Profil du CMDR Werdna > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Oooh Shiny [133SW2]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Membre depuis le :
17 oct. 2015
Distances envoyées :
14 458
Systèmes visités :
37 450
Systèmes découverts en premier :
18 814
Solde :
2 194 643 641 Cr
DW2 Day 66

The next Phua Aub nebula was 'Epsilon', where I found a pair of landable worlds in close orbit:

Phua Aub Epsilon Nebula

The last nebula was 'Kappa':

Phua Aub Kappa Nebula

The last POI for the night was the black hole system GRS 1739-278

GRS 1739-278 Black Hole

DW2 Day 65

First stop was to enter the Hengist Nebula and check out the Roseum Lagrange Storm cloud.

Hengist Nebula Roseum Lagrange Storm cloud

Then it was setting course for the Phua Aub Nebula Cluster. First was the 'Alpha' nebula:

Phua Aub Alpha Nebula

Then the 'Beta':

Phua Aub Beta Nebula

DW2 Day 64

On logging on tonight I realised I completely forgot to try to get to the meetup last night. I missed so many while I was behind and now I forgot one while I was right next door the whole time! Bummer.

Anyway, I started the trip to the next waypoint, #8. Before I left I looked back at Explorer's Anchorage - it's progressing quite nicely.

Explorer's Anchorage

I stopped off at Armstrong Landing and waited a while to see if any stragglers showed up, but nothing.

I headed off for Hengist Nebula and stopped just short for the night. I'll check out the storm clouds in the nebula tomorrow night.

Hengist Nebula

DW2 Days 57-63

For the last few days I've basically been having a break. It's been pretty intense jumping trying to catch up from when I fell a week behind doing the Quantum World circumnavigation.

For Day 57 I just relocated to the old DW1 WP11 for some photos while it was light.

Day 58 I decided to drive the SRV back to the DW2 WP7. When I got there I leapt into one of the ice geyers and ended up 11km away! Shame it was all dark otherwise I would have taken some photos.

Days 59 and 60 I was unable to play.

Day 61 I visited some of the new Notable Stellar Phenomena in Explorer's Anchorage and found some L04 Anomalies.

L04 Anomalies

Then I visited Sagittarius A* - how could I not when it was so close?

Sagittarius A*

Note the brightly glowing radiators...

I then tried to get a screenshot while jumping out. After a bit I heard some funny noises and saw sparks falling off my ship. On return to the cockpit the ship heat was over 200% and bits were failing! This is the time to do stupid mistakes while it's easy to pop over to Explorer's Anchorage for repairs. I'll have to be much more careful once DW2 leaves for Beagle Point.

On Days 62 and 63 I flew my alt account, Miriel Byrde back in the bubble. After just those two days, she's already got 40MCr and a Cobra Mk3.

DW2 Day 56

First stop, Emerald Remnant.

Emerald Remnant

Then Fenrisulfur.


I found some Notable Stellar Phenomena - Solid Mineral Spheres and Q06 Anomalies. I got close to one and entered camera mode for a closer photo. While doing that it turned red. I switched back to the cockpit and found it attacking my hull directly! No module damage, so nothing a repair limpet couldn't fix. I backed off a bit, then took a photo from a safe distance.

Q06 Anomaly

The next Notable Stellar Phenomena was a Viride Lagrange Storm Cloud with Flavum Metallic Crystals and more Q06 Anomalies.

Viride Lagrange Storm Cloud

The last POI before Explorer's Anchorage was Insinnergy's World. At Biological (4) on 7 A are Roseum Sinuous Tubers.

Insinnergy's World

It was only 12 jumps to Explorer's Anchorage.

There is also a Proto-Lagrange Cloud in the system with Purpureum and Prasinum Metallic Crystals. It was too dark for a photo.

Finally, a week late, I arrived at Explorer's Anchorage.

Explorer's Anchorage

Sagittarius A* is the bright glow just above the station axis behind the main sphere.

All my exploration data gathered since Polo Harbour at WP5 sold for 729,597,700Cr - a little more than the credits I already had to hand, and pretty much in line with what EDSM estimated. My SLF pilot scored 30.4MCr just for sitting around - isn't she lucky?

Next I thought I'd check in to the actual WP7 - Armstrong Landing.

