Profil du CMDR Mayto > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Diamondback Explorer)
Membre depuis le :
3 août 2021
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
9 555
Systèmes découverts en premier :
2 064
Day 25 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [07] Asteroid base NGC 6188 Sector LC-V c2-28 (Morgan's Rock / NGC 6188) hood

No real good missions in station. There are some delivery and import missions, bubble is about 4,000LY away! Could do donation missions but I am already allied with the faction after selling the exploration data. Would be good if the asteroid bases had outfitting and could do some mining or bounty hunting. Flew around the nebula to enjoy the views mapped some systems with type F stars, investigated the system and mapped some of the moons. Started looking into the black hole, neutron stars and wolf rayet locations.

Day 24 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [06] Asteroid base NGC 6188 Sector LC-V c2-28 (Morgan's Rock / NGC 6188).

Spent the night in the station. No outfitting or shipyard but repair and rearm are available. Will decide if we hang around this system and run some missions or explore more before going back to the bubble. Should probably check the SRV and turret issue before heading back.

Day 23 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [05] Expedition complete! Waypoint #9 Gru Dryou AP-A e3 and Finished at waypoint # 11 Thaila YE-A g2 (The Quartz Twins)

Long day today. Drank a lot of space tea! Woke up on CPD-65 2513 (NGC 5315 (Qing Long Caverns)) expecting to have a better view with some sunlight. Nothing better, drove around some more collected some mats, but I am pretty full with grade 1 thru 3. Will make engineering the next ship (Krait phantom) easier. Sent a space communication to confirm the status of the caverns with other CMDRs. Pretty much same experience. Underwhelming. I suppose I was expecting being able to drive the SRV in some underground caverns, or better yet fly the ship! I believe the site should have been named Qing Long Canyons. CMDR Tredwell showed the same digital souvenir view I took. Funny. Flew out and found an area with sunlight and landed in what looked like a series of canyons interconnected with some minor hills in between, thinking I could do a loop on the SRV. Took a tumble and took some hull damage. Disabled the sensors, wave scanner and gun to save fuel, the sensors are what generates the heat that prevents the window from frosting. Found a outcrop and restarted the gun and it would not work. Must be a glitch or the tumble damaged it. Tried different tricks but it would not work. Recalled the ship, boarded and exited, still no luck. Arghh! Finally gave up and flew out in the sip and did some canyon running at 100m/s, the ASP explorer is responsive but drifts a little, better than the T9. Hehe. I do not miss those trucker days, but it gave me the funds to get out here and not have to do that. Scanning a lot of undiscovered systems, found ammonia and water worlds. Jumping into waypoint #9 Gru Dryou AP-A e3. The FSD had an issue and was dropped out of supercruise close to a neutron star ejection cone. Tried to engage supercruise away from the star and cone, started overheating. Did not panic as I heard this could be a possibility out in the black. Disengaged supercruise, changed my fire group to fire a heatsink and then engaged supergruise. Worked perfectly and flew away to the farthest planet. Mapped the whole system even though a lot of the planets and moons were claimed. I may have gotten 4 or 5 of them. Just needed to think my next move either to got to FGS Sourcerer or continue on. Decided to continue on to waypoint #11 but stopped for space bacon, egg and cheese lunch from the food stores we have been carrying. Had been in the chair for about 12 hours with a few breaks for the space loo and food but pushed on to the end. Sent a space message to CMDR IamNickMan (FGS expedition leader) letting him know I was safe and completed the expedition! Spent some time deciding on the path to take. Return to waypoint #2, #6, #14 and wait a week for the carrier departure or return in the ASP explorer. In looking at distances and some other carriers that would charge 100% for universal cartographics. I decide to go in the ASP explorer but honk, scoop, FSS while refueling and look to map ELW, WWs & Ammonia. 83 jumps to a station in an asteroid. Have not been to Morgan’s Rock and it was around 4,000LY away. The Spansh plotter indicated 3 hours, but it took me and extra 1.5 hours since I stopped to map some valuable worlds. Made about 70 million travelling from FGS Sourcerer to the last 3 waypoins to Morgan’s rock. A profitable expedition, new views, new stars, new geological and biological discoveries, new worlds and gained valuable experience for the future.

Day 22 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [04] Expedition almost complete. CPD-65 2513(NGC 5315 (Qing Long Caverns)) disappointment.

