Профіль пілоту Kyras Kilfoyle > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
8 січ. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
2 624
Першовідкривач систем:
1 274
An Intriguing Diversion

CMDR Nommy Nomm and I continued on past the Pelican Nebula together for a little way, coming across more and more unexplored systems as we went. We had struck off at an angle from our initial destination of the Elephants Trunk Nebula purely to try and come across more unexplored places. We were also increasingly interested in a very bright and close collection of stars that was gradually becoming more and more prominent in the sky as we travelled. After deducing that this bright point was the NGC 7822 Nebula we had begun to alter our course towards it. We parted ways a little into our journey towards it but our joint adventures will continue another time.

I have confirmed that I cannot plot a course directly to the Nebula from where I am. It seems that the Nebula is at the edge of one of the spiral arms of the galaxy and I suspect I will struggle to plot a route into it until I am much, much closer. I aim to get inside the nebula and it should be entirely doable with my current jump range, it may just involve a significant amount of manual plotting.

On this solo segment of my journey to the Nebula I have come across a number of undiscovered water worlds, some of them terraformable.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current Location: Plaa Eurk JC-T c4-0

Upgraded and Ready for More

The AspX 'Look to Windward' is currently on her maiden voyage. After linking back up with my wingmate, CMDR Nommy Nomm we set off back out the bubble with our current primary goal being The Elephants Trunk Nebula. The first segment of our journey brought us through the Pelican nebula, which sits above the galactic plane. This relatively dark Nebula is visually un-extraordinary in comparison to some, but there is an Asteroid base in its vicinity, making it an ideal stopping point.

On our trek to the base, Iris Vacations, we came across little of any real note. A number of water worlds were encountered but the volume of systems we passed through was relatively low due to our now extended jump ranges. We plan to travel away from Iris vacations at an angle to the direction of Elephants Trunk in order to potentially encounter more unexplored systems. The next segment of our trek should theoretically take us longer if our theory is indeed true.

Look to Windward is so far proving to be a wonderful ship and I look forward to continuing to travel in it. Majestic Sardine will always be waiting back in the bubble for me if I miss it too much.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: FW Cephei

The Second Adventure Draws to a Close

The journey to VY Canis Majoris continued, taking me through many different systems and even bringing me into contact with a few completely undiscovered systems and astronomical bodies. More water worlds appeared but sadly no more earthlike worlds. One of the more beautiful systems I reached before I arrived at the massive star was a stunning double O type star system. Both large O type stars had multiple other stars and planets trapped and orbiting them, making this system rather bizarre to witness.

VY Canis Majoris itself was difficult to appreciate. On my visit to Betelgeuse, it was easier to comprehend the scale of the star due to the orbiting planets providing something to compare the star against, but Canis Majoris has no planets in its system, making it trickier to really see how massive it truly is. It was still great to see, but didn't have the same impact as Betelgeuse.

From Canis Majoris I plotted a course to a point not too far from the Pleiades where I believed I'd be able to find an asteroid station. On my journey over I encountered an amazing system with four water worlds in it, which was wonderful to see, even if it had been previously discovered.

Upon arriving at the system I had marked I found that there was indeed an asteroid station there and I promptly docked at Pirates Lament. Dropping out of supercruise into the planetary rings was fairly terrifying for the first time experiencing that, but the station itself was fantastic and a lovely place to take a breather before carrying on towards the bubble.

A fairly short trip from there took me back into the bubble, where I had enough credits to kit out my AspX some more. I have some work to do before I have enough to do the full build I need, the fuel scoop is extremely expensive, so I suspect I'll be heading out and exploring a bit more in my Cobra MkIII because I definitely want to explore rather than run missions in the bubble to earn my way. I have some locations in mind to head out to and I might possibly be meeting back up with CMDR Nommy Nomm so continue our joint adventures, but we shall see what the immediate future holds.

Straight Back out the Bubble

I bought an Asp but couldn't quite afford to get it kitted out. I looked at my options for making money and I just couldn't see the value in running missions in the bubble when I could take the Cobra out for another adventure. I've really enjoyed flying the Cobra and giving it just one adventure didn't seem right. Striking back out into deep space seemed like the only sensible option.

