Profil du CMDR Morning Sun > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Strider [MO-07K]
(Krait Phantom)
Membre depuis le :
17 avr. 2019
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
25 085
Systèmes découverts en premier :
4 559
Solde :
3 590 364 746 Cr
Into the Wild Black Yonder

Cmdr's Log: 2-1-3306

The Strider departed Brunel Hub in Ceos at 16:30 GMT on the 1st. It was to be the first long-distance test of the new booster. It has performed better than expected and is cutting an average of 12-16 jumps off each waypoint. I made the first waypoint at Oochost UK-U b50-0. I was suprirsed to find, on the way, a system that was relatively unexplored and I was happy to take advantage of that further spreading my name across the galaxy. At that first waypoint I took the time to surface scan everything. Nothing remarkable but again, let's spread me name as an explorer.

Rather than immediately head to my next waypoint I decided to look at the nearby Orion Nebula flying directly into its colorful heart. I've been there before but the time and distance is more palatable with the booster. In the end, when I return to my course it really has only added 400 ly to get back onto where I want to be.

Eventually this leg of my trip will take me to Station X, the southern most station in the galaxy; at least as far as "galactic south" is concerned. From there my path will take me into the Formadine rift where I intend to spend a few days looking around the legendary location. From there it will be on to Colonia and then into the darkness "north" of that. I don't know how long I'll be gone from the Bubble but I'm in no immediate hurry to return home.

I logged a little hunder 2000 ly in a very unhurried first day. I'll spend the night at the Orion Nebula Tourist Centre in PMD2009 48.

Cmdr Morning Sun signing off.

Don't Skimp on Life Support!

So I turn my clipper into a privateer ship and I test it out on a pirate. Kills him easily. On my way to collect the bounty I spot another pirate and I yank his ass out of supercruise and begin wailing on him. I cracked him half but the sonofabitch gets a good shot in as he goes down and my canopy shatters. I'm less than a LS from the station. No problem. Big fucking planet in way and I don't have any HUD. Problem. My air runs out with the fucking mail slot in sight. Upgrade your life support. Means the difference between 5 minutes of air and 25 minutes of air.


Two and half months out to Sag A* and back to Sol. I am home.

Almost There....

1400 ly until I arrive at Explorers' Anchorage. For tonight I've landed on a a glorified snowball to give the engines a rest. 1400 ly is nothing; may even get that done tomorrow. Then a small rest at the Anchorage and then on to Sag A* to see the black hole.

I'll probably spend a day or two at Explorers' Anchorage resting up; it has been a long trip. After that? I think it is time to go home. I don't know if I can help with the chaos in The Bubble right now but I feel I should try. I may not make it into the galactic north this trip out but I know that I can.

Goodnight, Commanders.

Not the Greatest Indicator

I'm about 8.5k ly from Sag A* and I had a conversation with my co-pilot last night.

Me: I think I have resisted space madness quite well. Him: No man. You're losing it. And rapidly, at that. Me: What makes you say that? Him: You're all alone on this ship.

A Hard Moment

I began a descent below the galactic plane tonight on my way to a Guardian site. On a whim I decided to see how far it still will be to Sag-A and the truth almost broke me. I'm just under halfway there from Sol.

The Black calls to me. I am entranced by the deepness of space. But oh I miss my squadron. I miss the cargo runs and the bounty hunting. I miss people. Which may be the very first time I have ever, ever said I miss people.

I don't think this is space madness but it is something. I think this is the moment that makes an explorer. I refuse to back down. I refuse to surrender. I will see the center of the galaxy no matter what it takes.

Hot Time in the Old Void

Jumped into a system last night with two stars right next to each other. Couldn't pass a pube between them. Went low to avoid it and was greeted by a THIRD goddamn star right on top of the other two. My heat jumped from 40 to 110 in a second. Barely dodged the fucking exclusion zone. Heat sink and auto repair module for the win.

Too Long

Cmmdr's Log 29 May, 3305

It has been too long since I've written here. In less than three days time I will be taking a fully outfitted Krait Phantom, "The Strider," out of the bubble on a journey that I do not know how long will last. I'm nervous; I won't like. I don't know what awaits me and I don't know what the result will be. My first step will be my previously scouted waypoint at Morgan's Rock. From there it will likely be onto Explorers' Anchorage but that's where my immediate plan ends.

I will try to send video of my journey out and back as much as possible but I'll be at the whim of the galaxy before too long.

Arrival at Morgan's Rock

Cmmdr's Report: 24 April 3305

Shortly after 0100 on I arrived at Morgan's Rock a little battered and quite tired as I pushed the last 1000 ly in rapid succession. I'm cutting my luck and docking here for the night. This will be the first destination of Project Ranger. Speaking of "Ranger" I am recognized as a Ranger by the Exploration guilds now. Quite proud of that.

Now comes the long trek home.

Morning Sun Out.

Project Ranger Test Flight Part 2

Cmmdr's Log 21 April 3305

At 1:03 GMT on 21 April 3305 I departed Cleve's Hub in Eravate in The Orion, my Asp Explorer. My first waypoint desination was Praea Euq ZB-S b31-4 on my way to Morgan's Rock.

It was a quiet run; no interdictions, no aliens, no pirates; just spectacular views of nebulae, star systems, and over a dozen planets not yet discovered by other explorers to my name as well as several planets mapped using the detailed surface scanner.

While I'm not great with the surface scanner yet I am getting better; at least I'd like to think I am.

At 3:28 GMT on 21 April 3305 I arrived at Praea Euq ZB-S b31-4 and was a little disappointed to find it just home to a pair of stars with no planets to make camp on. I proceeded to system Praea Euq EI-Q b32-9 where I landed on a quiet high metallic world that I was able to efficiently map (I AM getting better).

I am 938.72 ly from Eravate, 977.86 ly from Sol, and 3425.4 ly from Morgan's Rock.

Visual record was broadcast back to The Bubble and will be archived and available for re-watching shortly. It can be seen at Project Ranger Test Flight Pt 2 Visual Feed

Morning Sun Out