrived at Thomanski Point at approximately 19:42 hrs. My route followed a sequence of non-scoopable stars, mostly Brown Dwarfs, from CHUA EOP ZC-T C20-0 to this system. During this journey I passed the point of half a million ly of total travel distance.

Due to the high possibility of multiple Brown Dwarfs or T-Tauri stars during traveling in this part of the Formorian Frontier a huge tank capacity and frequent refueling is mandatory to cross this area.

Thomanski Point is a memorial for Commander Thomanski himself, who passed away when reaching this system on his return route from Beagle Point; as well it might be seen as a reminder and to honor not the pioneering pilot Thomanski but all we left behind during the challenges and adventures of exploring, all, who constantly followed their visions to shape the human history, a journey of science, discovery and to always new frontiers of knowledge, space and time.

The following images show the message of Tourist Beacon 0708 as well as the some impressions of the Site:

Next Stop: Beagle Point in a distance of 6868.68ly of my recent position at Thomanski Pont: o7 see you in space, Commanders.

CHARON'S Torch -- M-Stars inside Neutron Cones

DWE3305: Journey Between Way Points 10 and 11


I name this system: CHARON's TORCH

During the last days I did navigate the Beluga, Ahab’s Desire, from Explorer’s Anchorage to the various way points of the Distant Worlds Expedition 3305 (DW2).

I did not follow the sequence of way points during catching up with the fleet; Explorer’s Anchorage is given the way point number 7. From this location I traveled the DWE2 way points in the following order:

  • WP 9: Phroi Bluae QI-E3 3454 arrival at approx 00:50hrs on 15th April 3305

  • WP 10: Bleethuae NI-B D674 arrival at approx 03:32hrs on 15th April 3305

  • Dryuae BRU WK-D D13-92 arrival approx 23:00hrs 15th April; In this system I rescued Commander Barnard, who got stuck with his Phantom en route towards the various DW2 way points; he was low on oxygen and the Fuel Rat protocol worked out and he could have been saved. I started towards his location from the surface of Phraa Byoe AM-M B52-54 B A, where I investigated a geological surface signal source; during the 67 jumps towards Barnard I did very less exploration due to the urgency, with such a call for a rescue mission. This star system is positioned 754.84ly south of DWE2 WP8 and to Sol there are 37363.54 ly.

  • WP08 Swoalis IL-Y E0 arrival 15th April 3305 - Morphemiel Nebula

  • Dryiqua SO-Z D13-3 arrival at approx 00:15hrs on 19th April 3305

(in-game time for each date above is 2 hours earlier due to summertime in my time zone)

Relatively close to WP 10 I found an interesting system named BLEIA FLYUAE TO-R D4-8.

There I found a system consisting out of one neutron star and 3 M-class stars. The interesting and surprising fact about this system is the distance between the neutron star, which is object A, and the two closer M-Stars (objects B and C): When I entered the system, the cones of the neutron star reached out towards and into the Exclusive Zones (EZ) of B and C star, in fact covering the orbits of both M-stars.

During this time, the centers of the neutron and the B-star were 3ls (light seconds) apart from each other and one of the cones of the neutron reached at the EZ of the M-class star B.

Due to the fact, the neutron’s cones are not positioned orthogonal to its orbit around the two M-class stars with their orbits nearly inside one plain the two M-class stars (B and C) seem to travel through one of the cones of the neutron. From my scooping position I could measure the following distances:

  • Center of Bleia Flyuae TO-R D4-8 A (neutron): 1.44 ls
  • Center of Bleia Flyuae TO-R D4-8 B (M-class): 2.34 ls
  • Center of Bleia Flyuae TO-R D4-8 C (M-class): 13.4 ls
  • Center of Bleia Flyuae TO-R D4-8 D (M-class): 6610 ls