绘制银河系星图 > 路径 > Outer Arms Rift to Colonia

Route to go from the outer western regions of the galaxy to Colonia. POIs are mostly planetary nebulae.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Eos Brai KR-W e1-4 (Osprey Stellar Remnant) -30002.125 / 171.3125 / 30002.78125
#2 Dryu Chraea FH-D d12-49 (Maledictus Luna) -23799.71875 / 71.125 / 29480.125 6,225.19 Ly
#3 Shaulue GA-A e20 (Blue Lantern Nebula) -22005.03125 / 22.28125 / 28508.625 2,041.35 Ly
#4 Juemeou GN-S e4-18 (Odysseus's Rest) -19204.5 / -154.5625 / 26659.84375 3,360.39 Ly
#5 Wembeau KM-V e2-12 (The Other Eye of Sauron) -16947.1875 / -529.65625 / 23808.46875 3,656.02 Ly
#6 Hypua Flyoae WU-X e1-4448 (Yin Yang Nebula) -12488.0625 / -79.78125 / 22391.21875 4,700.51 Ly
#7 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 4,013.64 Ly