Profil du CMDR Legoloser4 > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
'roid kracken [LE-mnr]
Membre depuis le :
25 août 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
3 553
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 281
My First Trek into the black

I set out to unlock Palin for those damned Grade 5 drives. I need the power for my python in the combat zones, and grade three just doesn't cut it with the weight of engineered modules and hardpoints.

I chose the cat's paw nebulae as it was pretty and a fairly straight shot. I had high hopes I might discover a few stars and planets to place my name upon eternaly.

The trip took close to 6 hours. It was a grueling trek across the black with little to entertain on the way out. At an average jump of 60ly I made it in just over 100 jumps from home in the koyans system. Thank god i took the time to EG the asp!

Overall I had a pleasant time on the way out. No commanders caused trouble, nor did any ruely pirates find me. It was a quiet trek. I nary had to pop heat once even. Quite dull indeed.

As I drew closer, I was treated increasingly beautiful views. It was a sight I was glad to behold. The great red plumes spreading increasingly upon the horizon. I only with I had spent more time playing within the body when I arrived.

The return journey proved more eventful, Having reached the max distance of 5,461, well above the required 5k, I threw caution to the wind and jumped on a neutron route. This proved... difficult. Having never charged off a cone I didn't succeed on the first star I came to. Instead I jumped that 250ly distance the conventional way. Arriving at the next star, I learned to take things slower. It was dangerous, but the reward well worth. Nearly 4 jumps saved! The remainder of the trip went quickly, I gave up on trying to get planets named, and hurried through only scanning stars. One system offered spectacular views, and the opportunity to name a rock close to the star. I landed and enjoyed the hearty 1.15 G's. That done, I hurried home. Feeling a calm and excitement fall over me as i drew nearer to home.

Once in the bubble it was business. No need to scan or slow down those final jumps raced by. Finally I was home.