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Поточний корабель:
the vanguard [H0B0 1]
(Federal Corvette)
Зареєстровано з:
7 жовт. 2017
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Over a year late update. (03/10/3305)

CMDR.Adam here,

Well, it's been over a year since the last time i did one of these. Where have i been in that time...?

For the most part within the bubble with a few trips out to guardian sites to collect material and data.I think the last entry i did was about going on a tour to VY Canis Majoris and then on to some other destination. I wanted to original leave around December last year, well that plan fell through. Me and CMDR Angalgar left on the journey mid August and manage to get to VY Canis Majoris within a good amount of time. we were both using ships with over 60LYs jump range. After getting to VY CM we decided we would head towards the Seagull Nebula. We managed to find a station in an asteroid, aptly named Hell Port. The station was orbiting a lava planet. after stopping at the station for supplies and repairing the ship integrity, we set off towards a black hole. The main reason for the trip in the end was for CMDR Angalgar to fulfill the requirement of Professor Palin. After that trip it was back to the normal life of space faring. As of lately I have met a few more CMDR and one was asking about Raxxla and the story behind that. Me being me not knowing that much on the subject wanted to find out some information on the matter as well. Well.... that is a rabbit hole i think i am still going down...

I hope we are the CMDRs to find Raxxla although the problem is that we don't really know what we are looking for. Just got to keep looking until we find something that looks different. Hopefully it's something we can find within our lifetime, people have been looking for this Raxxla since 2296 so who knows if we will find it or if it's even real.

Well, until next year i guess.

CMDR Adam, Out.

H0B0 Small Tour to VY Canis Majoris and Beyond Log.1 (12/11/3304)

CMDR.Adam here,

Once more it has been too long, too long since i have done a log entry. Where do i start? I guess i should try and fill in since my last entry.

After returning from 'The Small H0B0 Tour To Colonia' in around the 1st of June 3304. It was nice to be back in familiar space, although i feel i will be back out there once again. It was nice seeing old and new faces within the our group as we return from the void one by one. One or two of the commanders who joined us on that Tour carried on for 'Beagle Point'. It was nice to hear the tales of those who stayed in the bubbles and what they had got themselves up to while the rest of us were out in the black. We also told them the tales from the Void. I think our tales seemed less harrowing than they were expecting, my guess is because we moved as a group rather than individuals. being out there on your own is not a fun place. Anything can happen out there and it's all down to you and your skills, to get you out of there. If you are as a group you can rely on other a little bit more. I still try and not rely on them too much.

Since then, i suppose life has been normal or as normal as it can get for a space fairer's. Visiting some old and new places with in the bubble. Defeating numerous wanted criminals, earning a decent credit or two on that. Helping all sorts of minor factions with either getting commodities or delivering them to another station. Since our somewhat relaxing time back in the bubble some new engineers have arose in the area around Colonia. Initially i thought that i would never meet these new engineers. After a while i started to think maybe i would go out there again, maybe not just for the engineers. That would be a positive about going there again though. I think if i were to go there again i would like to do it with friends again. Maybe we can arrange a Tour to Colonia again at some point. I have a feeling it would be sometime in 3305, but that's fine.

I guess once again, i'm doing this Log entry as an update. This time for an upcoming Tour to 'VY Canis Majoris' and possibly other locations. Still need to decide on that, although i feel it will be a decision either closer to the time or even once when we get to our main target. This tour should be quite interesting as all ships will be getting a galactic wide new update to their discovery scanners and detailed surface scanners. It's is currently going through testing phases at the moment, it dose look quite promising to the honest. Hopefully we should be heading out on this Tour with a few new explorers, for them this will be first time they have left the bubble. leaving all their friends and family, not truly knowing if they will make it back in one peace or at all. I will be with them every step of the way though, so it shouldn't be too scary for them. I will inform them of the dangers of being out there and the dangers of being out there for an extended period of time. It's a bit like space walks, Everybody really wants to do it at first but once they know the dangers they will have seconds thoughts about it. But once they are out there though, they don't want to come back. That's the real danger, They cut contact with everyone. I my self have come close to that point but i think seeing my refection in the helmet put things back into perspective.

I'm hoping to depart on this new adventure around the 1st of December or around the first week of then. My ambition for this Tour is to get the new explorers a feel for what it can be like out in the black of space without putting them into too much danger. The tour should also scratch my itch for going out into the void yet again. I have already been to 'VY Canis Majoris' on a number of occasions, but each time you get a feel for how small you our in this crazy galaxy we call home. I will try and update this Logbook closer to the time of the tour, but we know how well that always goes.

Until next time CMDR.Adam, Out.

