Profil du CMDR Flimsie > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Launch-aconda [Void]
Membre depuis le :
26 févr. 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
19 944
Systèmes découverts en premier :
6 703
Solde :
5 041 350 334 Cr
Commanders Log - The Return from Colonia

Silenced and I have been on an epic journey that took us 22,000 LY from our comfort level, as well as the security of our home systems. The trip that was suppose to be simple, but long was far from it with the last 70ish jumps that were needed to be completed. As I approached a little too close to a star, my canopy started to give away. Fear and dread started to creep in as my thoughts turned to, what if I cant complete this journey with my friend. I feel like I heard each and every crack as it formed. Each a little louder than the last. Those last 70ish jumps had me checking integrity on each and every jump. By the time that we reached Colonia, my ship had taken a huge beating. The paint was mostly gone, and if were honest, its a miracle that I made it. Lucky for me, I had a friend with me to keep the prize within sight. After a little tinkering with internal modules, I was able to give my ship a max jump of 50.3 LY. This would make the trip back home a little more sweet, cutting more than 200 jumps off. Though it has been a wonderful adventure, I'm ready to get back to the comfort of LTT 7421. Tonight I landed on GRU HYPUE CQ-J B1-10 A 1. May we all sleep sound, and wake ready for tomorrows adventures. Sleep tight, Commanders. GRU HYPUE CQ-J B1-10 A 1

Commanders Log - Day 2 - Trip to Colonia

My second day out in this cold, unforgiving space came with both beautiful scenes, as well as amazing finds. As I scanned many of the locations that I had found, I made sure to take the occasional picture to remember this moment. Having left from LTT 7421 two days ago, I knew that this trip would be an amazing challenge. What will tomorrow bring? We shall see.