Expéditions > FotV - Beagle or Bust

Résumé de l'expédition
Date de départ 29 févr. 2020 00:00:01
Date d'arrivée 30 avr. 2020 13:00:00
Système de départ Sagittarius A*
Points de passage 4
Système d'arrivée Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour')
Participants 22
  - Abandonment 7
  - Success 15
Distance estimée 43 825,65 al
Annonce de l'expédition

Commanders of the Void, FotV Pheonix Flight welcomes you all on this most amazing journey. From the centre of our Galaxy to the farthest reaches of space. Beagle or Bust is our cause, which started with 20 hastily gathered comrades on a voyage to our galaxy's edge. But all are welcome. We have already come so far, venturing from our Habs and hangers in Fathers territory to Explorers anchorage, the last vestige of human kind before we spool up our engines and head out into the vast emptiness. Our journey will conclude at Beagle point and for those of you that finally deploy your weary landing gear on that far off planetary crust we end out journey outward. Some may wish to visit Salomes reach. Some may take the long trip back around the outer rim. But we will have hopefully accomplished something great for our group. We wish you well, on this grand adventure o7 commanders and fly safe, and fly together.

Minuteur de l'expédition

Cette expédition est terminée.

Sauts jusqu'à présent...
Distance totale parcourue
Celestial bodies scanned
Celestial bodies mapped
Carburant utilisé
Probes used
Commanders dead
Commanders self destructed
Points de passage de l'expédition
Système Distance depuis le départ Nombre de participants atteints Participants visités
#1 Sagittarius A*
#2 Swoals IL-Y e0 (Goliath’s Rest) 7 457,14 al
#3 Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 (DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call / Cerulean Tranquility) 12 624,18 al
#4 Bleethuae NI-B d674 (Morphenniel Nebula) 15 851,41 al
#5 Smootoae QY-S d3-202 (Luna's Shadow) 30 307,73 al
#6 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') 43 825,65 al