Profil du CMDR Oberon556 > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Type-9 Heavy)
Membre depuis le :
14 janv. 2019
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
4 173
Systèmes découverts en premier :
ED log 3 - A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina Log 3

ED log 3

A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina Log 3 - Commander Oberon556

Okay folks,have you ever set off to go somewhere - stop thinking - about where you're driving because you had a automatic car trip planner and then suddenly you find yourself back where you started. Well, that's what happened to me today. I started at the Yggdrasil carrier and ended up back at said carrier about a thousand light years later. Apparently my mapping tool decided we wanted to go in a circle. so I got the pleasure of visiting it twice. After that it was just a matter of jump jump jump jump jump and I made it through several more checkpoints - pictures below. But I do recommend that you check your trip planner several times during the journey, yeah.

p.s. The canyon run was nice.. But rather than it's current name I would change it simply to Canyon after the world in Larry Nivens boooks.

CPD-65 2513 AB 3 a

In the canyon

The world tree awaits, Yggdrasil

Gru Dryou AP-A e3

Bleia Dryoae UV-C c29-52

CD-50 8073

ED log 2 - A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina Log 2

ED log 2

A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina Log 2 - Commander Oberon556

Traveling well on the crate tour. I have reached several waypoint's and I am currently at Hawking's Gap abandoned settlements. I thought I would post a few words as well as some of the pictures I took along the way. I saw some cool stuff and I really recommend using the tool Elite Dangerous Market Connector because it can also show you points of interest along your route and that has proved really nice. I've seen some interesting Galactic phenomena which was cool for weird-shaped crystals growing in LaGrange clouds full of lightning - awesome stuff - but in the end it's also really awesome to see the carriers that they have positioned out here in the black and to be able to sell my data. That's real nice. thanks guys, Commander Oberon556

FGS Glorious Walz, Thaile HW-V e2-7 Too big for xmas, Eta Carina Sector JH-V c2-9

Cool crystals, Thaile HW-V e2-7

Eta Carina Sector MX-U c2-4

The world tree awaits, Yggdrasil

A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina - Log 1 - Commander Oberon556

ED log 1

A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina Log 1 - Commander Oberon556

Yesterday, I found out that there was a nice looking expedition out to a place I had never been called “A Krait Carrier Survey of Eta Carina.“ On the spur of the moment, I decided that this was the trip for me.

I had noticed myself just not having a whole lot of fun with the standard missions in Elite dangerous and so I was looking to get out into the black and do more of the looking around that I find so much fun. This expedition seemed to fit the bill - so starting at about dinner time on January 24th I purchased a Krait Phantom - used the Krait Phantom build from the Commander's tool box website at ( to make it a nice jumper - signed up - and set off. A few hours later, I had officially started my second major expedition. It sure feels good to be out in the black. The ship being able to jump about twice as far as my old one also helps. I didn't really see anything remarkable on my first day but I did travel about 9000 light years so that was good. Thanks goes to Spansh ( for the neutron star highway plotter. Please note that this Expedition is already about halfway over for most folks so I've got some catching up to do. I'll let you know more as I see it Commander Oberon556 out.