Профіль пілоту BlackEternity > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Daedalus [BC-304]
Зареєстровано з:
2 лют. 2019
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
4 116
Першовідкривач систем:
2 004
Beagle Point!

Commanders Log - Stardate May, 5th, 3305

We did it! We reached Beagle Point in one piece and landed successfully!

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  • The Seldowitch Nebula - GalMap Ref: Thuecheae WR-H D11-54
  • Fly Trap Nebula - GalMap Ref: Pyrivo HW-V e2-8
  • Lone Star - GalMap Ref: Chua Eop ZC-T c20-0
  • Thomaski Point Memorial - GalMap Ref: Slaiyooe OX-L d7-0
  • Grand Rings - GalMap Ref: Cheae Euq ER-L c21-0

Just one final jump and we will have reached our destination of this journey! enter image description here

Touchdown! Together with friends I reached Beagle Point. This was one hell of a journey! enter image description here

Obviously we had to mess around on Beagle Point and just have some fun. This was one hell of a journey. enter image description here

After getting some rest, we will continue our journey back to the bubble and will reach home safe and sound.

Final stretch

Commanders Log - Stardate April, 11th, 3305

The final destination is in arms reach and in short time we will reach Beagle Point. The last Waypoint between us and our glorious destination brings us along these waypoints:

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Because the optional Resting-Spots have high-gravity warnings and we heard some news of numerous accidents of other commanders, we decided to just push through. enter image description here

Scuffed up

Commanders Log - Stardate April, 5th, 3305

Racing across the galaxy surely has to leave some marks. This weeks Journey was a zig-zag through blocked areas of the galaxy that we were not allowed to travel without the proper permit.

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  • The Zinnia Haze - GalMap Ref: Hypuae Briae LC-U e3-152
  • Hydrangea Nebula - GalMap Ref: Hyuqeae MT-Q e5-4335
  • Magnus Nebula - GalMap Ref: Hypuae Briae YQ-Z c28-339
  • Neighbouring Necklaces - GalMap Ref: Vegnoae BK-R d4-1105

Severe Hull and Paint-damage across the ship. Traversing the whole galaxy has to leave some marks. enter image description here

Together we still stand strong and great friendship is always nice to have when traversing the cold and silent galaxy. enter image description here

Twin-Halos around giant planets.

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Moonrise on our final waypoint for this weeks journey. enter image description here

Pushing onward

Commanders Log - Stardate March, 29th, 3305

This week we pushed further into the unknown and needed to make some progress.

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This weeks journey:

  • Iris' Missive - GalMap Ref: Lasoae BF-A f810
  • Blue Rhapsody Nebula - GalMap Ref: Lyaisua SJ-Z e7708
  • Forgotten Twins Nebula - GalMap Ref: Brairee KD-S e4-2776
  • Dances with Giants - GalMap Ref: Hypoe Bluae VP-O e6-8688

A Planet-Rise (?) looks amazing. Twin-Giants dancing around each other. enter image description here

A Beautiful Neutron Star that just had to be made into a nice wallpaper. enter image description here

A Belly-Shot is not often done but it just shows the beauty of the Anaconda. enter image description here

Starry Darkness across a black hole.

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Beyond the Point of no Return

Commanders Log - Stardate March, 22nd, 3305

Now that we crossed the center of the Galaxy, we left the Point of no return behind us. From this point onward, we would have to declare total failure if we did not reach Beagle Point and additionally, we headed into uncharted regions where no basecamps and landing-sites are present.

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This weeks Waypoints were as follows:

  • Phua Aub Nebula Cluster;
  • Crown Of Ice - GalMap Ref: Phipoea WK-E d12-1374
  • Silver Highway - GalMap Ref: Phipoea HJ-D c27-5254
  • Dark Eye Nebula - GalMap Ref: Rothaei SI-B e2047
  • Braisio Juliet Nebula Cluster – GalMap Ref: Braisio FR-V e2-293
  • Breakthrough Echoes - GalMap Ref: Rhuedgie KN-T e3-721

Crazy Cluster of Neutron Stars. A bad place to get trapped into - Better to keep our distance and admire this beautiful sight from a safe spot. enter image description here

Racing through some asteroid-belts and encountering interstellar phenomena. enter image description here

A Pink nebula with crazy lighting-storms and interstellar phenomena? Yep - found it! enter image description here

On top of the galaxy. The highest point that is reachable with the trusty Anaconda. enter image description here

A star-y night with some ground under the feet - or wheels? enter image description here

To the center of the Galaxy

Commanders Log - Stardate March, 1st, 3305

The new Waypoint took as straight into the Eye of the Galaxy!

