Profil du CMDR Purgitoria > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Troglodyte [PU-06K]
(Krait Mk II)
Membre depuis le :
17 avr. 2019
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
1 220
Systèmes découverts en premier :
First foray into the black...

After days of grinding going back and forth from Robigo Mines to Sirius Atmospherics with the intent to purchase an Anaconda and head off into the black I found myself wondering if the Anaconda was even necessary and if I had spent all those flights ferrying passengers back and forth for nothing. I decided against the upgrade in the end and just stuck with my trusty Python, heavy and well armed as she was but then it was only going to be a relatively short trip out to the Heart and Soul nebula's before heading back to the bubble to mull over my choice and see if she would keep me happy on a longer jaunt. Her jump range is quite short at just over 30LY so it will me a lot of jumps but then that is what it is all about right, trying to see as much of the galaxy as possible? The journey started well with a good diversity of systems to explore but the further I got from the bubble the more sparse and desolate things became. System after system with just dead ice worlds and nothing of significant interest to report. 1000 LY in to the journey and there was one small respite with a busy system of 53 bodies but for the next 1000 LY, no gas giants, no ringed planets no geology or biology anywhere until I came across Outorst ZF-R b4-1. Not a large system but finally something to investigate!

Outorst ZF-R b4-1 A 1 Flyby

Outorst ZF-R b4-1 A 4 a Water Geyser