Profil du CMDR kaito=otori > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Imperial Cutter)
Membre depuis le :
27 mai 2021
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
16 460
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 002
Solde :
18 599 950 085 Cr

こんにちは。 Kaito = Otori(鳳 海斗)と申します。



Dark Wolf MarlinistsというSquadronのトップの方からお声がけがあったというのも大きな理由ですが。





Age:35 (中の人の年齢じゃないよ)





以降、Free Marlinist Movementへの支援を中心に活動中。

現在はHyades Sector VP-N b7-4のコントロール奪還に向けて活動中。



Free Marlinist Movementの拡大及び星系コントロールに向けて支援を行う。





先月(3307年3月)、Irusan星系でPFであるCandy Crew GuildのINFが急落したため戦争になりましたが、アウトポストの支配権がかかっていた為止む無く戦争に参加しました。


PFとの戦争は日本人プレーヤー最大派閥(?)のPikum Paltry Pilots [PKMP]のお手伝いでお腹いっぱいなので、プレーヤー間ではあまり波風立てずにマーリニストの勢力拡大を狙っています。


Openで飛んでることが多いので、この地域で見かけたらo7とでもチャットしてください。 (PvPは弱いのでインターディクトはしないでね)



Machine Translation.(Translated with (free version))



My name is Kaito = Otori.

It's been a year and a half since I started playing the game, and I've had more opportunities to talk with other players, so I thought I'd leave a note introducing myself, my playing style, etc.

(Don't tell me to do it in INARA.)

The main reason was that I was approached by a Squadron leader named Dark Wolf Merlinist.

I am not good at English, so I thought it would be easier to understand if I wrote down my activity policy in machine translation.


Role play content:

PN: Kaito=Otori

Age: 35 (Not the age of the person inside)


In November 3306, I completed my training at the Pilots' Federation and debuted as a CMDR.

I spent six months gaining experience in and around the Cubeo system while saving up money for my activities.

In mid-3307, I began supporting moderate Marlinists in response to the persecution of Marlinists and the increased activity of the NMLA.

In December 3307, I set up my base of operations in the Thauts system.

Since then, I have focused on supporting the Free Marlinist Movement.

I am currently working to regain control of Hyades Sector VP-N b7-4.


Play Policy:.

Provide support the Free Marlinist Movement to expand and gain control of the star system.

If the control faction is player faction, I will not be doing a control takeover.


Basically, this is how I play.

I usually mine and take trading missions to save money, INF up and participate in wars.


Last month (March 3307), the player-faction Candy Crew Guild's INF plummeted in the Irusan system, leading to war, and I joined the war because control of the outpost was at stake.

As for Irusan, I think it would be better to give control to Candy Crew Guild since they are from the same star system.

I don't want to go to war against player faction because I am tired of helping Pikum Paltry Pilots [PKMP], a large faction of Japanese players. So I hope to expand the Marlinist power without much conflict among players.


I'm active in the Marlinist colony, often flying in Open, so if you see me in the area, please chat with o7.

(I'm not very good at PvP, so don't interdict me)