
  • 3301年7月13日
  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic states for a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    The following 10 of the 4446 minor factions are currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Noblemen of V774 Herculis

    • HDS 123 Services

    • Ross 754 Labour

    • People's Tun for Equality

    • LTT 15278 Gang

    • Cartel of Hajo

    • Awawar Liberty Party

    • Peche Purple Life Network

    • Orgelal Major Services

    • Namon Dominion

    When in boom the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have doubled effects on influence. It can also positively increase the minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they run out or some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    These 2 minor factions are suffering an economic bust:

    • Eotienses Silver Universal PLC

    • Jet Energy Industry

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • 3301年7月12日
  • The Birth of an Empire

    Continuing GalNet’s series about the defining moments in human history, famed historian Sima Kalhana talks about how the Empire came to be.


    The Empire has become such a dominant presence in human culture that it is easy to forget that for almost a century the heart of what was to become the Empire was just a single system. The Achenar system was first colonised in the middle of the 23rd century. It was founded by an expedition led by Marlin Duval, a wealthy woman who had grown disillusioned by the ever increasing rigidity of the Earth governments and stifling social conformity.

    Marlin Duval vowed to get as far from Earth as she could, and after a long and treacherous journey across what was then unexplored space, most of the convoy eventually reached the Achenar system.

    The system of Achenar was chosen for the outdoor world orbiting one of its gas giants, already capable of supporting human life, now known as Capitol. There was already life on the planet and though Duval didn’t know it at the time, one of the few known sentient species watched their landings.

    Back then, life was known to be plentiful throughout the galaxy, though it wasn’t appreciated how rare sentient life was. Before long the species was made extinct by the settlers, mainly through imported bateria. Much later, this extinction would later be used as a pretext for Federal intervention in the system.

    Under Marlin Duval the population lived under idealistic democratic rule with elected Senators representing the people. This changed dramatically after she died in a speeder crash. Her brother, Henson Duval, then assumed control and established the now familiar line of imperial succession. Some claim that he killed his sister to claim power, but this was never proved.

    For many years succession was restricted to the male line, and it was claimed various means were used to restrict royal births to only male children. This practice was later abandoned, and recent events at the heart of the Empire indicate that male succession may soon be broken.

    In 2324 Federal forces attempted to invade Achenar, with the pretext of causing the alien extinction, but also because of Achenar’s refusal to join the Federation. It was the conclusion of this war which resulted in the birth of the second of humanity’s great power blocs, and cemented Henson’s position as a powerful leader of his people.

  • Leaked Data Causes Concerns over Latest Imperial Technology

    News of technical documents posted anonymously via the shady dark network are spreading virally and causing widespread concern among Imperial Pilots. According to the documents some of the new Imperial modules that have been appearing recently are linked to research carried out by the discredited Professor Denzile Dex and doubts about their safety have been raised.

    Professor Dex has been missing for several years and it is widely believed that his sudden disappearance was connected to the 4EverYoung life-extension technology scandal. Allegations of shortcuts and the withholding of critical data were made following a spate of cases where users of the technology suffered various deforming and debilitating mutations. Dex vanished shortly before he was due to give evidence to the official inquiry investigating the allegations.

    According to the latest story, research seized from Professor Dex at the time of the 4EverYoung scandal formed the basis of the design for a number of the latest Imperial prototypes including the Imperial Hammer and the Prismatic Shield Generators. Anecdotal reports of side effects from the new technology have already begun surfacing and a number of concerned groups have called for an official statement from the Senate about the leak.

    One report claims that the harmonic adjustments in the design of the Prismatic Shield Generator can cause temporary cognitive impairment and even psychosis. Other reports link a form of high-level radiation emitted by the Imperial Hammer with increased rates of sterility and hormonal imbalances. One angry commentator even claimed it had caused him to develop female physical characteristics.

  • 3301年7月11日
  • Naval Academy Graduates join "Operation Davy Jones" in the Pegasi Sector

    Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the prestigious Naval Academy of Achenar, Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval announced her campaign to liberate the 5.6 billion Imperial citizens scattered throughout the Pegasi sector.

    "I wish to extend my personal congratulations for your commitment to personal excellence and to the Empire. As you begin your career in the Imperial Navy, I would draw your attention to a cause that has been neglected far too long. Nearly 6 billion Imperial Citizens are currently subject to the lawless Kumo Crew. An elite Imperial vanguard has engaged the forces of Archon Delaine in what we call "Operation Davy Jones." I invite all graduates who would uphold Imperial order to join the fleet and liberate the Pegasi sector. We will not abandon our people! We will bring these pirates to justice!"

