Профіль пілоту Aegir Ebonwing > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Diamondback Explorer
Зареєстровано з:
1 груд. 2019
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
2 042
Першовідкривач систем:
993 351 792 Кр
1610 LY deeper into the Milky Way

CMRDs log. The journey goes on. So far everything is going well. CMDR Webbular got slightly too comfortable with one of the stars as we passed through and ended up with some minor damages on his ship. Luckily the AMFU unit was able to repair everything to pristine condition. We found a spectacular pair of plants that were orbiting each other what look to us as way too close. We were surprised they hadn't collided yet.

The black is lovely and we can't wait to continue deeper into the galaxy! Until next time.

Enjoying the view of the twin planets

Travel to the Core

Getting ready to head into the black

This day marks the start of our journey to the Core of our galaxy. CMDR Count Webbular and CMDR Aegir Ebonwing are taking on the challenge of together traveling to Sagittarius A*. Much long preparation have led to this day, this monumental moment of history.

Visiting HIP 84931 1

The first coffee break was taken basking in the bright light of HIP 84931, while cruising between the non-toxic geysers. No accidents so far!