CMDR Tea Man profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
bring me sunshine [wlbf01]
(Krait Mk II)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
17 699
Systems discovered first:
4 595
14 280 527 193 Cr
Done it - Completed the Ram Tah mission

Done it. I've got all 28 logs. I recorded my scans on a spreadsheet and screenshots so I can repeat the mission if I want to.

I was on tthe home stretch, until I accidentally ejected my cargo

Oh dear. I was about to land at a Guardian site when I accidentally ejected all my Guardian and Thargoid cargo. Fortunately I managed to retrieve most of it before it destructed. The Guardian items I lost I was able to pick up new at the site I landed at.However,I lost my Thargoid Link. As a result I had to travel back over 1000ly to Thargoid inhabited space. I'll pick one up at a Thargoid surface structure there. I really hope the Thargoid site and scavengers don't go into rage mode at my ship, what with me carrying Guardian items. After that I need to double back to the Guardian site I was at as I still need to scan it, and then continue with the final few scans.

On a different note, I activated the Guardian Data Bank/Altar and scanned it a few times.

11 to go

I feel like I'm on the home stretch now. I have 11 scans to go. I've not bothered activating the altars yet as I'll do that when I return to the sites. For now, I'm concentrating on the mission.

I've also been doing some scanning and exploring. To my surprise, I got another EDSM badge: 'Bigger, Smaller, Hotter, Colder...'. I now seem to hold the EDSM record for finding and scanning the coldest star yet. Sure enough, my CMDR name is listed under Records / Celestial bodies Stars. It's for star 'Udihikoja C' as 1,300K. That was a pleasant surprise.

Decrypting The Guardian Logs Mission, SYNUEFE GT-H B43-1 C 4

I'm well under way on the mission now. I was able to scan for logs 2, 9, 13, 14, 15, 21, 24, and 27 at SYNUEFE GT-H B43-1 C 4. Those Sentinels though did not want to give up and leave me alone. While my ship was landed and I was in the SRV they did someting like 13% damage to my DBX hull. Flying without shields doesn't help in that case.

First scan decrypting the Guardian Logs

I got scan 9/28. Under way. It's also good to note that this mission can be combined with some good exploration. I'm fairly certain I've also got a number of 'first scans' and 'first discovereds'. The Guardian Structures also have a number of other interesting items and things to discover and explore. Shaping up for an interesting mission.

Got my Thargoid items, now the mission

I finally got the Thargoid items I need for the Ram Tah mission. Finding the Thargoid probes took a while as they appear at threat level 2 NHSS, and they appear to be quite rare. Oddly, there are no Thargoids in TR2s, so why is it a NHSS threat. There are human ships that arrive and attempt to pirate, and they pose a threat.

Then finally I found a Thargoid Structure and got the Thargoid link. The ares was corrosive and hostile as expected. Also very slippery. I seemed to be sliding around a lot inside the structure. I didn't activate the Thargoid device however as I wanted to move onto to the mission.

I ended up with an excess of sensors, so was able to sell them at 'Oort Orbital' in 'Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4'. I also had 2 Thargoid probes, but I didn't want to risk UA (TP ?) bombing the station, so I will hold on to those for a while.

Now on to pick up the mission from Ram Tah. I'll pick up the Guardian items during the mission.

On second thoughts, maybe the Thargoid probe next


I think I'll go for the Thargoid probe next, and then the Thargoid Thargoid link. My reason is that if I have the probe and sensor already when I visit the Thargoid surface site (or is it Thargoid Steucture) at 'HIP 14909 2 A' I'll be able to collect the link there and be able to activate the Thargoid machine ('Unknown Device') also. I have 3 sensors already, so I'll need to collect at least 2 probes; one to use at the site and one to keep for the Ram Tah mission.

This way I'll be ale to combine the pre Ram Tah mission tasks with Thargoid investigation. It will open up more interesting details for me on Thargoids.

Got Thargoid sensors, on to Thargoid Links

Great. Got 3 Thargoid sensors from 'HIP 17403 A 4 A' (-34.96 / -141.37). I was relatively painless. Had to use the compass for find the thing. That was actually an oddly satisfying thing to do. Now on to the Thargoid link for the Ram Tah mission.

These Thargoid items, salvaged planet side, do cause corrosion. The SRV will take damage while they are in the SRV hold, so I had to be sure not to keep them there for too long. To that end I parked my ship fairly close by to reduce travel time from picking up the item in the SRV to transferring it to the ship. Tthe ship has a 16T corrosion resistant cargo rack, so that's ok.

As I have 3 Thargoid sensors, I may seel 2 at stations.

Got the Medusa sample, finally!

After experiencing issues collecting the Medusa sample (bugged limpet crashing into my ship), I have finally got one. Woohoo! Now on to the other Thargoid items I need for the Ram Tah mission.

Finding a Medusa

It seems that finding a Medusa can be a little tricky. Threat Level 7, some say, are quite rare. I hope the hunt goes well. I also hope I can stay out of the Medusa's line of fire and attention, and that it hangs around long enough for the limpet to complete its task.