Профіль пілоту Saberwolve > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
(Asp Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
23 бер. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
7 477
Першовідкривач систем:
4 301
Sacaqawea Space Port

Commander's Log - 3305-05-08:

I am about halfway to Colonia from the Bubble, and since I was in the neighborhood, I decided to revisit Sacaqawea Space Port to sell off some of the discoveries that I came across on my journey so far. It was quite profitable as I sold off around 30 million credits worth of information after being the first to discover a pair of ammonia worlds, a pair of water worlds, a pair of white dwarfs (Prua Phoe OG-Y d1, Prua Phoe OG-Y d13), and three neutron stars (Prua Phoe TX-U d2-17, Prua Phoe PG-Y d17, Prua Phoe OG-Y d17).

Landing on the moon of a ringed planet

Interesting vents on a moon

Rings of a planet viewed from the surface



Ammonia Gas Giant

Ammonia World

Neutron Star

Neutron Star

Ammonia World

Water World

Neutron Star

Sacaqawea Space Port

Fly safe!

End Log.

The galaxy beckons again...

Commander's Log - 3305-04-19:

After a number of months away on a vacation, I stayed around the Bubble and explored a number of guardian sites to bring the necessary components to update my ships with guardian power plants and guardian power distributors.

Asp Explorer and SRV

Asp Explorer

Guardian Site

Thankfully, the search didn't take too long and I made my way back to home in the Quikil system. I decided to give the new power plants and distributors a whirl in the Chieftain and the Krait Mk2. Things went well for the most part, taking down a number of Wanted criminals in Hazardous Extraction Zones.


But all that was just a minor diversion before the call to go exploring came back. So I loaded up the necessary provisions for the long trek back out to Colonia. Spent a little bit of time in the repair docks going over every single system and squeezing out as much jump capability out of Voyager, my trusty DBX that has taken me to Beagle Point and back once before. I managed to get her up to a 65.55 light year jump range when fully laden.

Once everything was packed, I made one final stop over Elvira Martuuk in Khun to have her confirm that my work would get me safely to Colonia.

Long Sight Base

Saying good-bye to civilization one last time

And we're off

With Martuuk signing off on the work, I closed up the hatch, and began flight checks for the journey. I took one last look around on the launchpad before undocking and heading off on another adventure.

Fly safe out there.

End Log.


Commander's Log - January 24, 3305:

With my ship back in working order, I set out on a round about way to finally visit the Zurara. It was definitely creepy to listen to logs that contained the fate of her crew.




After paying my respects to the spirits of the crew, I plotted a course to retrace my steps back toward a Wolf-Rayet star that I encountered, and the plan is then to head for home with all this new data that I have collected.

End Log.


Commander's Log - January 23, 3305:

After exploring an abandoned settlement I came across in Eafots LZ-H b10-0 system, I continued to set off toward the rim when I encountered some weird shipboard issue where some on-board software called "Windoze" developed problems and my ship just powered down. Now, here I am in the Formidine Rift, trying to figure out how to get my ship moving again. Thank the gods that life support remains functional.

Abandoned Settlement

Exploring the settlement

Exploring the settlement some more

End Log.

Commander's Log: Supplemental.

After fiddling with the ship's computer systems for a few hours late into the evening, the system finally powered back up without any issues. I had to re-teach the system my preferred layout to run key systems, but we should be good to go soon with heading further into the Formidine Rift!

End Log.

The Formidine Rift

Commander's Log - January 20, 3305:

So, I apparently can't sit still in one place for too long before heading out from the bubble. I loaded up the ole trusty Diamondback Explorer, enhanced the thrusters a bit at Farseer Inc, and then headed out for the Formidine Rift.

I wasn't even 1000 light years out from the bubble before I encountered a Notable Stellar Phenomenon in Synuefai VD-D b18-0 that hadn't been discovered before.

Notable Stellar Phenomenon

More Stellar Phenomenon

However, the excitement was short lived as I continued on my way between the Heart and Soul Nebulae and eventually landed in a system that had 2 communications satellites that no longer appear to be functioning.

Heart & Soul Nebulae

Random comm satellite

Until next time, stay safe out there commanders!

End Log.

Elite Status:

Commander's Log - December 29, 3304:

After pushing most of the day, I made it to Sacaqawea Space Port and docked for repairs and to unload a bunch of data on water worlds and ammonia worlds that I had come across. In selling all this data, I finally made it to Elite Status in Exploration. Huzzah!

Elite Status!

On the way there, I was greeted by the beautiful sight of the Nebula as I made my way there.

Nebula Approach

Sacaqawea Space Port

End Log.

Hard Landing:

Commander's Log - December 28, 3304:

Note to self: Don't come in hot for a landing on a planet with a gravity rating of 0.96g. I'm lucky that my shields took the brunt of the hit, but I'm down to 66% hull.

I've decided to head for home (~24000 light years to go until Quikil!), but with that kind of damage, I'm debating on heading back to the Colonia region to repair. It means extending my flight home, but it would mean a fully repaired hull.

Stupid landing aside, I found a few water worlds and a few ammonia worlds on my journey. Sometimes it helps to divert from the standard travel lanes!

Stay safe out there Commanders!

Supplemental Log: After looking at some star charts, I'm going to make my way to Sacaqawea Space Port. This way, I'm still making progress toward home, and can make repairs at a way station on the route between the bubble and Colonia.

End Log.

Colonia Region:

Commander's Log - December 16 3304:

Ah, it feels good to be back in the saddle again. Having hopped into my trusty DBX, I set out for the Colonia region one more time. It took a bit of time, but I was able to try out the new upgrades pushed to my ship for exploration and I am grateful for the less time it takes to scan through a system.

I did find a nice planet on the system that had some geysers surrounded by crystal growths. I was able to stock up on some pretty rare elements while there and enjoyed a welcome change of scenery while traveling.

On approach


However, my stay was short and I made my final push into Colonia's Jaques station once more where I gave the ole girl a fresh coat of paint, and re-purchased a Dolphin to earn a little bit of extra money shuttling passengers about before heading back out into the black.

Final pushes into Colonia Region

Jaques Station at last!

New coat of paint

End log.

Guardian blueprints:

Commander's Log - September 19, 3304

Things, thankfully, have been fairly uneventful. After doing a little bit of bounty hunting in Munshin with my new Federal Gunship, the Persephone (taking the name of the Krait I sold), and her new fighters, I decided that it was time to put in the effort to provide the necessary components for a guardian technology broker to unlock all the amazing guardian tech that's out there. So I loaded up my new Asp Explorer (also named after previously owned ship) and headed out to a few known guardian sites. So far, I've unlocked the FSD booster and a small plasma cannon, and was impressed by their capabilities and I decided that I need more of them in my life. I just wish the Epsilon data wasn't so difficult to locate.

On patrol for scofflaws

Taking the new fighter for a spin

Guardian sites

More Guardian Sites:

Commander's Log - September 2, 3304:

After finishing up some upgrades to the new Liandra, I've begun channeling my inner "Indiana Jones" by going and visiting a number of guardian sites and ruins so that I can craft a new guardian hybrid fighter to go with the Basilisk. My hope is to also be able to craft some additional guardian components to make my warships a bit more versatile when it comes to combat against higher skilled pilots.

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And my statement still stands...those guardian sites and ruins are creeeeeeepy.

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