Profil du CMDR mr.pupsik > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Krait Phantom)
Membre depuis le :
24 nov. 2020
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
8 044
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 758
Solde :
156 003 131 Cr
Finally entry (stardate -302046)

Finally, stop at Colonia. Turned out, there is not much to do around here, so the only way or to stay longer, or get that much-needed rest and continue your journey further.

Have to admit it was a fun trip, but it's not over yet. There still is a long road ahead to the center of our galaxy, The Sagittarius A.

Checkpoint entry (stardate -302067)

It's day 6 of my lonely exploration journey to Sagittarius A with a quick stop at Colonia. Today's morning started with all kinds of repair works, including outside of the ship (pity pilots don't have spacesuits...yet). Yesterday we had a stop at the big checkpoint, my first black hole (named "Black treasure" by GMP). Views there are stunning.

Entry 3 (Stardate -302075 )

It's been already three days since I left the habitable part of space for unknown frontiers of our galaxy. To make the travel not so boring I visit interesting and cool places on the way, like a Neutron star with very wide asteroid rings around it at HD 175876. These minor encounters make the journey really interesting and even breathtaking sometimes. You never know what does the future hold, what kind of wonders of the universe you will see. "Final frontier" becomes not so final and dark thanks to brave pioneers of all the unknown.

Second journal entry (Stardate -302086)

Got tired of collecting money for the fleet carrier, so I decided to mix up a bit my journey by finally visiting our galaxy center at the Sagittarius A. Almost finished working on my Vette researcher fit. Without going too hard into new engineering and not changing much from its initial "War Rig" configuration I was able to make 32ly+ out of it (5G FSD + Guardian booster), I can make additional +2-3ly by switching to smaller PD. The next step, probably the hardest for me, since I never did such deep trips, is the route planning. There is no sense in flying to the Sagittarius straightly, why not to visit some nice and cool places on the way? :)

First journal entry (Star date -302099)

Since there is no much of a social interaction aspect and actual quests in the game your path is totally up to you. Only you decide what to do here, as well as set goals. And you require some goals, especially long-lasting ones, that will keep you in the game. I reached my few personal goals, which were quite easy:

  • got my first elite rank (trade of course) and first billion.
  • reached rear admiral and got my Corvette (which is the main ship now)
  • reached duke rank in the empire ( don't have the Cutter yet)
  • made few engineering upgrades
  • visited few nebulas (and made some cool pics)
  • had an acquaintance with Targoids

In plans:

  • get a Fleet carrier (currently working on it)
  • visit center of our Galaxy
  • travel to some distant worlds