Профіль пілоту Weylandt > Щоденник

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Finity's End [WEY-01]
Зареєстровано з:
28 вер. 2017
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
30 900
Першовідкривач систем:
19 725
The Eastern Graveyard of Stars?

March 26th, 3304, 9:32, CMDR Weylandt on Mycapp AA-H d10-2 1:

It's been a while since I updated the log, mainly because I've been progressing quite nicely, without major complications. I passed WP 32 the day before yesterday, and am now on the way to WP 33, with a number of detours planned along my route, for example the Eock Prau Nebula. According to stats, I finished about 75% of my journey and 200 days since we started out in the Witch Head nebula. Though I really enjoy being out there, I definitely look forward to being back in the Bubble again.

Today I came across what seems to be a major field of neutron stars and white dwarves, more or less by accident, in the Mycapp sector and its vicinity. It is a major graveyard of stars, and for the most part, these stars have not yet been discovered. I plan to spend some time to map this region in further detail. I landed in a very peculiar large crater on Mycapp AA-H d10-2 1 which seems to be filled with heavy fog. Almost looks like soup. Let's see what's here in terms of minerals on this lifeless piece of rock.

Weylandt out.

March 26th, 3304, 10:20, CMDR Weylandt, en route to WP 33:

While mapping this region rich with Neutron Stars and White Dwarves, I've received a distress call from CMDR Maia Posidana, about 13k ly away from my current position. She is running low on polonium while in a region of low star density. She doesn't seem to be in immediate danger, but I've plotted a fast intercept course to rendezvous with her to scout for polonium. I'll stop scanning systems for the moment in order to move faster. Maybe I'll come back here later to resume mapping.

Weylandt out.

March 26th, 3304, 10:50, CMDR Weylandt, en route to WP 33:

Just received another message from CMDR Maia Posidana. It seems she got lucky and found some Polonium. I'm therefore aborting my speed run to her position and will resume my course to the Eock Prau nebula. I am still in that field of neutron stars, though the stars around here have already been discovered. Weylandt out.

March 26th, 3304, 12:50, CMDR Weylandt, en route to WP 33: Just grazed the cone of a White Dwarf. Only minor damage though. Weylandt out.

Golden Mountains

March 5th, 3304, 17:26, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, on Plae Briae GN-B d13-0 5 a:

I passed by WP 29 yesterday and am about 3300 ly away from WP 30. This means that I have completed about 2/3 of my journey. I've landed on Plae Briae GN-B d13-0 5 a, a very interesting moon of the 5th planet of the system Plae Briae GN-B d13-0. I discovered a very interesting mountain range which I have baptised the Golden Mountain, due to its very peculiar coloration. The planetary coordinates are -49.43/18.37. There is also a deep chasm in the immediate area. I'll forward this information to DECE Command, maybe they can use this location as a future basecamp.

Weylandt out.

Beagle Point and beyond

February 21st, 3304, 19:50, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to Semotus Beacon:

I'm now a card-carrying member of the 65,000 ly club. I reached Beagle Point last night, after rendezvousing with CMDR Nimdok in a nearby system. He is well-known for his rather ... erratic course-plotting, but the journey he's pulled off in the last few days certainly is one for the history books. The Beagle Point system is actually not that special except for its historical significance and since I am still very much ahead of schedule, I decided to move forward to the system farthest away from Sol, Semotus Beacon. I will need some FSD boosts, but as I'm in the area anyway...

As far as I know, the main group of DECE is scheduled to arrive at Beagle Point on May 5th to rendezvous with another expedition, the aptly-named Beagle Point Expedition. I doubt I'll stay in the area for that long though, especially since virtually all nearby star systems have already been tagged by one CMDR or the other. And I'll probably be back here in a year with Distant Worlds 2 anyway.

Thus, the plan (for the moment) is to move to Waypoint 27 after Semotus Beacon.

Weylandt out.

Dante's Inferno & Hypatia's Lighthouse

Feburary 16th, 3304, 18:15, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in system Dante's Inferno (Auphaigh CL-Y g1):

Just arrived at Dante's Inferno. Visually, a bit disappointing to be honest, but it's interesting to see the gravity lensing effect on the Galactic band. There is a fast-spinning gas giant here that is very hard to see since there is no decent light source around. It has a rotational period of 0.7 days, with a surface temperature of a whopping 2K.
Next stop in this sight-seeing tour: Hypatia's Lighthouse, some 70 jumps away.

Weylandt out.

