Profil du CMDR shaggy dogg > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
the easy tiger [5h499y]
Membre depuis le :
10 janv. 2019
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
7 084
Systèmes découverts en premier :
3 308
logbook 1 (DW2)

entry01. in colonia, preparing for the journey, back to the core. WP7 of DW2. apart from a mistake involving my SLF pilot, requiring a detour back here, everything is going better than i'd hoped. I've even helped set up a fleetcomm group, called "the kingfishers", to help SRVs in difficulties. looking forward to upgrading the station we built at the centre. it's far too basic to be of much use right now, but it's a good place to repair and sell data. cha ching. o7 p.s. no signs of "space madness" o7

entry02. deep space. odin's hold. more scanning for terraformables and jumping today, thankfully quite a few neutrons to make up for some lost time. you might think a starport would come online with a crew lounge in place, but nooooo. I've had to come all this way just to pick up my SLF pilot. making good progress back to the core. o7 p.s. zero space madness. o7

entry03. ha! back at explorer's anchorage, and not a whisper of "space madness", just another 100 million credits richer... space madness? I don't know what all the fuss is about, I've spent more time in witchspace than realspace just lately, and we feel completely "normal". I doubt that it's actually a real thing. o7

entry04. the new station is in turmoil. governing factions going to war with eachother… typical. I guess a bit of bounty hunting is "on the cards". somebody needs to thin out the number of trouble makers out here. it's times like these when you're thankful that you lugged 50 tons of firepower and a massive shield generator half way across the galaxy. maybe i'm not so crazy after all. o7

entry05. more civil unrest. bounty hunted off and on all day but no signs of improvement. the fleet is explorer and miner heavy, and scattered off, doing whatever it is they're doing. there's only a few of us trying to stop the system going into lockdown and prevent an all out war. space madness, is the least of the fleet's problems, right now. o7

entry06. we barely managed to prevent a lockdown, which means the fleet can start building the rest of the starport without too much disruption. I, however have signed up as "fleet security". I was a pirate hunter back "in the bubble" so I might as well do it out here. makes no difference to me. lost count of confirmed kills, but I need to pick up the pace some more if I want to help get things back in control. o7

entry07. pirate activity on the increase. I've already made a couple of trips to the pirate zone. made some kills, took some damage. it's pretty stressful, so I went and made some observations of a L04-type anomaly to chill out, but i'm getting frustrated with some of the other cmdrs out here. some of us are out, taking risks and making kills, trying to keep the system safe, and station operational, or, off mining for the materials that the fleet needs to complete it's goals, but some of these guys are only interested in buggy racing, painting their ships a variety of garish colours, and acting like a bunch of stupid tourists... i'm running out of patience. o7 p.s. top 25% for kills. o7

entry08. multiple trips into the pirate zone. threat level went up from 5 to 7 and the location moved to the same planet as "anchorage". suits me fine, not as far to go to repair and reload. o7 p.s. top 10%

entry09. I think we broke the pirate offensive. today, I noticed that suddenly there were no big targets, just wings of small targets in the pirate zone. I took a break, and when I took off a couple of hours later, the pirate zone had vanished. I went back to "oldskool" bounty hunting and found a "wanted" anaconda. he tried to run pretty early in the fight, but I took out his drives, leaving him "dead in the water". I flew up his port side, just hammering him with high yield cannon shells, targeting his powerplant until his ship detonated. top 10% consolidated, and the system is secure, for now. o7

entry10. pirate numbers have dropped completely. this makes bounty hunting very difficult. on the rare occasions that you do find a kill worth making, they're nothing compared to the ships that were in the pirate zone, and they almost always run, so I started targeting their frameshift drives, and quickly taking it offline to stop them from jumping away. one interesting incident happened, involving a high level python. I took out his FSD, but he was still hard to keep up with, and i was only able to do so by constantly boosting my thrusters. I thought destroying his powerplant would end it, so I did, but it didn't, he just started moving in slow constant circles. I targeted his life support and blew it to bits, he's still there! obviously, he's in a great deal of trouble, and if I would have waited he would have most likely suffocated to death, or exploded anyway, but i'm not a patient man at times, and a couple of shots to his engines resulted in complete destruction, and a decent paycheck... the high level pirates are too few and far between to keep me busy. gonna get some R&R. o7

entry11. the fleet has gathered the resources required to build a mega-ship, to help in our voyage of discovery. then they set off again, on to the next waypoint. a few of us hung back to see "explorer's anchorage" get completed, and I launched today. I visited my first electrically active lagrange cloud, and got struck by lightning for the first time. leo, complained a bit, but the ship took no damage, plus i discovered some L type anomalies, which were fun, I also discovered many waterworlds and terraformable planets. using one of them as "home" for the night. o7 p.s. glad to be back into the black. seems like I don't need to worry about space madness, so much as I should worry about "station madness" o7

entry12. enough sightseeing. I've got to catch up to the fleet. burning my FSD with neutron charges and only stopping if I find something worthwhile. o7

entry13. I made WP8 with a day to spare. it required a neutron jump high above the galactic plane. it's quite a view, but we just received the next waypoint co-ords, so it's time to make trails. o7 I just burned out my FSD. stopping to make repairs. o7