VY Canis Majoris via HIP 63835 and the Coalsack Nebula is my current trip. HIP 63835 was a wonderful system to visit. Not far out the bubble and a fantastic place for anyone, particularly those new to exploring. I scanned my first black hole and got to look at the first of two O type stars I have so far experienced on this trip. O types are probably one of my favourite spectacles so far, truly breathtaking and incredibly beautiful, I don't think I will ever tire of seeing them.

I switched my route mapping from economical to fastest to halve my journey time. I now feel confident enough in my lone flights away from populated space to not inwardly panic about fuel usage too much, which should aid in shortening the overall length of my trips between the places I want to visit in these early days of my exploration adventures.

The Cobra continues to be a brilliant little ship and although the upgrade to the AspX will certainly be necessary before long, the Cobra MkIII has been great.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Pencil Sector CQ-Y c28

Back to the Bubble

I made my way back to the bubble after this first little adventure of mine. Despite travelling away from the glorious sights of the California Nebula and Barnards Loop, there were still wonders to be found as I drew closer to civilisation.

My return journey brought me into contact with the first Earthlike world that I had encountered outside the bubble, as well as a number of other water worlds and another Earthlike world with Ammonia based life. I've learned a lot on this excursion and coming back into systems with other pilots moving around in them felt very strange, but I'm sure I'll spend a little time in the bubble before heading back out.

After purchasing a new ship I'll need to do some work to fit it out, but the Cobra has been such a good ship that I feel like I should just head straight back out in it and enjoying flying it some more while making money to fit the AspX out when I return again. I am undecided on my next course of action at present.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current Location: Altair

Parting Ways

CMDR Nommy Nomm and I went our separate ways after edging our way somewhat closer to Barnards Loop. My commpanion had suffered some hull damage and elected to make his way back to the bubble via the Pleiades. He was apparently unaware of the Thargoid threat for some strange reason but my communications with him seem to indicate he found somewhere to dock and has since left the Nebula unharmed by our mysterious neighbours.

With the routes around Barnards Loop seeming so uncertain, especially for an inexperienced explorer, I chose to make my way instead, towards the California Nebula. My route over allowed me to take in its beauty and along the way, I encountered a system with a pair of beautiful water worlds contained within. A Glorious gas giant with Ammonia based life was also present in one of the systems I passed through.

This trip will have been well over 1000ly by the time I get back to the bubble, so I have chosen to start making my way towards civilisation. I've learned a great deal from this initial excursion and I have some travelling to do before I have returned to relative safety. This adventure has left me with a greater desire to strike out and explore. I cannot wait to see what the galaxy has in store for me.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current Location: Synuefai PY-N b12-0

A Tentative First Flight into the Deep

Myself, CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle and my chosen wingmate for this journey, CMDR Nommy Nomm, set off on our first expedition out of the bubble. Our initial target was to reach Betelgeuse. This was chosen as our first destination because of its feasibility for two Commanders with somewhat cobbled together loadouts and no experience outside the bubble.

We had of course prepared as much as we could, so our journey was mostly painless with only minor slip-ups occurring. We reached Betelgeuse in one piece and were able to spend some time marvelling at the sheer size of the star that sat at the end of our line of waypoints. Sat on one of its orbiting planets, we felt that striking out further was well within our capabilities. Bernards Loop loomed large in the sky and it seemed like a target we could make our way towards.

Our plans have been somewhat foiled by large tracts of permit locked space, but we aim to endeavour and find a way to at least get close to this wonderful spectacle. It may be that we divert towards the California Nebula sooner than we would like and start our loop back towards the bubble, but even so, as a first trip out of human populated space I feel positive about what we've learned so far and what we'll be able to bring back.

We are potentially under-equipped but are playing it safe, taking shorter jumps and watching our fuel. It would be grim indeed to find ourselves stranded on our first adventure.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Synuefe NV-X b20-1