The Small H0B0 Tour To Colonia Log.2 (14/05/3304)

CMDR.Adam here,

This will be an update log more so than anything else. So, we started the Tour yesterday bit later than was planned for, but least we set off. Our first stop was to Mammon to an asteroid base. Once we all met up at the base, we thought it would be a good idea to head down to the planet we were orbiting. The planet had just over 3G strong gravity, this turned out to be fatal for one CMDR. Gladly not too much of a set back for them. After a while of exploring the surface we decided to head back to the asteroid base to repair and restock, then set off on the tour again.

The next visit was to Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 to Hillary Depot. A few CMDR's stayed over at the station while the rest of us carried on to the next stop. The next stop for us was in Smojue LH-D d12-3 on planet 9B. Those moons were orbiting one another rather close, nothing too dangerous for us though. We decided to wait at this stop for a while for the other CMDR's to catch up. Once we were all together again, we set off towards Traikaae CH-Y c10 to planet 1A AKA. Labirinto. That name is quite fitting as once you get down to the bottom of the canyon, it's a maze to get out of there. For a lot of the other CMDR's getting to the bottom of the canyons proved more deadly than i was worth. The joys of telepresence i suppose, not becoming a victim to your own stupidity. Fortunately the next way point was to a station so we could stock up on supplies and get new SRV's.

The next visit was to Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1 to see a 'Green Giant' planet 2 which is a weird sight to see so much colour out in the black of space. After a little rest stop on one of the ice moons of the 'Green Giant', we then headed towards Trifid Sector OI-S b4-12 planet 6B AKA. Lucifer's Lair. Those are some steep and deep walls. Some nice views from the planets surface with the nebula in the background. I'm now in the Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 system docked at the Asteroid base Observation Post Epsilon, waiting for the meet up time to tick down.

So far, the Tour is going very well in my eye. I feel like most CMDR's have been enjoying the Tour and the sights as well. I will try and keep the logs rolling out a bit more on this Tour. (no cheap aftermarket lightweight coms for me this time)

Until next time.

CMDR.Adam, Out.

The Small H0B0 Tour To Colonia Log.1 (07/05/3304)

CMDR.Adam here,

It's been too long since the last log entry(what a surprise). So the last few weeks i have been getting ready for the first 'The Small H0B0 Tour to Colonia'. I somewhat hope that the Other CMDR's are as excited and ready for this tour as i am. Not sure if some of them know fully what they are getting themselves into, I will try my best to keep them out of harms way and explain the dangers of of long range exploration. Some of these CMDR's have never left the bubble so it should be a nice experience for them and me to see how they react to it all.

For this trip i will be piloting my new ship a Type-10 Defender. I know it was not designed for exploration but i feel like this trip needs something a little more robust and have enough room for other CMDR's if the worst happens out there.The last few weeks i have been trying to squeeze the most of her Frame Shift Drive and modifying most modulus so that they are as lightweight as i can get them, at this point i don't think i can do much more to her. She will be my home for a good while on this tour. I should have enough necessities for both man and ship. I sort of hope i don't have to use any fuel and repair limpets out there but i will have them for those 'Just in case moments'.

To be honest i'm not sure if i am as nervous as i was for 'The Grand Elite Dangerous Tour' or more nervous. There are a lot more CMDR's to worry about now though. I think my biggest fear is that not everyone will make it to Colonia. The best thing i can do is try my best to help everyone out getting to Colonia and all the way points on the way.

All the doom and gloomy thoughts aside, i am looking forward to this tour. It should be a new experience for a lot of CMDR's, myself included. I will try my best to keep these logs updated along the way (i'm sure i have said that before).

CMDR.Adam, Out.

Back in the Bubble log. 1.0 (08/03/3304)

CMDR.Adam here,

Well, i have been back in the bubble for a while now.I feel i have recovered somewhat from the grand tour, but there's a deep feeling that urges me to get back into the abyss of space. Give me time and i'll be out there again, there is still so much to see. When i was on the grand tour, i had a few moments of fear. For me this is unthinkable to feel fear. The fact of leaving Colonia, being the last station out there until our return trip. That put some fear into me but i think what put the most fear into me is the unknown and what it has to offer. I didn't want to loose a friend to the void, already too much of mine has been lost to the void of space. I have fought in number of conflicts in my life, defended systems from invades and claimed back some. Hunted the most feared pirates out there. Not once during any of those times did i ever feel fear.

At this point you may be wondering why i am doing another log. To tell you the truth I am worried about the sudden turn of events within our bubble. New Thargoid ships have been spotted and some crazy new tech to fight them has been released. It almost feels like they are one step ahead of us at all times. Myself,CMDR.Miss Polgara and CMDR.Keagan have tried to aid those in the Pleiades Nebula by confronting some thargoid interceptors, those are some though things to kill. Some of our encounters with the Thargoids were rather chilling, seeing capital ships disabled and ripped apart like it was made of paper. I guess what i'm trying to get at is, is it ok for me to have fear now? why should i fear theses thargoids? I have managed to destroy 8 of them so far and i'm still kicking. Maybe i fear that i might finally meet my superior. I guess the most i can do is carry doing what i'm doing. I sure i will made peace with my thoughts soon, or at least i do before i meet my superior.

