Profil du CMDR Shiara > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Membre depuis le :
23 avr. 2017
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
4 069
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 716
Pirate Lord Elito

This man, in a Cobra MkIV, was attacking a clean Type 6 trader and being chased by two Viper Mk III craft of Federal affiliation, also clean.

I scanned the Cobra Mk IV, he came up wanted, his ident consistent with wanted bills. I engaged and destroyed him.



I have returned from Mobia...well, Colonia Dream in Ratraii, in fact. I took the suicidewinder route.

Now, having made Elite Explorer, I am spending some time in the Bubble and running missions...I am 76% Tycoon. Also engineering some of my ships before shuttling them out to Ratraii. The Anaconda, Jeni M., is already there.
