Профіль пілоту payperheirplain > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Barbapiccola [PDES]
(Type-9 Heavy)
Зареєстровано з:
16 січ. 2019
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
4 831
Першовідкривач систем:
2 402
Star Date 06-10-3305

Having finally pulled in enough ore to be called an elite trader I've set my sights on a new goal. I've realized a dream I've had for many years and purchased a Beluga liner brand new. I had it painted in a beautiful gold, blue, and white scheme and tuned the drives to emit a white glow to accent the beauty of the ship.

I've fit her with room for 16 luxury class and 16 business class passengers. I've also kept on my crew mate to fly escort when needed in a GU-97 painted to match. On top of all of this we've fitted the ships hard points with the largest turreted multi cannons we could to allow for automated defenses. We also fit chaff launchers, heat sinks, and two cargo hatch mounted PDCs to help defend our passengers on our voyages.

Our goal is to be better than the top 1% you always hear about. No unforseen delays making our passengers need to wait in system longer than necessary. No facilities going offline for the duration of the flight. We will fix what is wrong with the current luxury cruise line industry!

After a few test flights I've realized the rumors of the ship being difficult to fly were not true at all. It is a breeze to get it in and out of the station and it turns quite nicely. Now to apply for a company charter to be allowed to carry luxury passengers on their journeys! With our 40+ LY jump range any long distance haul should be within reach.

Star Date 06-08-3305

The bubble still burns. Every week we find more Thargoids making incursions into systems. The Eagle Eye system isn't perfect and sadly the defense forces can't stop all the threats. So, I've joined forces with the Post Disaster Evacuation Service and fitted a Type-7 with as many cabins as possible.

We got word that a station had been attacked in the Tamit system. Flying out there I met up with commander Phil P and we found that Irens Dock was burning! Docking with the rescue mega ship just 5 Megameters away from the docks. We filled up with heat sinks and a collector limpet for our small cargo hold and made way for Irens. Upon arrival the massive Coriolis station was in extreme distress. There was corrosive blast from Thargoid attacks all over the surface and the station was burning. Flight control contacted us and advised us of the danger and asked if we could help.

Of course, this is what we came for. Our fellow people were trapped in this station and needed our help. Braving the flames my crew and I flew into the station and deployed our collector limpet while we hovered over our landing pad. I'm sure it felt like eons to those waiting for us on the docks, but we had an obligation to grab as many escape pods as possible on each run as well. The heat was extremely intense. We were burning through heat sinks left and right! There were massive chunks of debris floating around inside the station bumping into the hull and explosions pushing the ship around from the concussive blasts. Makes me glad we thought to fit our shields even if they were barely strong enough to survive being scraped.

With our limpet retired and 4 escape pods in our small cargo hold we made for landing. Upon arrival we were greeted by a literal mob of refugees seeking passage. It was terrible having to tell so many to wait for our return, but with the help of station security we were able to maintain order and fill our ship with as many passengers as possible. Certainly, the most thrilling flight of their life in that short 5-minute journey from the station to the mega ship. So many of them were scared and begging us to move faster, and I'm sure many were terrified when the heat warning alarm was going off as we launched. Luckily, we planned and had plenty of heat sinks to purge our coolant once we cleared the pad. Why the station security still insisted we didn't dump our coolant on the landing pad is beyond me, but out of respect for their sacrifice of staying behind we did as they wished and suffered the minor internal module damage to prevent them from needing to clean their pads off.

Over the course of several hours the Weeping Somnambulist was able to pull out just over 1000 people from the station. Unfortunately, we were called back to port after that to assist the Sagittarius Eye delivering cargo for their new station build. Boarding our Type 9 we were able to haul just over 6000 tons of cobalt for the station build effort. This is the life of a volunteer rescue pilot. To afford the ship repairs we must also answer the call for our regular jobs.

Don't fret though, we didn't leave those people to their doom! We were replaced by another flight of commanders coming in for their shift rescuing folks. It is a round the clock effort to pull as many people as possible off the station after all. We simply needed to return our ships to dock for some much-needed maintenance after that extreme environment or else we too may be stranded on the station awaiting rescue!

Star Date 05-31-3305

Met up with commander Helios Maximus and Double Eagle tonight. We were looking to train Double Eagle on how core mining worked. As always we ran into plenty of rocks that looked like they should have been core rocks but they were not. I hate those rocks. Those are the ones I wish I could blow up even though there isn't a core there. We did wind up making pretty good money even thought we weren't selling at top dollar for the Void Opals and LTDs we found. Also skimmed up a bit of Alexandrite and Bromelite just because it was out there. Overall I believe I net a little over 82 million credits. That pushes me just past the billion credit mark in total for the first time. Should probably head back towards the bubble at some point. I've got some notes and intel on a few engineers out that way that can help make this ship a little more effective. Hell I might even store this one and buy something shiny and new since I have the credits. Distant Worlds 2 was kind to us all in the credits department. Hope the folks over at Universal Cartographics are happy with all that data the fleet brought back about what is out there in the black. I'll be headed in to support the Apollo 11 Anniversary mission starting next month as well. Gotta represent the 12th Fleet and the Hull Seals.