Until next time, if there will be one.

CMDR.Adam, Out.

The Grand Elite Dangerous Tour Log.2 (21/02/3304)

CMDR.Adam here,

Once again, sorry for the lack of updates. Just be glad i don't work for Galnet. So... where do i begin this log? Well, i guess we should start where i left off. After finding out that my coms had sustained some damage i got that fixed, Damn cheap aftermarket lightweight coms. I finally met up with CMDR.Miss Polgara at Beagles Point. I'm sad to say that i was a little underwhelmed on how uninteresting the system was. After we sat in the system for a while looking at the views and drinking our celebratory drinks, we decided to head back towards Colonia. Me being the crazy CMDR. i decided to try and get there within a day. I ended up getting under halfway to Colonia, so i in defeat i went for a sleep. In the morning determined not to fail again, i set off on my quest to get back to Colonia. By the time i got back to Colonia CMDR.Miss Polgara had managed to already get there before me. Once docked i repaired what little damage i had, most of which was from ware and tare.

Like i said before, Me being the crazy CMDR. i did not stop at Colonia for a rest. As soon as i had docked i repaired and replenished my stocks on board, i then left the station to head for Home. So from the bubble to Colonia it's about 23,000 LYs, i had also not stopped since i left in the morning. At from which point i was about 18,000 LYs away from Colonia. That's 41,000 LYs! That is a hell of a distance to travel in one day. Needless to say i managed to get back to Eravate in this time. The real question is do i regret the time i just spent traveling all the distance in one go. I can't really answer that question, I don't think it has quite hit me what i have just done.

One thing i can say though is that i am glad to be back home, Although i now feel somewhat empty now that i am back in the bubble and not out in the void of space.While i was out there exploring i felt special and unique but now i'm back in the bubble i just feel like another pawn in the way the bubble moves. I'm sure it will hit me at some point, what me and CMDR.Miss Polgara had just achieved and undertaken. I'm sure i will be back out there in the void of space again at some point. it just a matter of time and recovering from this 2 day straight flight i have put myself through. I don't think this journey would have been possible without CMDR.Miss Polgara, in which i thank her greatly for sticking with me.

Until next time.

CMDR.Adam out.

Space madness V.1

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The Grand Elite Dangerous Tour Log.1.5 (13/02/3304)

CMDR.Adam here, again...

Just got to my destination and the sights are even better than i could have hoped for. While i was on the planet 2D of system Hyphudgue JR-T d4-3 i came across some geysers, i managed to get launched around 5km up into orbit. The views up there were beyond breath taking for those few moments, I hope i never forget that view from there. I managed to land back safely only loosing 1% of the hull.

I have also received word from CMDR.Miss Polgara that she has set off for Sagittarius A. I look forward to see her again and, I truly hope that i do get to see her again. The reason why i say this is because despite my advise to avoid neutron stars, She has decided to use them to get to Sagittarius A. All i can do is hope not to find a husk of an Anaconda drifting towards the black hole with a busted FSD.

Saying all this, I'm sure she will fine. After all I have taught her all i know about piloting. I know this update is before i have gotten to Sagittarius A but i guess this is what these Logs are for. A way to express ones thoughts and concerns when there is no one to tell them too. I suppose this way i may be able to fend off the space madness until i meet CMDR.Miss Polgara once more.

Until next time,

CMDR.Adam out.

The Grand Elite Dangerous Tour Log.1 (13/02/3304)

CMDR.Adam here,

So this is my first Log entry, I know a bit late in the tour to be doing a log entry.There is a good reason for why i am doing this log.

Me and CMDR.Miss Polgara have finally met back up after 40 or so jumps at the triple ripple (Wepae EG-Y g1024).The views in that system are breath taking. After we have explored and watches the two neutron stars dance around one another, we decide to part ways until we meet back up in Sagittarius A*. I left for a view of the galaxy from underneath, I hope the views will be worth this lonely voyage.

Now for the reason why i record this log. I fear that this journey may beacon the demons of the void to haunt my thoughts. I hope for my sake or more so for CMDR.Miss Polgara's sake that i do not get space madness from this isolation again. Yes i have had space madness before. it was from a return trip from only 15,510LYs. I am much further out than that at the moment, the furthest i have ever been from home. At this point all i can do is hope,hope that that i don't let CMDR.Miss Polgara or myself be down. Most importantly I hope that CMDR.Miss Polgara dose not face the same fate as me.

I will hopefully have an update if i get to Sagittarius A*

CMDR.Adam out.