Profil du CMDR Lucien Trask > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Umibozu [TRS-02]
Membre depuis le :
17 juin 2016
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
11 905
Systèmes découverts en premier :
5 628
Colonia or bust

After a long trip out to the Perseus Arm, I was planning on heading straight for the bubble. Especially after hearing of the recent struggle in the Witch Head. Not sure what made me do it, but I found myself programming my course for Colonia. I haven't been out there since the early days of helping Jacques and building the neighbourhood.

Curious to see what's become of the place over the last few years. I hear there's been some trouble brewing out there lately. Accusations flung about. Pity. Seems like the petty squabbles of the bubble Politik have found their way out there. That's wasn't the vision of all the commanders striving to build an oasis free of the immature turmoil and bickering so rife back home.

But at least I guess, where there's discord, there's opportunity.

And it'll be good to sit in a bar again.