    Cheers echoed through the auditorium as the Senator concluded her remarks. An astounding 73% of the 10,000 graduates joined the Imperial armada bound for the Pegasi sector.

  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week GalNat presents a short list of 10 of the 1723 minor factions currently expanding into new systems*.

    • Segontiaci Imperial Society

    • Barku Incorporated

    • Warinegana Crimson Society

    • Sitakapa Empire League

    • Ngalua Energy Services

    • Mileke General Group

    • Sibiljada Organisation

    • Barons of Sugag

    • Kwikumat Purple Dynamic Ltd

    • Leaders of HIP 43841

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 3301年7月10日
  • Breakthrough in Artefact Research?

    After meticulous and sometimes tedious investigation, scientists working under Dr Arcanonn have uncovered that the recently discovered "Unknown Artefacts" may have some basis in human technology.

    Audio studies of the objects show that they emit a distorted but audible signal matching the very long-established Earth signalling scheme morse code, through which the artefact broadcasts the identity of the nearest celestial body when released into free space.

    Speculation is rife as to what purpose the artefacts have - scanners, navigational aids, or Thargoid homing-beacons. All of which is considered more concerning now that it is understood that the artefacts appear to have knowledge of morse code, and thus potentially other human technologies, embedded within them.

    Dr Arcanonn's team have renewed their plea to the Federal Government to release any information they possess about the artefacts in order to assist with the continuing research.

  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission takes the latest GalNet data and lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy*.

    These are 10 of the 11,074 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • Erishiko Systems

    • Labour of Ugrashtrim

    • Nationals of Erishiko

    • Beta-1 Tucanae Power Network

    • Natural FAUST 68 Flag

    • FAUST 68 Jet Brothers

    • Nationals of Halai

    • Bureau of Ross 209

    • Arth Purple Organisation

    • 21 Draco Republic Party

    Civil wars take place between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets like starports. During civil wars only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    The following are 10 of the 2655 minor factions at war:

    • Tau Ceti Crimson Legal Solutions

    • Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star

    • Eranin Peoples Party

    • Asellus Primus Purple Crew

    • Mahomawi Industries

    • Leaders of Apinayimas

    • Dragons of LP 764-108

    • 9 Ceti Advanced Organisation

    • Justice Party of Maridal

    • LHS 3598 Transport Group

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict standard of living, wealth and security are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges then the war will end in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 3301年7月9日
  • Grand Sale of Slaves in Carns

    Following up on yesterday’s surprise announcement of changing economic policy in the Carns system, Deputy Communications Officer Ramon Lamor outlined further changes:

    “In the fine traditions of the Empire, our extraction facilities relied on the unyielding efforts of our imperial slave workforce. Their devoted service has been the foundation of our historical success. However, in these changing times we need a new skillset to drive the economy. Some of those slaves who possess the correct aptitude or skills are already being prepared for their new roles. For the majority, we are seeking new opportunities for them to continue showing their personal value.”

    He went on to explain that the authorities will finance a substantial discount for slaves sold at Humason Orbital. This discount will remain in place until all our imperial slaves have found new places to work.

  • Latest Powerplay Column

    Another week has passed, and the great and powerful of the galaxy continue to vie for power and influence. Who has prospered? Who has struggled? Read on to find out.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval continued to expand at a rapid pace despite the fact that having her forces stretched thin and has lost the systems of Nunus and Varka. With little actual enemy activity, it's this over-expansion that spells trouble for the Senator’s future plans.

    Aisling Duval continues to see huge levels of Commander support, and very little hostile action within her space. She continues to expand her influence at a staggering rate. However, in a first such failure to date, her supporters' attempt to expand into Sounti has been countered by Federal pilots.

    Zachary Hudson continues to see extremely heavy enemy activity in the systems under his control, although countered by strong fortification. Hudson has attempted to secure four more systems this week, located within his current territory or in uncontested space.

    Felicia Winters again had her pledged supporters successfully secure her sphere of influence in the despite massive incursions by hostile fleets. On the expansion front, Winters' results are more mixed, with Lambla and Carnoeck secured, but attempts to expand towards Imperial space firmly countered.

    Zemina Torval continues to see a lot of enemy opposition to her expansion, particularly in the areas bordering Federation space. As a result, three of her expansion attempts have failed. However, Zemina Torval's influence has spread to several other systems, and her borders are well-fortified.

    Denton Patreus is no longer in as dire straits as he was two cycles ago, having managed to secure and fortify most of his claimed space. His space continues to see significant hostile action, mainly in border systems. As a result, several of his expansion attempts have failed, although the Senator has managed to secure four new systems.