Before I left I visited the Livery section and put on some new Iridescent Dusk paint, and repaired the paint too. I'm not one of those 'scruffy' pilots - I take pride in my ship's appearance :-) It's sort of like a better Chromed paint, which I liked a lot.

Iridescent Dusk

I was last here a little over three years ago on 21 Feb 3302 as part of the first Distant Worlds Expedition. When I got into the system I found a new Notable Stellar Phenomena - Prasinum Metallic Crystals and Solid Mineral Spheres.

Crystals and Spheres in a ring

The official meetup point of Geological (4) on 1 B was deserted (not surprising with the CG on) and in darkness - I'd arrived just after 'starset'. Quite a few of the Water Ice Geyers were busy.


The old meetup was on the same moon, but 27.6km away at 57.25/78.06 instead of 58.078/79.594.

DW1 WP11

DW2 Days 54-55

I didn't fly day 54. On Day 55 I set out from Dance of the Compact Quartet towards the Zunuae Nebula.

After a few jumps I arrived in Phraa Flyoo DP-Z d608. It is a White Dwarf primary, but I flew through the class-M as I entered! A bit scary, fuel started scooping immediately, but I didn't overheat. Phew!

Close call

Later on I found a nice ringed water world Phraa Flyoo AP-A e690 11 a.

Ringed water world

Almost to the Zunuae Nebula I found two water worlds next to each other in Zunuae RG-O c6-247.

Water worlds

After so many nebula visits it's getting hard to find new ways to screenshot them, but I'm trying. This time it's the Zunuae Nebula from the icy rings of a gas giant in a nearby system.

Zunuae Nebula

The next stop was Six Rings. Below is a view of the entry class-B star peeking through the rings of one of the six ringed T-Tauri stars the system is named for.

Six Rings

Just a few jumps away was Wulfric.


When I got into the nebula, I found my first Notable Stellar Phenomena in planetary rings - Solid Mineral Spheres and Rubeum Metallic Crystals in the first one, Rubeum and Flavum Metallic Crystals in the second one.

Notable Stellar Phenomena in Planetary Rings

I decided to camp for the night at some Silicate Lava Spouts.

Silicate Lava Spouts

Only three more POIs before I get to WP7, which is now less than 1000Ly away.

DW2 Day 53

Another day, another untagged Earth-like world, this one with a landable moon.

ELW from its moon

That's the fifth one so far. Nothing else exciting, just a lot of jumps to get to the Dance of the Compact Quartet.

Dance of the Compact Quartet

I was quite nervous jumping into this system knowing the black hole was the primary and therefore I could be jumping into the plumes of one of the neutron stars or the white dwarf. Thankfully, I arrived safely. The black hole is somewhere behind me.

DW2 Day 52

My first jump on leaving Galionas and I found my fourth untagged ELW!


First stop was Caeruleum Luna, a system with a Neutron star.

Caeruleum Luna

The Mysturji Crater on A 1 d at 72.16/156.99 is a distinctive crater and worth a visit. It was unfortunately quite dark when I arrived, although the contrast between the black surface and brilliant star field in the sky was impressive.

Mysturji Crater

DW2 Day 51

This evening it was about a 60-jump session to get to Galionas. It's a black hole system, so when I landed on a moon near some Ammonia Ice Geyers everything was lit by the blue-green glow of the nebula.


DW2 Day 50

Many months ago I made a bookmark on the galaxy map for a system with an Earth-like world orbiting another world that another commander had found. Earth-likes orbiting any other planet are pretty rare. When I found myself relatively close by, I knew I had to go for a look.

On the way I found a water world with a large, but narrow, ring. It was a rocky ring, but the local star lit it up so it looked like an icy ring.

Ringed water world

After many, many jumps, I arrived at my destination for the day: Hypiae Aoc OE-G d11-298. The Earth-like is a little smaller than Earth at about 4,500km radius. The High Metal Content world it orbits is twice its size.

ELW orbiting HMC

Elsewhere in the system I noticed that there was a landable ringed planet, and so I decided it would be the perfect photo opportunity to end the day.

Approaching crater

The large crater I found was quite hazy, giving the sky a copper-orange colour.

Orange haze

The Esra Taf is looking quite a bit worse for wear these days! Lots of supercruising to map planets. EDSM is currently estimating over 500MCr of scan data. I'm thinking that by the time I dock at Explorer's Anchorage I'll more than double my cash credit balance. Exploring is really easy money these days.