Profil du CMDR King Thor > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Membre depuis le :
19 avr. 2021
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
4 648
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 303
Solde :
4 097 976 871 Cr
The Search for Asgard - Part 3

At long last, the search is over! I have located an Earth-Like World orbiting a Class A star in the Phimbee SK-M d8-2014 system. After a short rest in Explorer's Anchorage, and a brief visit to the Great Annihilator, I will return to the bubble to acquire the necessary credits to commission my own fleet carrier. Then I shall be taking what is left of my people to New Asgard to live out our days there in peace.

Thor out

The Search for Asgard - Part 2

Still no Asgard. A few more Water Worlds, and even some terraformable HMCs. Discovered Yttrium crystals on Phimbee SK-M d8-3178 B 2. The search will continue. Signing off for now.

Thor out.

The Search for Asgard - Part 1

It's been a while since my last entry. After returning from the Rackham's Peak Booze Cruise with my pockets bursting from all the credits I earned, I went back to my old stomping ground for massacring pirates. However, when I got there, I was met with a system in the middle of a civil war. War being bad for business, and me itching to do something adventurous, I decided to immediately leave the bubble once again. I decided to go into the relatively unexplored area of the Odin's Hold region in an attempt to discover an Earth-like World orbiting an F or G class star. After a quick stop in Explorer's Anchorage, I made my way westward into Odin's Hold. Today I made it to my starting system and began my search for Asgard. Found a few water worlds, but no Earth-likes as of yet. Made a base camp and drove the SRV down a large crater. Will update when the search continues.

Thor out.

Rackham's Peak

I had always planned on making my way to Rackham's Peak for the exploration, never imagined I would be part of a mass trading event. Due to the public holiday in the system, the demand for wine and other alcoholic spirits has sky-rocketed. I have made over 2 billion credits unloading the fleet carriers Ignis Vitae and Heck If I Know with the ASF Nidavellir. It's easy money, but very boring compared to discovering new systems out in the black, or massacring pirates in REZ sites. Still, at least I now have a solid financial foundation for any future ventures. That is, of course, until I purchase a fleet carrier of my own.

Thor out.