Профіль пілоту BigSkinny > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
brimstone [sd-bst]
(Alliance Chieftain)
Зареєстровано з:
27 лют. 2024
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
5 777
Першовідкривач систем:
12 317 083 159 Кр
Personal log: 2024-04-04

Its been a few days since I posted so here is the latest.

I managed to get to the tech broker and decided against the Azimuth multi-cannon. I do love my new bobblehead and am probably going to name him Steve. He is such a cute little toy.

Guardian FSD and Gauss Cannons will have to wait as I got a great deal on some new system components and spent a bit of time prepping and installing my new Virpil Alpha Prime and MongoosT-50CM3. Tonight ZI will test out the new system.

Wish me luck

Personal log: 2024-03-28

To do list:

  1. go to tech broker to try out the AZIMUTH ENHANCED AX MULTI-CANNON
  2. go back to Taranis and grab 10 meta alloy and 1 heart to get a bobblehead from a tech broker
  3. Buy/obtain 8 HN Shock Mount to gain the guardian FSD Obtain the guardian FSD and test its value against my current FSD
  4. may need to farm multiple weapon blueprints to get enough guardian gauss cannons installed.
Personal log: 2024-03-27

I hope I don't have to have too many days like yesterday. I spent the whole day flying to and meeting five new engineers. I spent a lot of cash buttering them up and running free errands to cajole them to do some work for me. In any event I think I now have a solid relationship with a total of 10. I even got a line on a couple way out in Colonia. I'm not planning on going so far out any time soon but it's good to have at least some preliminary channels open should the need to travel arise.

Afterwards I took a break and rested after a few days filled with travel and combat. It was a relaxing evening and early morning mostly spent sleeping in and playing with my dog Hank.

Now that the break is over, I am on the hunt for some more missions to improve my ranking among the Federation. I have a contact that has access to a Federation Corvette, but I would need to possess a legitimate commission as a rear admiral to assume command.

I suspect that Templar57 may want to stomp some bugs later as well. I can't say no to more bounties.

Personal log: 2024-03-26

Another successful night last evening cleaning up Taranis materials from the graveyard. I am going to present the findings that Templar57 and I have compiled so far to our squadron to see if anyone else wants to fly there and loot the site as a squad.

Today and into tomorrow I'll be getting my hands on a Krait Mk II and outfitting it for Xeno salvage operations as well to see if it is better suited than my Chieftain Xeno Hammer. In addition I can spend some time working on expanding my network of engineers. By this weekend I may have a better juiced Krait MK II than the Hammer.

Personal log: 2024-03-25

Last night's missions were a success. Templar57 and I went to Taranis and came away with quite a few bits and pieces of Thargoid origin. the market for these items is immature but we still managed to make a good profit from our efforts. We found two pieces of Thargoid drive components but one was stolen by another pilot when we tried to exchange materials at the end of the mission.

If you find yourself with Thargoid tech you want to sell I have a contact in Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b6 That you can get fair market value for. Bloch Station in the Ethgreze system will buy but at severely under market value. Head over to the carrier Smokers Delight -TAZ- (QNG-38M) and say I sent you to get a fair deal on all your Xeno stuff.

I have received a few invitations from other engineers after spending a fair amount this week on hull reinforcements and Beam laser upgrades. I will be spending some time this week developing relationships with some to get more unique tech that I can use.

Most of these individuals are excentric and have odd requests in order to design for me. I may need to get my trading ship out and scrounge up some exotics to entice a few select engineers to work for me.

Personal log: 2024-03-24

Today I finished engineering the Xeno Hammer as much as I can for the next few days. Templar57 is itching to get out to Tyrannis and collect some material. I'm sure he is hoping to engage a Thargoid along the way. To tell the truth I wouldn't mind taking a shot at one myself.

After Action Report: 2024-03-23

Scouting run complete.

Entering the zone where Tyrannis rests is still caustic and levels appear to drop as time goes by. I had two full caustic sinks and used one segment each in the five minutes I was in the zone. After the initial flyby I visited a carrier [AXI] Head. Eye. Claw to see basic rearm services were on offer. Since I was unmolested, I decided to go visit Thor to see how active the Xenos are there. I was interdicted mid jump to Ts'ai Yukou but was able to easily outrun the bastard till I could recharge and finish my jump. once in system I was jumped again and took 9% hull damage before I could jump out.

My final test was to revisit Tyrannis and grab a sample. I didn't see any so I just took a piece of meta alloy and boosted away and took a break on another nearby carrier Buying Titan Bits.

I'm going to go in for real probably later tonight. I'll put the results in tomorrow's log.

Personal log: 2024-03-23

Last nights mining run was a complete success. Damn pirates tried to intercept me twice. The first one was all talk and I jumped out before he could get behind me. Of course in the flying brick the second one knocked me out of super cruise. But I know how to keep them at bay while it recharges.

Screw you pirates!

I have finished outfitting my Alliance Chieftain today without caustic resistant cargo racks. I will go and do a scouting trip to see how much damage this thing gets while trying to scoop up some salvage as a test. Ill file an after-action report with the results.

Personal log: 2024-03-22

Spent an ungodly amount on another specialist today at Mies van der Rohe's Claim in Mainani. All the technology in the galaxy and we still have to shove probes into orifices to get good data on a human body. Of course, they didn't find anything they could treat yet.

After the drugs wore off enough for them to clear me for flight, I hit Jameson Memorial to get a great deal on an Alliance Chieftain. I'm going to outfit it for salvage on Tyrannis before the samples are all scooped up. I am now actively looking for some caustic resistant cargo racks but haven't found any at all regardless of price.

Tonight, I'll get the type 9 full of platinum to help pay off the Med Tech Specialist without going completely broke.

Personal log: 2024-03-15

I had a breakdown in system SYNUEFE MZ-F B44-2 but managed to limp onto body A1 where I stumbled upon some lovely brain trees. I needed materials for repairs so down I went and spent some time listening to music while I harvested some metals and made repairs. After an hour of harvesting, I was all stocked up and happy to my hands greasy.

Goes to show that out here in the black what starts out as a disaster can become a profitable little diversion. In any event I'll be glad when my new controls arrive so I can put these worn ones into storage. Till then I'll keep patching this set up.