Профіль пілоту Kyras Kilfoyle > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
8 січ. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
2 624
Першовідкривач систем:
1 273
Going Slowly Across the Orio-Persean Gap

In terms of just Lys, I have not progressed particularly far from Medusa's Rock. The primary goal here is to map the systems along my route as comprehensively as possible without wasting uneccessary time.

Hitting as many systems as possible means each jump I'm doing is quite small. My overall journey will be very long, but I hope to have at least partially mapped out a good number of systems once I have completed this expedition.

On this leg of the journey I have altered my method. I have chosen to avoid scanning anything in the signal range for rocky bodies and icy bodies. These bodies are very unlikely to feature anything of interest and they net me very little money for the scans so they do unfortunately class as an uneccessary use of time. I am taking breaks from time to time if I find landable volcanic bodies so I can do some geological exploration and if I find any particularly picturesque gas giants I am taking the time to fly over and record some images. Efficiency is good but the space madness will only be kept at bay if I allow myself a variation in my activities. I'm hoping that by doing this I can be out here for a long time.

I am heading in the direction of the Bubble Nebula to look at a system I have heard is a point of interest, then I will change my course and head in the direction of the Gorgons.

There are plenty of unexplored systems out here, it's becoming rarer to see another commanders name come up on the database.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Swoirks YJ-E B4-0

A Last Taste of Civilisation

I am presently docked at Medusa's Rock in the Crescent Nebula. My journey here from Iris Vacations has been relatively uneventful albeit lucrative. I have encountered a small handful of systems featuring terraformable WWs and HMCs. Most of the systems I have passed through were previously unexplored, thanks to my decision to plot a route high enough above the galactic plane that only a couple of other intrepid commanders seemed to have passed through the area previously. The same names would appear in my database each time I came into systems that had seen human visitors before.

I have not yet travelled half the distance I did in my previous expedition and I have many, many more Lys to travel in this one. My route was not set in stone and I am still contemplating exactly the course I wish to plot. I have recieved intel that the Galactic Mapping Project requires additional surveying of a Planetary PoI in the general direction I am travelling referred to as Gorgons. It sits in the Ridgoo WP-G D10-120 system and features an ELW orbiting a pair of terrarformable WWs, so this seems like a worthwhile thing to visit, as well as being a help to the Galactic Mapping Project.

I will make Gorgons my next main goal, but my route there may take in some other PoIs in the areas I pass through. I will continue to move above and below the galactic plane as much as possible to ensure I encounter primarily unexplored systems. This with lengthen my overall journey considerably, but I am out here to discover and explore. It is work that must be done by those of us who can stave off the space madness for long enough.

Once I leave this station it will be quite some time before I encounter humanity again. I will savour the hustle and bustle of the base for a short while longer before I depart.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current Location: Crescent Sector GW-W C1-8 (Medusa's Rock)

Upgraded and On my Way Again

It was nice to be back in the bubble for a short while. With my DBX upgraded I felt the galaxy calling me back out into deep space once again.

Using my new improved jump range I took the largest jumps I could for the first 1600Lys out of the bubble to Iris Vacations in the Iris Nebula, continuing my gradual tour of all the asteroid bases. After a quick stop at Iris Vacations I employed a few big jumps to take me further above the galactic plane, beginning to come across unexplored systems as I climbed. Once I felt happy with how far I'd gone 'upwards' I started to angle my route a little more, heading in the general direction of Medusas Rock in the Crescent sector. I plan to do a little tourism in that area before I begin the trek to IGAU Inverness in the Thraikoo PS-U E2-4

The unexplored systems I have come across so far have mostly been icy bodies and high metal content worlds, nothing overly exciting just yet, but I'm sure as I travel further from Sol the frequency of unexplored systems will only increase, particularly as my route plotting will be done in such a way as to hit as many unexplored systems as possible.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Plaa Eurk EL-H D11-2

Back in the Bubble

After a few more jumps and a couple more Notable Stellar Phenomena popping up, I found myself at last back in systems with other ships present in them. Jumping down to Big Pappa's base in Andhrimi, I docked up and sold off some of my exploration data. Once that was out the way I purchased a Diamondback Explorer and began kitting it out.

I chose Big Pappa's Base due to it being an asteriod base (I like being in and around the asteroid bases) and because it is reasonably positioned for various facilities in the bubble. There is a coriolis station closer to the star that has a wider variety of modules available so the system seems to have most of what I need. I think I shall make Andhrimi my home system.

Once I'd got the modules I wanted for the Diamondback, it was time to pop back out the bubble a short way in search of meta alloys. I had heard that the engineer Felicity Farseer works with pilots if they offer this material to her first.

Finding a meta alloy took me to a Thargoid barnacle forest, which was a strange sight, having never seen anything Thargoid related before. After a bit of mining I managed to acquire what I was after. A quick few jumps back and one slightly hair raising experience avoiding interdiction by a pirate saw be in the Deciat system heading towards Farseer Inc. My information was sound and Felicity Farseer did indeed become amiable towards be after I offered the alloy. I had enough other materials with me to upgrade my FSD once and upgrade my scanners, but more work will be required to upgrade my modules further.

It shouldn't be too long before I have my FSD fully upgraded, after which I will start planning my next expedition and the test run for the Diamondback.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current Location: Deciat

Change of Plans and new Discoveries

I spent some time plotting and following a route to bring me as high above the galactic plane as I could go. However, once up there I found myself unable to plot a route to take me in the general direction of the Flaming Star Nebula, which was where I had decided to go. My jump range is currently too short to run a route that far above the plane and I was left with no choice but to devise another plan.