February 18th, 3304, 13:50, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, at Hypatia's Lighthouse (Truecha ZK-P e5-25):

I might have been somewhat let down by Dante's Inferno, but Hypatia's Lighthouse surely make up for this. This must be one of the most visually stunning star systems that I've ever come across in my journeys. It's a combination of with two nearby stars, one a K class, the other an A class, and lots of planets and moons in a complex system of orbits. I think I'll stay here for a while before moving on to the next "official" waypoint, about 6.8k ly away.

Weylandt out.

5 months

Feburary 14th, 19:30, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, in system Thueche ZB-J d10-51:

It's been five months to the day that I joined my fellow CMDRs to embark on this epic journey. I visited 24 waypoints so far, and in terms of distance, I have covered a bit more than half of the planned voyage. It's been an incredible trip so far, stunning views, mixed with some boredom on this long journey through the void and a few moments of sheer terror...worst of all my headlong crash into a canyon wall after I got careless and got Peregrine's hull down to just 6 %. Thank the stars for repair limpets and that a fellow CMDR was reasonably close by to help me out. I'm currently en route to the Tycho Brahe Nebula, and plan to continue on to some nearby black holes before traveling to WP 25 and Beagle Point. Here's to a safe second half of this journey.

Weylandt out.


Feburary 11th, 20:20, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, System Proxie ML-Y d6:

I'm about 4.5k ly out of the next waypoint, WP 24. Nothing much to report, I found a handful of Earth-like and ammonia worlds, but nothing too special. I also discovered a potential basecamp in the system Blie Bra EZ-S d3-8 which I dutifully reported to Fleet Command. It is a beautiful ringed metal content world which is orbited by two landable moons. While scanning the galaxy map, I discovered that the Tycho Brahe Nebula is only about 5k ly away from my current position. I have decided to make a quick detour there. I doubt that it hasn't been surveyed before, but it's been a while that I saw a proper nebula anyway.

Weylandt out.

2 black holes and a bit of damage

February 4th, 3304, 15:43, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, en route to WP 24:

I spent the last few days moving from WP 20 towards two black holes on the Galactic Rim, WP 22 and 23 respectively. I had to spend some FSD boosts to get there, but overall, I still have a comfortable stockpile of materials. Had a bit of a mishap at WP 23... ran right into the exclusion zone of the black hole there because I didn't react in time to cut throttle... still getting used to the new control setup. I had to pop a heat sink and took some damage before getting out of there, but fortunately nothing too serious. The power plant is at 98%, and hull down 1%. I repaired the other modules as best as I could.

On a more positive note, I am at the halfway point of this extraordinary journey, 23 of 39 waypoints (no waypoints skipped so far) and more than 340k ly traveled so far.

I've also heard from fellow CMDRs that the hardest parts are behind me, so I'm looking forward to smooth sailing from here... fingers crossed. I decided to make a detour from the straight line to the next waypoint and instead to visit the Four Muses, about 5k ly from here.

Weylandt out.

WP 20: A blue light in the darkness

January 27th, 3304, 21:16, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, Flyae Proae IN-S e4-1 (WP20):

I arrived at WP 20, after a long and rather uneventful journey. The trip to here might have been somewhat boring, actually, but the vista here is breathtaking. A neutron star within a planetary blue nebula, illuminating it in a very beatiful, if eerie hue. I took the opportunity to land on one of the planets which was also bathed in a fascinating light. I also picked up some niobium and selenium here, and my holds are full with materials for my journey.

I've covered about 40% of the journey now, and generally speaking, this has been a fascinating, if sometimes frightening challenge so far. Next stop: WP 21, about 11k ly away.

Weylandt out.

Back on track

January 24th, 3304, 14:16, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, system Hypuae Bra WI-B c13-0 (Island Depot):

I've backtracked my route to WP 19 and made a stopover in the system Hypuae Bra WI-B c13-0, a.k.a. Island Depot. My sources tell me that all materials necessary for the various grades of FSD boosts can be found here, and the recent trip to Erikson's Star and back has dipped deep into my reserves. I'm still quite well set, actually, but I want to use the oppportunity to replenish my resources here. I've landed Peregrine on the first planet of the system and am currently looking for niobium and polonium. Scanners indicate that this planet is particularly rich in this metals.

Weylandt out.

Meeting in the Dark

January 23rd, 3304, 18:00, CMDR Weylandt of the Peregrine, system Sphiesi_HR-N_d6-0:

I spent the last few days travelling to Waypoint 18 (nothing special) and Erikson's Star (which is also Waypoint 19). This last leg was a bit similar to previous excursions to Star One and Manifest Destiny... some FSD boosts were involved but fortunately, I had access to CMDR Eryn Liamson's route. I followed this route for the most part, and actually met CMDR Liamson near Waypoint 19 since she was in the region. We took a few photos and then continued to backtrack our route back to space that is easier to navigate.

Weylandt out.