    Edmund Mahon continued to shore up and expand his power base this cycle. While Mahon has seen extremely high levels of hostile activity in the strategically placed Bonitou, outside forces have not managed to compromise the security of his systems or stop his ambitious expansion attempts.

    Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Gov is building a power-base in an area of inhabited space just as fine or better than Edmund Mahon's. While Akkadia and 39 Tauri, bordering the Federation, have seen high levels of hostile activity, overall this corporation continues to push its borders with little trouble.

    Archon Delaine, the leader of the Kumo Crew has been subject to an Imperial counter-offensive this cycle. While the attempts to undermine his systems have been resisted, the pirate conglomerate's growth has been stopped this week. An aggressive expansion attempt into Cuchua, in Patreus space, and another into Matlehi have both been firmly countered.

    Pranav Antal and his Utopia continue to have relatively modest political influence, slowly expanding in face of only minor enemy action and steadily shoring up the organisation's current borders. The exception is the Federation system of Ewah, where focused enemy response stopped the Utopian forces.

    CMDR Cadoc

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions around the galaxy pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections*.

    Here are 10 of the 1,737 minor factions are holding elections:

    • League of NLTT 34960 Nationalists

    • Dominion of NLTT 34960

    • Jodrell Network

    • Jodrell Creative Exchange

    • Dominion of Banda

    • Freedom Party of Banda

    • Nervi Bridge Exchange

    • FT Piscium Values Party

    • Lombi Focus

    • Chokota Future

    Elections occur when two minor factions are of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 3301年7月8日
  • Cosmic State and Emperor's Grace Develop Joint Technology Company

    It has been formally announced that an Agreement has been reached between Hammer Arms, biggest independent arms dealer with a seat in Hel, Home of Cosmic State and Emperor's Grace. This is the first ever such agreement made by the fiercely proud and independent Cosmic State with an Imperial faction. Grimnir Allvadderung, CEO of Hammer Arms, kindly invited Admiral Brennus of Emperor's Grace to an evening of carousing and competition. It is reported that vast quantities of mead was consumed by both delegations. This was later followed by an axe throwing contest between Grimnir Allvadderung and Vaarwen Mako Brennus, where Grimnir Allvadderung was declared the winner.

    As an esteemed friend and ally, Admiral Brennus was presented with a golden axe by Grimnir Allvadderung in what is believed to be proof of a growing friendship between the two leaders.

    On the small matter of the Agreement between Cosmic State and Emperor's Grace no information is being made available at this time other than to declare that Cosmic State and Emperor's Grace agree wholeheartedly in a joint venture regarding research and development of technology and weapons. A joint military exercise of Imperial Naval units and Cosmic State forces in the Hel system was also announced.

    Phantagor, Cosmic State

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report indicates some of the minor factions enduring significant health issues such as famine and outbreaks*.

    Outbreaks have been reported by the following minor factions:

    • LHS 115 Democrats

    Like famines, outbreaks cause a major disruption to the inhabitants’ standard of living. Resupply of medicines and related trade contracts are needed to end the outbreak. Due to the state of emergency combat missions and activities provide no effect on influence.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • United Imperial Offensive into Pegasi Sector

    Apathy toward the Kumo Crew’s activities on the fringes of Federation space was replaced by the full wrath of Senators Patreus and Lavigny-Duval as the Imperial system of Cuchua came under attack this week.

    A high ranking officer of Lavigny’s Legion offered the following words as the Legion deployed to assist Patreus’ forces in Cuchua:

    "We ask all who are loyal to Princess Arissa to join with us in bringing Imperial justice to these barbarians that think us weak like the Federation.”

    The call has been heeded by pilots in every major Imperial power.

    The expeditionary forces launched a two-pronged attack, spearheaded by the Velites Squadron of Lavigny’s Legion, targeting Kumo ships in Cuchua and Harma. The operations, code named “Charybdis” and “Davy Jones,” have led to the downing of hundreds of pirate vessels and dozens of Kumo Commanders. Imperial casualties have been minimal, but the fighting continues.

  • Ambitious Plans for Carns

    The leadership for Humason Orbital in the Carns system responded today to a report released earlier in the week, suggesting that the mining operations in the system would soon become uneconomical.

    Plans were revealed to upgrade the extraction and industrial facilities to support high tech operations. In the press briefing Ramon Lamor, Deputy Communications Officer, commented:

    “We should not see the closure of the mines as a problem, but as an opportunity for this system to become a greater player in the economy of the surrounding region. Our researchers have identified a gap in the high technology market that we can exploit.”