I had to backtrack a number of jumps before the star density started to get close enough again. At that point I made the decision to begin heading straight back to the bubble. I need improve my exploration loadout if I want to achieve the things I want to, so it seems best to head back and see if I can strike up amiable relations with any engineers who will be able to provide me with the means to improve my jump range and reeduce my ship mass.

Because my primary goal at present is simply to get back to the bubble I had been focusing on jumping and scanning systems with the FSS, avoiding stopping for surface scans even for waterworlds, however, I was delayed for a time by a sight I had never previously witnessed.

Upon jumping into and scanning one system, I located a Notable Stellar Phenomena. This strange collection of spikey objects were sat amongst the rings of a gas giant supporting water based life and I did take the time to fly out to it and observe it properly. Not 3 jumps after this system I came to a system that contained two of these stellar phenomena. These ones were drifting alone in the black between the planets and weren't as visually striking as the first one I'd come across, but interesting nonetheless.

Now I continue onward. I still have some travelling to do before I reach the edge of the bubble.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Wredguia QY-R D4-5

Heading 'Up'

Checking in at the Gorgon Research Facility was good. It was my second time visiting as I had stopped there on my way out towards the bubble nebula previously.

Despite the short break I have not settled on an exact plan yet. Gorgon does not have a shipyard so there was no opportunity to acquire any new parts, although my current set up should be sufficient for my present needs. My credits aren't going anywhere while I'm out here so there's definitely no rush, but heading back to the bubble might be sensible anyway.

At present, I am plotting a route up above the galactic plane, the aim being to get high enough that if I then plot a course back towards the bubble while remaining high above the plane, I should hopefully encounter a good number of unexplored systems. I may use some of my exploration data to boost my rep with an engineer or two and ponder on whether I want to start tinkering with my ship in that regard.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Outorst SW-H C24-1

Safe and Sound, For Now

I settled on The Gorgon Research Facility to stop in and collect my thoughts. It was the closest station to me and with it being in the NGC 7822 Nebula I knew the approach would be beautiful.

A number of my pages of exploration data have been handed in and my finances are now looking very healthy. A trip back into the bubble to see about some upgrades may well be in order, but I will allow myself some time here to ponder on the next best step.

In terms of long term goals I've settled on heading towards the Perseus Crags as my next real strike out into deep space. My current ship loadout should manage the journey fine so the option to just remain out here is viable. I have no strong desire to head into the bubble other than to locate ship parts.

For now, I shall get some rest.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: The Gorgon Research Facility


I do not know how long I slept, or why. I awoke, far out among the stars, far away from home, from other life. I do not remember sleeping, but it seems that some kind of deep and uninterrupted rest overcame me for a great deal of time.

There is no use in puzzling over such things, I must refamiliarise myself with my ship and chart a new course. I remember I was on my way back to the bubble after an expedition to visit a number of nebula, but my slumber has left me in no rush to get back. Instead my plan is to head back towards NGC 7822 and dock at the Gorgon Research Facility to hand in the exploration data I have from my pre-sleep travels. After that I will decide if I am able to apply any improvements to my ship. This will decide whether I need to head back in towards civilisation. If I can obtain the parts I need outside the bubble then I will do so. If not, then a shopping trip into the bubble may be needed before my next expedition is set in stone.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current location: Hegeia SZ-G D10-24.

Elephants Trunk and the Bubble Nebula

I have been wandering much further than I had previously. I reached Elephants trunk without issue and spent a little time there before being drawn onwards by my curiosity. I had heard of the Bubble Nebula and its strange appearance, so I decided I had to head out there.

I planned my route in such a way that nearly all the systems I travelled through were unexplored. Numerous undiscovered water worlds have dotted my journey but so far no Earth likes. Various beautiful gas giants and generally glorious views of approaching and receding nebula have filled my skies. Travelling out here alone is becoming quite lonely, but I am revelling in the wonder of the galaxy for the time being and being distracted from the lack of other contact. Crossing the area of space between two galactic arms for the first time felt like a milestone in my still very young exploration career.

The Bubble Nebula did not disappoint. A bizarre sight indeed, a peculiar, vast purple gem hanging in space. I spent a while just resting with it in my view. After taking in my fill of the view it seemed I should plan my next destination.

At present, I am about 440LYs out from the NGC 281 nebula. I suspect it is not a popular destination, but my route is bringing me through plenty of unexplored systems and it continues to give me a strange sense of accomplishment as I travel through space that no others have travelled through.

CMDR Kyras Kilfoyle

Current Location: Phroea Eaec PN-R d5-16 9

Amongst the Shining Stars

I made my way to the NGC 7822 Nebula and got myself docked at the Gorgon Research Facility for some respite. I am gradually getting used to these longer journeys but the presence of the asteroid stations in some of these Nebulas is something I am very thankful for at present. I imagine I'll be stopping off at Gorgon again before I leave.

The exploration of the Nebula has begun. So far I have been meandering my way through the large number of O type stars in this Nebula and experiencing the also rather large volume of black holes that also appears to be here. I remain extremely happy that I chose to make my way towards these tantalizing lights. The Nebula is absolutely stunning both upon the approach and once inside. I'll be spending a while in here.

After I've spent some time wandering through this Nebula I think I'll work my way across to Elephants Trunk, although I haven't planned anything solidly for the moment.

CMDR Kyras KilFoyle

Current Location: S171 8