Profil du CMDR Varus strum > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Krait Mk II)
Membre depuis le :
21 nov. 2020
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
2 202
Systèmes découverts en premier :
Strum's Log: 3rd entry, 1-21-3307

First ELW today. Someone already found and mapped it before me but i'd say that was pretty encouraging to keep up the slow pace. Looking through the star charts, i managed to sus out the location of a black hole not far from my next check point. Im barely over 3k out from civilization and i know that as long as i can keep this ship running smoothly, im gonna be one rich b by the time i hit Colonia. I'm gonna keep an eye on some carriers and see if i can't catch one before they hop off to catalog my findings and get all those findings stored away.

As always, the skies are clear and the stars are beautiful.

End log

Strum's Log: 2nd entry, 1-20-3307

Just ran through a large patch of undiscovered systems. Quite a lot of water worlds along the route, only found a single but already discovered ammonia world. Things are going pretty well. Good progress but things are going slower as other duties are keeping me busy.

Other then that, there is nothing other then to report. End Log

Strum's Log: 1st entry, 1-16-3307

Seems my last log was deleted for whatever reason. Likely some trouble with servers or something. Either way, I will reiterate that while the first leg of my journey is over, I still have 21,000 lrys left to travel. With around 3 days of travel time per 1k, and the up coming arrangements I will have to focus on, I likely won't reach Colonia till March at the earliest.

I don't mind that all too much. I got enough food in the back till then. If not, ill see about maybe seeking out fleet carrier to refill or relax on till I can continue on.

End Log.