Profil du CMDR Maladus Caldwell > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Membre depuis le :
30 nov. 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
6 793
Systèmes découverts en premier :
2 234
Solde :
188 396 712 Cr
Everything has been discovered

Because of carriers there's literally zero point in exploring with single ships , the only trouble is that carriers cost 999 Zillion Quadrillion Trillion Billion Million Credits , and yet every man and his dog has one , go figure :/

Mining is ruined

Welp the latest update has utterly destroyed mining , the last remaining and viable way of earning creds in game, guess its time for this game to finally die seeing as it was near death already, only a few die hard fanbois will cling to this mess .

Failure to complete Stellar Unknown

Sadly the next way point that was chosen along the route is unplottable by my current FSD jump range of 20 LY

for anyone curious it was way point #5 IC 2621 Sector BQ-Y d3.

All the other way points were easy to plot , It seems someone thought it was a good idea to pick a way point that was in the middle of nowhere , a region with very few stars to jump between .

at this point in time I have Determined it best to drop out of the expedition and continue to Sagittarius A* On my own .

  • Maladus Caldwell .
Signed up for Expedition Stellar Unknown

about 350 jumps into my current journey to the Void region I received word of this expedition , which I think I will do instead . going to spend tomorrow returning to the bubble (but will be slow about doing it )

Hope to see you all at the starting way point in August .

Maladus Caldwell : Apprentice explorer .

Going to the Void

There's a far flung region of space within the Milky way Galaxy known as the void . I intend to jump as far in as physically possible to explore what secrets lay there , I'm nervous but also excited , My thoughts are immediately drawn to how other explorers must of felt on their journey into the unknown .

My departure will be from Azalai.

I will Explore and scan every system that I pass through .

My journey Might take me Months, even A Year , But I am certain that It will be worth the effort .

Once I feel that I have gone far enough I will return to Sol , Abraham Lincoln dock.

Updates will be posted sporadically , perhaps with some data . All I have to do is remember K.G.B.F.O.A.M

Regards: Maladus Caldwell - Apprentice Explorer

Arrived At Colonia

A Bitter sweet moment as i touched down at Jacques Station and sold nearly 43 Million Credits worth of exploration data ( I estimated 50 Million) ,and finding out that I had discovered a couple of dozen new systems first was nice too.

I think I'll stay here a month or two and try to regain the energy for the trip back to the bubble.

Or I may never leave, the bubble is too over crowded anyway, and there's too much silly politics , And the Thargoids don't seem too keen on taking the 22,000 LY journey to Colonia .

The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to stay here, Jacques is a very accommodating fellow .

Christmas Carriers Convoy 3 Abandoned.

Singed up for the Christmas Expedition , have been using the EDDiscovery companion app since the first way point (budrys installation, Karbon), but EDSM hasn't kept up with my over all progress even though I followed all the way points exactly (still listed me as only being .10 %, even though I'm nearly to Sacajawea space port at the time of this post ) . and I didn't start early, unlike some people .

No matter, I've always wanted to go to Colonia so I abandoned the expedition and carried on my own way , independently.