Профіль пілоту Gankhuu > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Constantine [WTF-81]
(Federal Corvette)
Зареєстровано з:
20 лип. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
6 069
Першовідкривач систем:
183 110 182 Кр
Almost there

Having just acquired multiple high value materials for engineering my many ships, the signal came in on the Mission Board of the FuelRats! The details panned out that a commander was stranded over 60,000 Ly from the Bubble. Fuel wasn't the issue though. This commander had made the mistake of using their last reserve of jumponium to get into a system that also required jumponium to get out again. On top of that, the commander did not have an SRV aboard to fetch more. Thank the stars, the system they jumped to had the materials they lacked on two different bodies!

I suited up. Equipped Anabelle with the modules I felt I would need, including: an SRV, Fuel Limpet Controller, and a Repair Limpet Controller. I took off without delay within the hour. My intended route showed 384 jumps to reach the stranded commander. Only problem was I had forgot something... My Guardian Frameshit Booster! Drat..... 1,000 Ly in and I didn't want to turn around to get it.... so I deviated. I set Jaque's as my first stop. Within a few hours I had reached Colonia and gotten my booster and off again I flew!

The other rat assigned to this rescue left later than I did from the Bubble, but had a mishap with their ship and it was destroyed, setting them back as well. Regardless, the two of us pressed on! After about 10 hours of flight, I had only ~8,800 Ly behind the other rat. I reached the end of my Nuetron Highway route and decided to pick up the next day for the final rescue with only ~760 Ly to finish in The Abyss.

The following afternoon I had followed the same route manually picked out by the other rat to reach the stranded commander to assist with collecting the needed germanium and polonium materials. The last challenge was how the stranded commander could 'scoop' the materials mined by myself or the other rat. It proved to be a frustrating 2-3 hours while many attempts spent resulted in the materials expiring before they could scrape low enough at the right angle with an anaconda to gather what they needed.

We persevered. At long last the commander was able to get just enough for 5-6 jumps. We only needed two and we parted ways with the grateful commander at the entrance to the Neutron Highway. Technically the other fuel rat got the 'first limpet' of the rescue, but I still felt it was worthy of my time and effort!

Now, it's a long lonely trip back to the Bubble where I hope to, again, continue in the never ending race to fuel and assist stranded commanders as a Fuel Rat!

o7 Commanders!