    He then outlined an extensive programme of acquisitions to provide the robotics needed for the new product lines, which would see both the extraction and industrial concerns replaced. When questioned about the effects of this change on existing businesses, he replied:

    “There will obviously be a number of changes with this global shift in focus. However, if we are to thrive in the future then these adjustments must be made. We will provide both financial and logistical support to corporations operating in Carns.”

    At the close of the briefing, he stated that the nature of the local workforce would also need to change and that further information would be revealed within the next few days.

  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT) the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period to assemble the latest data.

    Any pilots who operate for any of the powers should ensure that they deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time for their activities to be registered.

  • 3301年7月7日
  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems*.

    The following are 10 of the 390 minor factions are in lockdown:

    • Yupini Imperial Society

    • Ildaker Prison Colony

    • LHS 1852 Empire League

    • HIP 82032 Silver Society

    • Pirates of Sheela Na Gig

    • Green Party of LFT 926

    • Natural Contien Movement

    • Peckollerci Democrats

    • Conservatives of Comanga

    • Crowfor Vision Services

    Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system’s wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can reduce the lockdown period.

    These are 10 of the 824 minor factions are experiencing civil unrest:

    • Wong Guin Imperial Society

    • Freedom Party of LHS 3447

    • Irukama Mafia

    • Halbangaay Imperial Society

    • Ninabin Jet Advanced Inc

    • Ngarawe Empire Pact

    • Kalana Independents

    • Morommo Incorporated

    • Pirates of Luyten's Star

    • Synteini Industries

    Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Fuel Rat Rescue Operation Saves Millions of Credits

    "I was on my way back from deep space last week when I made a horrible mistake,” stated Commander Fionn Mac Cumhaill. “Running low on fuel, I found a nearby Red Dwarf and expected to fill my tanks but when I exited Frameshift I found myself staring down a T-Tauri with nothing but fumes in my tank. I’d failed to reset my target. That’s when I called the Fuel Rats."

    Commanders Beornfrið, Kerenn and Anuranium responded, locating the drifting Asp Explorer in the PRAEA EUQ SY-S B3-3 system just as its oxygen level dropped to 41 seconds of sustainable life support.

    "They saved my Asp and 12 million credits of exploration data" said Mac Cumhaill. "I owe them my Pilots Federation promotion to 'Pioneer'."

    The Fuel Rat’s dispatch service is in operation around the clock. When you’re out of fuel don’t hesitate. Make the call.

  • Memorandum of Understanding between citizens of Utopia and Sirius Corp

    In their convictions that their interests coincide with each other, Commanders following Simguru Pranav Antal and those in the employ of Sirius Gov have agreed a non-aggression pact. They recognise each other’s right to exist, and to co-exist in harmony and in peace. Their ships are free to travel within each other's space.

    All freelance Commanders wishing to sign the pact are welcomed in Lembava or Polevnic to do so and make sure that part of the galaxy will be more secure in the future.

    This agreement has been made to seek the benefit of both their independent territories as a whole, to promote trade between the two powers and ensure the continued existence of civilization devoted to future prosperity rather than past tradition or present comfort.

  • 3301年7月6日
  • Open Osmium Contract in Abres

    The governing authorities for Pangborn Dock in the Abres star system today released an open contract for a staggering quantity of Osmium.

    Osmium is a relatively rare transition metal with outstanding hardness and durability properties. It is often used in specialist alloys for starship construction and other heavy industry. While it is uncommon, analysts claim that there is ample supply in circulation for current civilian and military manufacturing requirements. This has led to speculation that a new player may emerge in ship construction or even that a covert build-up of military ships is being prepared.

    Dale Torrance, the Business Development Spokesperson for Pangborn Dock, refused to speculate on the rumours:

    “Osmium is a material used throughout industry. As the chosen partner in this venture, we are pleased to announce that there will be significant credit bonuses for the successful completion of this contract.”

    He then encouraged miners to investigate the contract for more information.

  • Aisling Supporters Pledge to Legion

    Independent Commanders in support of the People's Princess Aisling Duval have come together in recent weeks under Commander Andariel in the 'Thirteenth Legion'. One Commander reported:

    'I was tired of being interdicted every time I tried to run a crate of medicinal supplies in support of the Angels. I sold my cargo bays, fitted shield banks and upgraded my weapon system. Commander Andariel told me where to fight and how.'

    At least some Imperial nobility is supporting the pledge of Commander Andariel and others like him. Count Jeffrey Alexander Ryan of Ugain added, 'So many people want to support, few realise how to do it. Some want to trade, others run cargo specifically for my Princess. Some know how to fight, but until the Thirteenth was formed, few knew how to do it making each laser pulse count'.

    The Thirteenth Legion has built its base on Chona.