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Heading for Sagittarius A*, we encountered these Waypoints:

  • Shrogaei Nebula Cluster - GalMap Ref: Shrogaei FH-U e3-1421
  • Galionas - GalMap Ref: Hypoe Flyi HW-W e1-7966
  • Caeruleum Luna “Mysturji Crater” - GalMap Ref: HYPOE FLYI HX-T E3-295
  • Great Annihilator - GalMap Ref: Great Annihilator
  • Zunuae Nebula - GalMap Ref: Zunuae HL-Y e6903 (view from Zunuae TC-V D2-5699)
  • Wulfric - GalMap Ref: Byoomao MI-S e4-5423 (view from Byoomao WX-T C19-4546)
  • Sagittarius A - GalMap Ref: Sagittarius A

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Behold the Eternal Eye - The Center of the Galaxy! enter image description here

We obviously had to mess around with the Billboards to make them a bit more... three dimensional. enter image description here

Into the Unknown

Commanders Log - Stardate February 22nd, 3305

After re-uniting with Commander oNeill, we headed off to the new waypoint that was recently announced and pushed through unknown sectors. The following Waypoints were marked:

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  • Gagarin Gate - GalMap Ref: Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31
  • Amaethon Nebula (and the Polonium Fields) - GalMap Ref: Floalt GO-G d11-9
  • Death Spiral - GalMap Ref: Blaa Phoe NC-D d12-230
  • Michell's Legacy - GalMap Ref: Boewnst AA-A h33
  • Clockwork Rings - GalMap Ref: Byaa Ain QA-J c11-144
  • Crayfish Nebula - GalMap Ref: Byaa Ain XK-R c7-65

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Finishing the Waypoint

Commanders Log - Stardate February 16th, 3305

Commander Emchen and I finally arrived at Clooku EW-Y C3-197. Our journey took us through some amazing looking systems and we finally reunited with Commander oNeill on our final waypoint for this week.

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The Journey continues

Commanders Log - Stardate February 7th, 3305

The new Waypoint has been anounced and Commander Emchen and I set off once again to conquer the unknown darkness. Due to the ongoing sickness, we decided to keep commander oNeill clear of any risk of infection and thus, headed towards our first notable points across the route.

Our Journey this week shall bring us along the following route:

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  • Skaude AL-X e1-28 ("Rusty Net Nebula")
  • Skaude AA-A h294 ("Collection of Wonders")
  • Skaudai AM-B d14-138 (Skaudai Guardian Ruins)
  • Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port on planet 1 A)
  • Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 ("Spear Thistle Nebula")
  • Prua Phoe TK-M d8-361 ("Octopus Nebula")

We visited the Rusty Net Nebula and were amazed by the colors and depth of this tiny looking nebula. After that we set off to the "Collection of Wonders". We were excited to see a Ringed Star for our very first time. It's a beautiful sight for sure. enter image description here

After that I HAD to visit the ringed Neutron Star in the same system. I was excited to see that and took my time to scout the location. enter image description here

After a short rest and just enjoying the beautiful wonders that Space has to offer, we set off to Skaudai to visit some ancient Guardian Ruins. On our way to the locations, we found another Notable Star Phenomena and plotted a detour to that location. We discovered two new Crystal-Structures and found another one of these Bacterial-Lifeforms floating around our ships. This time we got closer and managed to scan them and see them in a better light. enter image description here

After that we looked around the crystal-structures. enter image description here

Our final destination for this trip was Sacaqawea Space Port where we docked and refilled our missing items like Heat Sinks and Ammo. On top of that I repaired my Ship because I had an ungraceful dropout from Supercruise while heading towards one of the ring-planets. The systems went haywire and did not stop in time so I got some hull and module damage. We will rest here in order to have enough energy in our bodies to jump to the final destination of this waypoint: Clooku EW-Y c3-197 enter image description here

Medical Attention required

Commanders Log - Stardate February 2nd, 3305

Due to illness, commander oNeill had to leave The Arkgamanon Mountain Range without commander Emchen and Me. We stayed behind and cured my illness.

Because of this heavy loss in time, commander Emchen and I settled on flying a direct route to Eagle Nebula to make a short stop on Eagles Landing in order to stock up on repairs and sell valuable data.

On our journey to Eagle Nebula, we encountered two Notable Stellar Phenomena and headed off to research their origins.

After dropping from Supercruise, we saw massive Crystals, that we never saw before. enter image description here

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We even encountered a bacterial lifeform next to these crystals. It seemed to life off of these structures and was quite attracted to my ship. It bounced around the shields and showed behavior to follow me.

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Due to my ongoing illness, we departed soon from that mysterious place and after replenishing our ships on Eagle Nebula, we headed off to our final destination of Waypoint 3 on a direct route. Sadly, we had to skip all the notable sightseeing-points on our way but we bookmarked them and maybe will come back to them on our return trip.

Shortly before arriving on our destination for this Waypoint, we got the message from FleetComms, that rogue ships were spotted on the abandoned settlements. Thus, commander Emchen and I agreed on doing a flyby of the location and not landing there, due to our low shield strength.

We settled off to a beautiful chocolate-looking planet with black and brown rings.

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For our Next Waypoint, we will Re-unite with commander oNeill and continue our journey together as the trio.