绘制银河系星图 > 路径 > Kurt Dannar - POI route

A route through all the POI on the EDSM (https://www.edsm.net/en/poi-visitors-list) + Colonia Start from Shinrarta Dezhra, then several POI to the center of the Galaxy and ones at the north side. Then long run to the Colony. After some rest heading south to the remaining POI and back to Shinrarta. The whole route distance is 165151.01 Ly.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Shinrarta Dezhra 55.71875 / 17.59375 / 27.15625
#2 Thor's Eye -439.84375 / -86.625 / 4205.15625 4,208.58 Ly
#3 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 18,808.91 Ly
#4 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 2,921.48 Ly
#5 Rendezvous Point 6026.09375 / -5.0625 / 42547.59375 17,696.16 Ly
#6 Iorant FR-C c26-0 (The 'Treehouse) -420.125 / -23.28125 / 65338.59375 23,685.10 Ly
#7 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75 703.66 Ly
#8 Oevasy SG-Y d0 (Semotus Beacon & Salomé's Reach) -1502.15625 / -2.625 / 65630.15625 547.52 Ly
#9 Myeia Thaa ZE-R d4-0 (Podar) -2203.84375 / -5.78125 / 64691.65625 1,171.82 Ly
#10 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 45,486.59 Ly
#11 Phae Phlai AA-A h0 (Explorer's End) -18735.53125 / 350.3125 / -7077.40625 28,445.63 Ly
#12 Syreadiae JX-F c0 (Zurara) -9529.4375 / -64.5 / -7428.4375 9,222.12 Ly
#13 IC 1805 Sector DQ-Y e3 (Altera's Eye / IC 1805) -4337.375 / 12.3125 / -4425.40625 5,998.47 Ly
#14 Shinrarta Dezhra 55.71875 / 17.59375 / 27.15625 6,254.97 Ly