Landed with night vision, took a while to find the landing site with the coordinates. Drove around in the SRV. Tried to find the caverns without any luck. Spent 1.5 hours driving and flying around expecting something amazing, without any luck. Nice views of the planter and the blueish and red sky. Finally went to bed in the ship. Will try tomorrow hopefully in daylight.

Day 21 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [03] Waypoint #7 Bleia Dryoae UV-C c29-52 [FGS] - Sourcerer (K9J-L2J)

Syralaei EV-C b2-1 landing and more deep canyons. Nice views of a blue stripped icy world with rings, gas giants with a brown band towards the middle. Landed on the carrier and sold a lot of data.

Day 20 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [02] Waypoint #10 CD-50 8073

The first view of the planetary nebula and the Wolf Rayet Star is like a chestnut with red and gray with a white bright center. A site to behold! It was a long trek from the previous waypoint. 21 jumps today. I needed a break. Landed on Syralaei UO-T c6-1 another icy world with deep canyons. Just have to keep on moving as the expedition is almost finished. Arrived at CD-50 8073, finally!

Day 19 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [01] Deep Canyons. Byua Eurl LO-L b39-0

Long day. 43 jumps. Found an Icy planet with a lot of canyons, never seen one like this! Landed on a geological POI (11) with some on the plateau and some at the bottom of the canyon. It was more than 2 km deep! Worth exploring if and when there is more time.

Day 18 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [31] Water world gazing.

Short day today. Only 13 jumps. Some water worlds and ringed planets discovered while on the way to the next waypoint.

Day 17 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [30] Waypoint #6. Unregistered Comms beacons. Abandoned stations and a mystery. Gamma, Beta, Delta, Alpha Sites explored.

Long day. Made about 70 jumps with FSS some DSS. A lot to see. I saw a pinkish gas giant and a redish one. Found a deep canyon but it was misty and at one point I thought I saw pictographs with the night vision. Had to back up and double check with only the ship lights. They were not. Found a beacon/transmitter from an abandoned expedition. Could not figure it out until it started transmitting every 15-30 minutes. Landed on Plaa Aec TT-B b41-3 B 2, Plaa Aec IZ-N c20-1 A 1 a, Plaa Aec XZ-Z b41-0 2, Plaa Aec RY-B b41-1 2 b and inspected the stations, picked up some mats, scanned the data links and other comm information. Wonder what they were really doing out here. Seems a few died by accident. At least that is the information that is stored in the data scanned says.

Day 16 FGS sponsored A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina. [29] Waypoint #5 Thaile HW-V e2-7 (Three Worlds Nebula)

Just a few more jumps, still a lot of mapping. Eight undiscovered systems in a row! Found an undiscovered ELW and mapped the whole system. The last jump to the system has a blue blob on it, maybe a blue lagrange cloud. Arrived in the system and a neutron star greeted me! Carrying a lot of data, must be very careful! The carrier is here somewhere! Scanned system and several mapped valuable planets including an ELW. But with the plume it is always a danger. The whole system has a blue nebula or cloud that filters the light. The small class M star is what is the life giving item. But who would want to live in a system with a neutron star! Made the carrier Fgs Glorious Walz (MNB-TTZ) by turning off supercruise assist, wanted to make I didn’t hit the plume of the star. Did a small loop of shame, the plume seemed close, didn’t want to risk it! Finally docked and could take a breath. Data was good, first discoveries, complete scans netted about 100 million after carrier took their cut. Headed to the notable stellar phenomena and it was a yellow storm cloud with thunder and lighting; it rocks the ship but does no damage, put all pips to sys just in case anything weird is in the cloud! An anomaly that attacks you if you get too close and some kind of space tree was in the cloud. The anomaly is similar to the other one I saw in another system. It seems to be three spheres, the inner one is yellow like a sun and then a blue sphere or dust cloud with some blue particles that turn on and off, the last sphere changes form to sphere to an irregular sphere bot not so much as an ellipse, it looks like it changes in 3 dimensions and it overlaps with three more. The space tree looks like a spike or caltrop, got really close but it did not react to the scans or data link scanner. The other NSP is red but also a storm cloud! It also has the trees in space. Found four anomalies. Will map the HMC and then on to the next waypoint. I am past 1000 digital images. Hopefully they are worth it.